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Name: _______________________________________________________________Date: __________________________Block:___
1. The cell membrane is selectively permeable because
A. all particles can pass through it.
B. particles can quickly pass through it.
C. only certain particles can pass through it.
D. only nutrient molecules can pass through it.
Use the following diagram to answer question 2.
2. If a substance temporarily interferes with the function of the structure
labelled X, which of the following would occur?
A. The breakdown of worn-out cell organelles would stop.
B. There would be an increase in the production of mRNA.
C. The number of amino acid molecules entering the cell would decrease.
D. The active transport of water across the cell membrane would decrease
Use the following diagram to answer questions 3 and 4.
3. What is the function of the structure labelled X?
A. move cells
B. trap nutrient molecules
C. enable cellular recognition
D. increase the rate of diffusion
4. The molecule labelled Y contains
A. protein.
B. steroids.
C. glycerol.
D. amino acids.
Use the following diagram to answer question 5.
5. The fluid nature of the cell membrane is dependent on which labelled molecule?
A. W
B. X
C. Y
D. Z
6. What molecules act as carriers of glucose in the cell membrane?
A. proteins
B. nucleic acids
C. phospholipids
D. carbohydrates
Use the following diagram to answer question 7.
7. Give three functions of the structure.
• Maintains cell integrity.
• Catalyzes reactions on the cell surface.
• Forms tissues by joining to other cells (junctions).
• Regulates the exit and entrance of molecules out of and into the cell via pinocytosis /
phagocytosis / endocytosis.
• Regulates the exit and entrance of molecules out of and into the cell via exocytosis;
• Used in cell identification.
• Glycoproteins bring certain molecules in by pinocytosis.
• Provides receptor sites.
• Acts as a cell boundary—keeps the organelles within the cell. any three for 1 mark each
Mrs. N Gill
Biology 12
Name: _______________________________________________________________Date: __________________________Block:___
8. According to the fluid-mosaic membrane model, phospholipids
A. form a single layer.
B. have the consistency of light oil.
C. actively transport potassium ions.
D. are only found on the outer layer of the membrane.
9. Which molecules function as pores and carriers in a cell membrane?
A. lipids
B. proteins
C. nucleotides
D. carbohydrates
Use the following diagram to answer question 10.
10. a) Identify molecule X. (1 mark)
• phospholipid (1 mark)
b) Give one function of the molecules labelled Y. (1 mark)
• identifies the cell
• catalyzes a specific reaction
• shaped so specific molecules bind to it
• allows a specific ion or substance to enter or exit the cell
• carries material across the cell membrane during active
transport/ facilitated transport any one for 1 mark
11. Molecules in the cell membrane that function as receptors are
A. proteins.
B. glycerol.
C. cholesterol.
D. phospholipids.
12. The fluid-mosaic membrane model describes the membrane as having a
A. sheet of protein.
B. phospholipid bilayer.
C. sugar-phosphate backbone.
D. complementary base template.
13. Carrier molecules that bring materials into cells are
A. lipids.
B. proteins.
C. glycogen.
D. phospholipids.
14. Which type of molecules move sodium ions through the cell membrane?
A. proteins
B. cholesterol
C. phospholipids
D. carbohydrates
15. Describe four functions of proteins in the cell membrane. (4 marks)
• Channel proteins allow molecules to pass through the membrane freely.
• Carrier proteins allow specific molecules to pass through the membrane freely (1 mark) or actively (1 mark).
• Cell recognition proteins with attached carbohydrates identify cells to the immune system.
• Receptor proteins pass chemical signals across the cell membrane.
• Enzymatic proteins allow reactions to occur at the membrane.
any four for 1 mark each
Mrs. N Gill
Biology 12