Download Crown Lengthening Consent - High Plains Periodontics and Implant

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Patient: ________________________________________
Tooth/Teeth # ___________________________________
1. DIAGNOSIS: After a careful oral examination and study of my dental condition, Dr.
Everett h as advised me that I h ave a need to lengthen one or more teeth due to caries,
of tooth structure, or an excessive gummy smile.
2. RECOMMENDED TREATMENT: In order to treat this condition, the doctor h as
recommended my treatment include gum surgery. I u nderstand that sedation may b e
utilized and a local anesthetic will b e administered to me as part of the treatment. I
further u nderstand that antibiotics may b e u sed as part of my treatment.
Crown lengthening surgery will involve moving my gum tissue to a different position
exposing more of my natural tooth. The gum will b e reflected to see if there are any b one
irregularities and these may b e reshaped. Crown margins may b ecome visible and you
may choose to h ave the crowns replaced. For gummy smiles, the tissue will b e reshaped
to show more of your natural teeth. You may h ave crowns or veneers made to restore a
more natural smile. Dissolvable sutures will b e placed.
I f urther u nderstand that u nforeseen conditions may call f or modification or change f rom
the anticipated surgical plan. These may include, b ut are not limited to ( 1) extent of
caries, ( 2) amount of remaining tooth structure, ( 3) level of existing b one.
3. EXPECTED BENEFITS: Healthier tissue, exposure of tooth structure to f acilitate
restorative treatment, aesthetics, and tooth stability.
4. NECESSARY F OLLOW-­‐UP CARE AND SELF CARE: I u nderstand that it is
important f or me to continue to see my regular dentist. Existing restorative dentistry can
be an important f actor in the success or f ailure of gum surgery. From time to time, the
doctor may make recommendations f or the placement of restorations, the replacement or
modification of existing restorations, the removal of existing restorations. I u nderstand
that f ailure to f ollow such recommendations could lead to ill effects, which would
become my sole responsibility. I recognize that natural teeth and appliances should b e maintained daily in a clean,
hygienic manner. I will need to come f or appointments f ollowing my surgery so that my
healing may b e monitored and f or the doctor to evaluate and report on the outcome of
surgery u pon completion of h ealing. Smoking or alcohol intake may adversely affect
gum h ealing and may limit the successful outcome of my surgery. I know it is important
(1) to abide b y the specific prescriptions and instructions given b y the doctor and ( 2) to
see the doctor and my general dentist f or periodic examinations and preventive
treatment. Maintenance also may include adjustment of prosthetic appliances.
5. PRINCIPAL RISKS AND COMPLICATIONS: I u nderstand a small number of
patients do not respond successfully to gum surgery. Because each patient’s condition is
unique, long-­‐term success may not occur.
I u nderstand that complications may result f rom the gum surgery including post-­‐surgical
infection, b leeding, swelling and pain; f acial discoloration, transient b ut on occasion
permanent numbness of the jaw, lip, tongue, teeth, chin or gum; jaw joint injuries or
associated muscle spasm, transient, on occasion permanent; increased tooth looseness;
tooth sensitivity to h ot, cold sweet or acidic f oods; shrinkage of the gum u pon h ealing
resulting in elongation of some teeth and greater spaces b etween some teeth, cracking or
bruising of the corners of the mouth, restricted ability to open the mouth f or several days
or weeks; impact u pon speech; allergic reactions and accidental swallowing of f oreign
matter. The exact duration of complications cannot b e determined, and they may b e
There is no method that will accurately predict or evaluate h ow my gum and b one will
heal. I u nderstand there may b e a need f or a second procedure if the initial results are
satisfactory. This may b e due to u nforeseen reasons, accidents or trauma to the area, or
loss of b lood supply. In addition, the success of periodontal procedures can b e affected
by medical conditions, dietary and nutritional problems, smoking, alcohol consumption,
clenching and grinding teeth, inadequate oral h ygiene, and medications that I may b e
taking. To my knowledge, I h ave reported to the doctor any prior drug reactions,
allergies, diseases, symptoms, h abits, or conditions which might in any way relate to this
surgical/anesthetic procedure. I u nderstand that my diligence in providing the personal
daily care recommended b y the doctor and taking all prescribed medications are
important to the u ltimate success of the procedure.
6. ANESTHESIA: I u nderstand that, if I desire or if Dr. Everett advises, sedative drugs
may b e u sed to reduce my anxiety and discomfort b y making me relaxed and sleepy. Be
advised that this type of sedation, conscious sedation, is not general anesthesia. You will
be sedated but c onscious and may b e aware of your surroundings. These drugs may
reduce my ability to remember events occurring on the day of the operation. I
and agree that if sedative drugs are required b efore or during surgery, I w ill not drive
myself h ome f ollowing surgery, b ut will arrange to b e driven and accompanied h ome. I
agree not to operate a motor vehicle or h azardous machinery for at least 24 h ours
following surgery. The side effect of any intravenous infusion may include nausea and
vomiting and seen most frequently is phlebitis. This side effect occurs in 1 to 4 percent
of patients. Phlebitis is a raised, tender, h ard inflammatory response, which can h ave
onset from 24 h ours u p to two weeks after the procedure. The inflammation u sually
resolves with local application of warm, moist h eat, yet tenderness and a h ard lump may
be present f or u p to a year. Intravenous anesthesia is a serious medical procedure and
although considered safe, carries with it the risk of h eart irregularities, h eart attack,
stroke, b rain damage or death.
alternatives to surgery include ( 1) no treatment-­‐ with the expectation of possible
advancement of my condition, which may result in premature loss of teeth and/or an
impairment of my general h ealth.
8. NO W ARRANTY OF GUARANTEE: I h ereby acknowledge no guarantee, warranty or
assurance h as b een given to me that the proposed treatment should provide b enefit in
reducing the cause of my condition and should produce h ealing which will h elp me keep
my teeth. Due to individual patient differences, h owever, the doctor cannot predict
certainty of success. There is a risk of f ailure, relapse, additional treatment, or worsening
of my present condition, including the possible loss of certain teeth, despite the b est care.
9. PUBLICATION OF RECORDS: I authorize photos, slides, x-­‐rays or any other viewings of
my care and treatment during or after its completion to b e u sed f or the advancement of
dentistry and reimbursement purposes. My identity will not b e revealed to the general
public without my permission.
I h ave b een f ully informed of the nature of surgery, the procedure to b e u tilized, the risks
and b enefits of periodontal surgery, the alternative treatments available, and the
of follow-­‐up and self-­‐care. I h ave h ad an opportunity to ask any q uestions I may h ave in
connection with the treatment and to discuss my concerns with the doctor. After
thorough deliberation, I h ereby consent to the performance of periodontal surgery as
presented to me during consultation and in the treatment plan presentation as described
this document. I also consent to the performance of such additional of alternative
procedures as may b e deemed necessary in the b est judgment of the doctor.
______________________________________________________________________ ______________________
Signature – Patient,