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Chapter 16 study guide
When air reaches its dew point relative humidity is 100%
A nimbostratus cloud will likely bring rainy weather
Air masses with a symbol cT are warm and dry
A warm front forms when warm air moves over cold air and replaces it
An Occluded front would likely bring much precipitation
In a cyclone wind spiral toward the center
An Anticyclone is an area of high pressure
The most powerful storms on Earth are hurricanes
A tornado is dangerous because of its strong winds
The eye of a hurricane has warm, calm air and light winds
Tornados begin when winds move in two directions over a prairie, which make air in the middle spin
Isobars are used on a weather map to connect point of equal air pressure
Images of weather systems on television come from weather satellites
One of the dangerous parts of a hurricane is the storm surge
An increase in temperature increases airs ability to hold water vapor
When air masses move and meet, it causes changes in weather
A barometer is used to measure air pressure
Clouds are made of water droplets
A stationary front is formed by two weak air masses
A warm front produces hot, humid weather after a period of rain
Cold fronts can bring blizzards, or large amounts of snow with strong winds
A barometer measures air pressure
An anemometer measures wind speed
A wind sock is used to measure wind direction
Radar locates precipitation
A thermometer measures air temperature
Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air
Evaporation is the process by which liquid turns to water vapor
Anticyclones are areas of high pressure where air moves apart and sinks
Dew point is the temperature to which air must cool to be saturated
Condensation is the process by which water vapor turns to liquid
Cyclones are areas of low pressure where air masses meet and rise
A front is an area in which two types of air masses meet