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Global and Local Winds
Created by sfalwell
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Global and Local Winds
1. What causes
2. Why is the
equator hotter
than the poles?
3. What is a
4. How many
degrees latitude
to get a wind belt?
5. Local Winds =
1. Uneven heating of
the earth
2. Direct sunlight at the
equator, angled
sunlight spreads out
the energy
3. Warm air rises and
cold air sinks b/c
differences in density
and air pressure
4. 30
5. Convection currents
that affect a smaller
L27 Sea Breezes & Land Breezes
Set up Interactive Notebook
Top Half for Sea Breeze picture
Bottom Half for Land Breeze picture
Sea Breeze Picture will go here
Land Breeze Picture will go here
Animation of Land & Sea Breeze
Annotating Text Origin of Wind from NOAA
Questions for after annotating text
1. What is wind?
2. A wind vane measures_______________________________________.
3. An anemometer measures ___________________________________.
4. When air rises it _______, and when air sinks it ______. That is why
rising air can produce clouds and sinking air often produces fair weather.
5. Isobars are lines drawn on a map to indicate _____________________.
6. What is a pressure gradient?
7. Which direction does air move?
a) from high to low pressure
b) from low to high pressure
8. The ___________ ____________ refers to the way the Earth’s rotation
affects the direction wind flows.
9. Objects in the northern hemisphere turn to the ___________ and
objects in the southern hemisphere turn to the ___________.
10. Winds are said to be diverging from areas of high pressure and
converging in areas of low pressure. What does that mean?
11. Warm air can hold __________ (more or less?) water vapor than cold air.