Download THE HISTORY OF SOCIOLOGY Who Am I Quick Quiz Answer Key 1

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Who Am I Quick Quiz Answer Key
1. Auguste Comte I argued that societies contained both forces for stability and cooperation
(social statics) and forces for conflict and change (social dynamics)
2. Karl Marx
I believed that all societies are shaped by struggle between the
bourgeoisie and proletariat.
3. Max Weber
My father was a well to do lawyer; mom a devout Calvinist who rejected
my father’s worldly lifestyle.
4. Emile Durkheim
I focused my studies on the forces that held society together.
5. C. Wright Mills
I promoted the concept of the power elite a group if of powerful
executives , military commanders, government officials who make all the important decisions
in American society .
6. Herbert Spencer I was the sole survivor of nine children
7. Karl Marx
I was angered by the brutal treatment of workers and their families
during the Industrial Revolution and offered a new economic theory called communism.
8. Harriet Martineau I am best known today for her translation of Comte’s great book. My
English translation remains the most readable version even today.
9. Auguste Comte I claimed that society is governed by laws and principles that could be
understood using the scientific method (scientific observation)
10. Max Weber
I believed that human beings act on the basis of their understanding of a
situation , and Sociologists must discover the personal meanings, values, beliefs, and attitudes
that underlying human behavior (VERSTEHEN)
11. Harriet Martineau I was the author of Society in America (1837)
12. Emile Durkheim
I believed society existed because of broad consensus among its
members. This included mechanical solidarity (consensus of values and beliefs passed on
through the family; strong pressure for conformity) and organic solidarity (social
interdependence based on a highly specialized roles of industrial society; lack of self
sufficiency )
13. C. Wright Mills
I believed that exercising the sociological imagination was necessary to
help understand the connection between the individual and society.
14. Herbert Spencer I compared society to the human body, composed of parts working
together to promote well being and survival
15. Auguste Comte My theory of Positivism (Positive Philosophy) claimed sociology should
be a science based on knowledge of which we are positive
16. Karl Marx
I combined the roles of social observer and social activist to address the
evils of Industrialization
17. Emile Durkheim
I was the first to carry out large scale analysis of social statistics.
18. Herbert Spencer I believed that Social Darwinism, and evolutionary social change led to
progress, and people should not interfere with the concept of survival of the fittest.
19. Max Weber
I believed in rationalization , or the mindset that emphasizes the use of
knowledge, reason and planning. Example: Farming becomes a science instead of luck
20. Herbert Spencer
to the United States
I was greeted warmly by American industrialists during his 1882 visit
21. . Harriet Martineau I translated Comte's Cours de philosophie positive into English,
facilitating the introduction of positivism into American thought