Download BRAZILIAN CANDOMBLÉ Candomblé originated in

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Candomblé originated in Nigeria, and was brought to Brazil by Africans who had been illegally
captured and then sold as slaves. This religion is based on beliefs, practices, and rituals, and above
all, on the energy that comes from nature as well as all of nature’s elements. Candomblé has existed
for over 200 years, and today is practiced by believers across the globe.
The religion and philosophy that is derived from the teachings of the Buddha, or “enlightened one,”
who lived in the northern region of India between the 6th and 4th centuries BCE. Approximately 350
million people worldwide adhere to Buddhist teachings, primarily in Asia. Meditation and the
observance of moral precepts are central to the practice of Buddhism.
There are approximately 1.1 billion Catholics in the world, more than any other Christian group. It is
the dominant Christian tradition in many European countries, a major religious tradition in much of
Africa, and the religion of most of the population in Central and South America. Catholics believe in
the ancient Christian doctrines of The Trinity (God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), the Incarnation of
God in Jesus Christ, and the saving work of Jesus in his death and resurrection.
The scholarly tradition and way of life that adhere to the teachings of Confucius (K’ung Fu-tzu), who
lived in the 6th to 5th centuries BCE. Confucianism, although more a philosophy than a religion, is
practiced by more than 300 million people worldwide, primarily in China and Korea. Confucius taught
the value of living in peace and harmony as well as consideration and respect for ancestors.
The world’s third-largest religion with an estimated 850 million practitioners, Hinduism is practiced
primarily in India but has followers all over the world. It is considered to be the oldest of the world’s
major religions. In Hinduism, the whole of creation is seen as the dynamic game of the Trinity of Gods:
Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Brahma is the creator of the universe and of all beings.
One of the world’s major religions with over 1 billion practitioners, Islam (literally “surrender” to Allah)
was founded in the 7th century CE by the prophet Muhammad. Although believers in Islam live
throughout the globe, it is widely practiced in the Middle East and Africa. Islam is a monotheistic
religion, believing Allah to be the one God, with Muhammad as His greatest messenger.
One of the world’s major monotheistic religions, Judaism started as the faith of the ancient Hebrews,
and is now practiced throughout the world. Its sacred text is the Torah, consisting of the teachings
revealed to Moses by God on Mount Sinai. Additionally, the Talmud, teachings and thoughts of
hundreds of rabbis gathered over 15 centuries, remains an essential sacred text in the Jewish faith.
Although primarily associated with Jewish mysticism, Kabbalah is not specifically a Judaic practice;
people of many faiths practice Kabbalah. The teachings of Kabbalah include the belief that each
person is a work in progress and has the potential for greatness; the goal of Kabbalistic practice is to
free oneself from the human ego and create an affinity with the essence of God.
Protestant Christianity traces its roots to the Reformation of the Catholic Church begun by Martin
Luther in the 16th century. Protestants emphasize the Bible as the only rule of life and faith, and
believe that salvation comes by “believing in your heart and confessing with your lips” that Jesus
Christ is Lord. They teach that each believer approaches God on his own, without need of priests,
saints, or other intermediaries, and that every believer is given grace to interpret the Scriptures. There
are about 500 million Protestant Christians in the world.
Shinto (literally “the way of the gods”) is the native religion of Japan. Its origins date to over 1,500
years ago, and Shinto is currently practiced by approximately 100 million people. Shinto worship is
rarely congregational, more often done in private.