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Take the 5 Cancer Prevention
Quizzes: Your
Cancer Smarts
Quiz # 1
We’ve all been touched by cancer. Maybe you have a relative or even a friend who has fought the disease. But
what are the true stats and facts on cancer in Canada? Some of the answers may take you by surprise.
1. Cancer has touched many of our lives already. How many of us could get some type of cancer in the future?
a) 1 out of 5
b) 1 out of 4
c) 1 out of 2
d) all of us
2. Many cancers can be prevented by making good lifestyle choices. What percentage of all types of cancers can
be prevented?
a) 20%
b) 30%
c) 40%
d) 50%
3. Which of the following lifestyle choices can help to prevent cancer?
a) avoiding use of tobacco
b) having a healthy diet and exercising regularly
c) avoiding overexposure to the sun
d) all of the above
4. Lung cancer kills more people each year than AIDS, liver cancer, or ovarian
cancer. Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer death in North
America! Which of these lifestyle choices is the greatest cause of lung cancer?
a) tobacco use
b) pollution
c) inhaling smoke from fires
d) overuse of strong perfumes or colognes
5. Which of the following statements about the effects of second-hand smoke is false?
a) when one person smokes in a room, everyone smokes because they are inhaling second-hand smoke
b) children who breathe second-hand smoke are more likely to develop asthma
c) second-hand smoke is more dangerous for children than adults because children breathe faster and their lungs are not as developed
d) smoking in another room in the house will protect others from second-hand smoke
6. What percentage of cancers is preventable by eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly?
a) 20%
b) 35%
c) 50%
d) 75%
7. What percentage of skin cancers is caused by the sun?
a) 10%
b) 30%
c) 60%
d) 90%
8. How many servings of vegetables and fruits are recommended each day? (Hint: You can check on the
Act Now BC website to find out! Visit
a) 1 – 2
b) 2 – 3
c) 3 – 4
d) 5 – 10
9. A healthy way to lose weight is to increase your daily activity and reduce the number of calories you eat. By adding
15 extra minutes of daily activity, the average adult can burn up to an additional 150 calories every day. How much
weight loss could this add up to in a year? Hint: You must burn 3,500 calories to lose 1 lb or.45 kg. So burning 150
calories each day for 365 days per year equals 54,750 calories burned in a year! Can you do the rest of the math?
a) 5 lbs or 2.2 kg
b) 10 lbs or 4.5 kg
c) 15 lbs or 6.8 kg
d) 20 lbs or 9 kg
10. Eating a healthy diet is very important during your teen years. Which of these healthy eating habits are especially
important for youth?
a) don’t skip meals; plan to eat healthy meals and snacks
b) sugar is ‘empty’ energy, so avoid too much sugar
c) eat foods from all the major food groups (vegetables and fruits, grains and breads, meat, fish and beans, milk and dairy
alternatives, and fats and simple sugars)
d) all of the above
Answers for Quiz #1
1.If you chose c) 1 out of 2, you are right! • But more than half of all cancers are preventable! So, the bad news is that
approximately half of us might get cancer, but the good news is that many of those cancers can now be treated and many can
be prevented.
2. If you chose d) 50%, you are right! • More than half of all cancers can be prevented through good lifestyle choices.
3. If you chose d) all of the above, you are right! • What you eat, whether you smoke, your level of activity, and how you
spend time in the sun are all lifestyle choices that can affect your chances of getting cancer and offer you an opportunity to
reduce your risk.
4. If you chose a) tobacco use, you are right! • Tobacco is the single largest preventable cause of cancer in the world today. It
causes 80 - 90% of all lung cancer deaths.
5.If you chose d) smoking in another room in the house will protect others from second-hand smoke, you are right!
Two-thirds of the smoke from a burning cigarette is not inhaled by the smoker but enters the surrounding environment. The
contaminated air is inhaled by anyone in that area, even in the next room
6.If you chose b) 35%, you are right! • Research shows that up to 35% of all cancers can be prevented by eating well, being
active, and maintaining a healthy body weight. You should aim to get some physical activity that makes you break a sweat for
30 minutes, 3 to 5 times per week. You can do this by 30 minutes of raking leaves, 30 minutes of lifting weights, or 30 minutes of
brisk walking.
7.If you chose d) 90%, you are right! • In fact, more than 90% of skin cancers are caused by the sun. Only one sunburn is
needed to cause changes to your skin’s DNA that can lead to melanoma, the most deadly type of skin cancer. Overexposure to
the sun also gives you wrinkles, discolours your skin, and makes you look much older.
8.If you chose d) 5 –10, you are right! • Eating a diet rich in vegetables and fruit supplies your body with the nutrition you
need to stay healthy.
9.If you chose c) 15 lbs or 6.8 kg, you are right! • If you divide the 54,750 calories burned per year by the 3,500 calories
needed to burn a single pound, you get 15 pounds of weight loss. So just a small amount of daily activity—if it makes you sweat
and gets your heart going—can lead to significant weight loss in a year!
10. If you chose d) all of the above, you are right! • At this point in your life, you need a lot of energy to get you through
your busy days. You are still growing and your body needs the vitamins and minerals it gets from a healthy diet to finish
developing properly.
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Take the 5 Cancer Prevention
Quizzes: Solar Power
Quiz #2
This quiz will test your knowledge about safety in the sun, suntans, sunscreen, tanning beds, self tanners, and
skin cancer. Give it a try and see how sun smart you are!
1. Spending time in the sun to achieve a darker skin colour is . . .
a) a healthy practice because unlimited time in the sun has many health benefits
b) an unhealthy practice because that darker skin colour actually indicates damage to the skin
c) a healthy practice because getting a suntan provides protection from skin cancer
d) an unhealthy practice because there are no benefits to being in the sun
2. In the winter, your level of sun protection should be . . .
a) less, because the sun doesn’t shine very brightly in winter
b) more, because the cold air makes your skin burn faster
c) the same as in summer
d) none of the above
3. If the weather is cloudy, you should . . .
a) still take some precautions to protect yourself from overexposure to the sun
b)not worry about sun damage, because the clouds will protect you from overexposure to the sun
c) stay indoors
d) be extra careful about sun exposure
4. If you are at the beach or at a swimming pool, and you are spending time in the water, you should . . .
a) not worry about sun damage because wet skin is protected
b) be extremely cautious because wet skin will burn instantly
c) apply sunscreen every time you come out of the water
d) use a water-resistant sunscreen so that you are protected both in and out of the water
5. What gives your skin the best protection when exposed to the sun’s rays?
a) a baseball hat
b) a light, tightly woven, long-sleeved shirt, pants, and a wide-brimmed hat
c) sunscreen with 30+ SPF
d) you don’t need protection
6. Many people choose to go to a tanning bed in a salon because they believe it is a safer way to get a tan. Which of
the following statements about tanning beds is true?
a) tanning beds can cause skin cancer and severe wrinkling
b) you do not need to worry about a sunburn when you are in a tanning bed
c) getting a base tan from a tanning bed will protect you from a sunburn later
d) going to a tanning bed is a good way to get a healthy dose of vitamin D
7. Fair-skinned people that burn easily are at a higher risk of skin damage when using a tanning salon. Which of the
following groups of people should also avoid tanning salons completely?
a) senior citizens over the age of 70
b) youth under the age of 18
c) women
d) all of the above
8. Sunless tanning products that are applied to the skin are another way to darken the colour of your skin. Selftanners contain dyes that are absorbed by the topmost layer of skin and interact with this skin to create a bronzed
appearance. Which of the following statements about self-tanners is false?
a) the ‘tan’ fades when use of the product is discontinued and the dyes leave the skin
b) the darkness of colour depends on the amount of ingredient in the product as well as the number of applications and the
frequency of use
c) the self-tanner will protect you from a sunburn
d) only some self-tanners contain sunscreen
9.If you have already experienced damage to your skin from unsafe sun exposure . . .
a) you should be very careful regarding sun exposure from now on
b) you will probably get skin cancer within a year or two
c) you will be fine; skin repairs itself over time
d) you should avoid any time in the sun in the future
10. Most skin cancers start in areas that are often exposed to the sun—the head, face, neck, hands, and arms. This
skin should be checked regularly as most skin cancers can be cured if they’re caught early enough. Which of the
following conditions should be shown to a doctor?
a) any birthmark or mole that changes shape, colour, size, or surface appearance
b) any new growth on your skin, such as pale, pearly nodules that may grow larger and crust, or red, scaly, sharply defined patches
c) any patch of skin that bleeds, oozes, swells, itches or becomes red and bumpy
d) all of the above
Answers for Quiz #2
1.If you chose b) an unhealthy practice because that darker skin colour actually indicates damage to the skin, you are
right! • A suntan won’t protect you against skin cancer. A tan is the sign of damage or injury to your skin. And having a tan
does not offer protection against further sun damage.
2. If you answered c) the same as in summer, you are right! • Of course, in winter more of your skin will be hidden by
clothing. But any exposed skin should be covered by wearing protective gear, such as a hat and gloves, and you should still
seek shade and wear SPF 30+ sunscreen. The sun’s UV rays can be reflected off snow and ice, which increases the danger of
3. If you chose a) still take precautions to protect yourself from overexposure to the sun, you are right! • Clouds and fog
offer some protection from sun exposure, but they do not offer complete protection. Up to 80% of the sun’s rays can penetrate
light clouds, mist, and fog.
4.If you chose d) use a water-resistant sunscreen so that you are protected both in and out of the water, you are right!
When swimming for a long period of time or spending time near water, it is best to wear water-resistant sunscreen with 30+ SPF
on all exposed areas. Up to 50% of the sun’s rays can bounce back at you off the water. .
5. If you chose b) a light, tightly woven, long-sleeved shirt, pants, and a wide-brimmed hat, you are right! • Wearing
protective clothing offers full protection. If the sun’s rays are at their peak damaging times (between 11 am and 3 pm), you
should be especially careful. If you are unable to cover up your skin with clothing, use a sunscreen with 30+ SPF and apply it as
the directions indicate.
6. If you chose a) tanning beds can cause skin cancer and severe wrinkling, you are right! • Unfortunately, there’s no safe
way to get a tan. The radiation from tanning beds is the cause of skin wrinkling. It can also cause skin cancers.
7. If you chose d) all of the above, you are right. • Young people who get burnt from exposure to UV will have a greater risk
of developing skin cancer later in life. Recent studies demonstrate a direct link between the use of tanning beds and cancer. The
Canadian Dermatology Association recommends that indoor tanning be avoided by all people, for there is no known safe limit of
use for tanning beds.
8. If you chose c) the self-tanner will protect you from a sunburn, you are right! • Sunless tanning products seem to be
safe. They are certainly much safer than the sun. But they will not protect you from the sun. Look for sunless tanning products that
contain sunscreen, and continue to practice sun safety.
9. If you chose a) you should be very careful regarding sun exposure from now on, you are right! • Sun damage is
cumulative, meaning the damage builds up with each exposure to the sun. The skin can repair superficial damage like the
redness and soreness of sunburn, but the underlying damage remains. It may take 10 to 30 years for cancer to develop from
repeated exposure. Deep wrinkles also take time to develop.
10. If you chose d) all of the above, you are right! • If you notice changes in your skin, sores that are not healing, or if you are
confused about what you should be looking for, ask your doctor for help.
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Take the 5 Cancer Prevention
Quizzes: Tobacco
Quiz #3
Do you know just what is in a cigarette, the effects of second-hand smoke, and what happens when you quit
smoking? Try this quiz to find out.
1. The highly addictive substance in cigarettes is called nicotine. Which of the following toxic substances is also found in
cigarette smoke?
a) carbon monoxide
b) mercury
c) arsenic
d) all of the above
2. Which of the following statements about nicotine is false?
a) nicotine is classified as a drug and is considered to be a stimulant
b) addiction to nicotine is immediate
c) nicotine in high doses is extremely poisonous and is used to kill insects
d) all of the above
3. Which of the following symptoms might new smokers experience?
a) coughing or gagging
b) headache
c) abdominal cramps
d) all of the above
4. Most people know that cigarettes can cause diseases of the lungs. Which of the following can also be caused
by smoking?
a) wrinkles
b) lost teeth
c) cataracts (clouding of the eye’s lens)
d) all of the above
5. Second-hand smoke is the smoke that is released from a burning cigarette and the smoke exhaled by the smoker.
Assuming all of this smoke is breathed in, how much nicotine and tar can be found in second-hand smoke?
a) very little, because most of the dangerous substances are inhaled by the smoker
b) twice as much nicotine and tar can be found in second-hand smoke
c) about half of the nicotine and tar can be found in second-hand smoke
d) none
6. Which of the following statements about the effects of second-hand smoke is false?
a) when one person smokes in a room, everyone smokes because they are inhaling second-hand smoke
b) children who breathe second-hand smoke are more likely to develop asthma
c) second-hand smoke is more dangerous for children than adults because children breathe faster and their lungs are not as developed
d) smoking in another room in the house will protect others from second-hand smoke
7. Which of the following diseases becomes a threat after prolonged exposure to second-hand smoke?
a) heart disease
b) Parkinson’s disease
c) Alzheimer’s disease
d) Crohn’s disease
8. How did one tobacco company propose reaching its target consumer group?
a) by giving away stuffed camels at toy stores
b) through iTunes
c) by advertising on ice cream trucks
d) by making cigarettes cheape
9. On average, how much longer do non-smokers live than smokers?
a) 8 years longer
b) 2 years longer
c) 15 years longer
d) 3 years longer
10. Prevention and education programs for reducing the use of tobacco are working. Which of the following statements
is true?
a) fewer people in Canada are choosing to smoke
b) British Columbia has the lowest overall smoking rate in Canada
c) smoking rates for youth have decreased in recent years; only 16% of Canadian youth still smoke
d) all of the above
Answers for Quiz #3
1.If you chose d) all of the above, you are right! • Cigarette smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals, including 50 that are
known to cause cancer.
2. If you chose b) addiction to nicotine is immediate, you are right! • Addiction to nicotine is not immediate. It may take
weeks or months to develop depending on the individual smoker. Unlike cocaine or heroin, the more dangerous effects of this
drug are not obvious at the beginning.
3. If you chose d) all of the above, you are right! • Smokers feel dizzy and sick when they first inhale the nicotine in tobacco.
They gradually build up tolerance to its effects.
4. If you chose d) all of the above, you are right! • Sound attractive doesn’t it—no teeth, wrinkles, and impaired vision?
Smoking cigarettes causes widespread damage to your body, affecting everything from the internal functioning of your organs to
the efficiency of your immune system.
5.If you chose b) twice as much nicotine and tar can be found in second-hand smoke, you are right! • Second-hand
smoke has twice as much nicotine and tar as the smoke that smokers inhale. It also has five times the carbon monoxide, which
decreases the amount of oxygen in your blood.
6.If you chose d) smoking in another room in the house will protect others from second hand smoke, you are right!
Two-thirds of the smoke from a burning cigarette is not inhaled by the smoker but enters the surrounding environment. The
contaminated air is inhaled by anyone in that area, even in the next room.
7.If you chose a) heart disease, you are right! • Exposure to second-hand smoke for as little as 8 to 20 minutes can cause
physical reactions linked to heart disease and stroke. It also causes sore eyes and throat, coughing, wheezing, nausea, and
dizziness—even in young children.
8.If you chose c) by advertising on ice cream trucks, you are right! • Restrictions on tobacco companies have meant they
can no longer advertise on TV or in magazines, so they have had to find other ways to entice people to smoke. What kind of
target audience do you think is reached by advertising on ice cream trucks? (Even with the restrictions on tobacco advertising,
the tobacco industry spends billions of dollars—that’s right, BILLIONS—each year on advertising and promotions.)
9.If you chose c) 15 years longer, you are right! • There are also immediate benefits when you quit. You’ll improve your
breathing, reduce coughing, and decrease your risk of heart attack, stroke, and of many kinds of cancers. Also, when you quit,
your body’s ability to fight infections and to heal itself will improve and your sense of taste and smell will return.
10. If you chose d) all of the above, you are right! • The number of people who smoke in British Columbia and in all of
Canada is decreasing. Fewer people are starting and more people are quitting. This will help the overall health of Canadians,
because quitting smoking decreases not only the risk of cancer but also of heart attack, stroke, and coronary heart disease—all
major killers.
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Take the 5 Cancer Prevention
Quizzes: Exercise &
Body Weight
Quiz #4
Take this quiz to test your own knowledge of physical activity and healthy weight. You’ll probably learn a few
things you don’t know about calories, body weight, types of exercise, and long-term health risks.
1. Regular physical activity can help prevent or reduce the risk of . . .
a) heart disease
b) type 2 diabetes
c) half of all cancers
d) all of the above
2. Which of the following is false?
a) to be fit you need to play sports
b) kids who are physically active do better in their schoolwork
c) you should get some kind of activity that makes you sweat several times a week
d) simple walking can help you meet your fitness requirements
3. How much moderate physical activity (ie., brisk walking, skating, yoga, throwing a ball or Frisbee) should the
average teenager get to be healthy and to stay healthy?
a) 20 minutes per day, once a week
b) 30 minutes per day, three to five times a week
c) 60 minutes per day, once a week
d) 90 minutes per day, three times a week
4. If you are not currently active and are trying to increase physical activity, which of the following choices is best?
a) a rapid 15 minute walk or jog daily
b) an all-day hike on the weekend
c) purchasing a membership to a gym or fitness centre
d) all of the above
5. The best way to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight is . . .
a) eat fat free foods
b) eat low carbohydrate foods
c) eat nutritious foods and be physically active
d) participate in vigorous activity every day
6. Which of the following activities burns the most calories?
a) walking
b) swimming
c) playing a Wii tennis game
d) playing baseball
7. Regular physical activity and healthy eating helps our bodies to build strong bones. At what age do our bodies reach
their peak bone mass?
a) 5 to 10 years old
b) 10 to 15 years old
c) 15 to 20 years old
d) 20 to 30 years old
8. You may find yourself craving a snack right after school, and it is tempting to eat high fat, non-nutritional foods at
that time. Which of the following snacks is a good choice to help keep your energy levels up?
a) a small bowl of whole grain cereal with berries
b) a small plate of leftover pasta with cheese
c) some veggies and fruit with dip and some almonds or peanuts
d) all of the above
9. Increasing your vegetable intake often helps with weight loss. Which of the following statements about vegetables is
false? Vegetables are . . .
a) excellent sources of vitamins and minerals
b) high in fibre which helps to keep your digestive system healthy
c) high in fat and calories
d) more healthy than fruit and vegetable juices
10. An important element for achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight is water. Our bodies need water
and other fluids to keep healthy. What is the recommended intake of non-caffeinated fluids per day?
a) 1 cup with every meal
b) 3 to 4 cups per day
c) 6 to 8 cups per day
d) enough to satisfy your thirst
Answers for Quiz #4
1. If you chose d) all of the above, you are right! • A physically active lifestyle can prevent many diseases as well as helping to
maintain a healthy body weight.
2.If you chose a) to be fit you need to play sports, you are right! • There is no need to play soccer, hockey, baseball, or
any other team or organized sport to get plenty of physical activity. Exercise can be walking, swimming, bike riding, leaf-raking—
anything that gets you moving, gets your heart rate up, and makes you sweat.
3.If you chose d) 30 minutes per day, three to five times a week, you are right! • It’s really important for teens to get
moving for minimum of 30 minutes, three to five times a week. Add up all the activities you do—shooting hoops or even walking
to school—how close are you to this amount?
4.If you chose a) a rapid 15 minute walk or jog daily, you are right! • If you try to do too much too fast, you may suffer
injuries and experience a setback in your plan. The best choice is inexpensive exercise that will turn into a lifelong habit.
5.If you chose c) eat nutritious foods and be physically active, you are right! • A healthy lifestyle includes eating nutritious
foods from all food groups and participating in moderate physical activity every day.
6.If you chose b) swimming, you are right! • In fact, swimming burns almost twice as many calories as walking—but all forms
of exercise are good for you.
7. If you chose c) 15 to 20 years old, you are right! • Bone mass and density are highest as early as age 19. By age 30, our
bones start to gradually lose mass and strength That’s why it’s so important to get enough calcium and other nutrients as well as
physical activity while your bones are developing.
8. If you chose d) all of the above, you are right! • The most nutritional snacks includes healthy carbs, a little protein, and not
too much fat. There are plenty of choices that meet these requirements.
9. If you chose c) high in fat and calories, you are right! • Vegetables are low in fat and calories. A diet that includes a
variety of vegetables instead of higher fat, higher calorie foods can help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight.
10. If you chose c) 6 to 8 cups per day you are right! • This amount will balance the water that your body loses each day. The
best choices are water, low-fat milk, or milk substitutes.
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and exercise & body weight.
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Take the 5 Cancer Prevention
Quizzes: Eating Well
Quiz #5
This quiz will test your knowledge about nutrition, diets, and healthy food choices. Find out what foods are best
for energy, growth, and long-term good health.
1. Your growing body needs over 50 nutrients every day to keep it functioning optimally. The best way to get these
nutrients is . . .
a) take vitamin and mineral supplements
b) follow the guidelines of ActNow BC
c) eat mostly fruits and vegetables with little protein
d) follow a very low fat diet
2. If you are a vegetarian or vegan, which of the following statements is true?
a) you will definitely be healthier than non-vegetarians
b) you have a lower risk of getting cancer
c) you will not get enough protein
d) you will never get cancer
3. Which of the following amounts of vegetables and fruits is considered to be one serving?
a) one-half cup of fresh, frozen, or canned fruit
b) one cup of salad made from leafy vegetables
c) nine grapes
d) all of the above
4. Approximately how many calories are there in a 20 oz white chocolate mocha from a typical coffee shop?
a) 125 calories
b) 250 calories
c) 450 calories
d) 550 calories
5. Which is the healthiest way to cook vegetables and protein (such as meat or fish)?
a) steaming
b) microwaving
c) frying
d) both a & b
6. How much more pop than milk does the average Canadian teen drink?
a) half as much
b) about the same
c) twice as much
d) ten times as much
7. Which of these is LEAST likely to be found in fast food?
a) fat
b) salt
c) fibre
d) sugar
8. What makes a good substitute for red meat in your diet?
a) beans & lentils
b) eggs & tofu
c) fish
d) all of the above
9. Everyone needs some fat in their diet—it’s the kind of fat you choose that’s important. Which type of fat listed below is
considered a healthy choice?
a) unsaturated fats
b) saturated fats
c) trans fats
d) hydrogenated fats
10. Which of the following eating choices will help you to cut back on saturated fats, which are unhealthy?
a) have fried and deep-fried foods less often
b) choose lower fat dairy products, such as skim or 1% milk, low-fat yogurt and lower fat cheeses
c) spread less butter or margarine on bread, buns and bagels
d) all of the above
Answers for Quiz #5
1.If you chose b) follow the guidelines of ActNow BC, you are right! • By eating the recommended servings of a variety of
foods, you will get all the nutrients you need. You can find more information at the ActNow BC website (
2.If you chose b) you have a lower risk of getting cancer, you are right! • People who eat a vegetarian or vegan diet have
a lower lifetime risk of certain cancers. However, even non-vegetarians can lower their risk of developing cancer by eating a diet
that is high in vegetables, fruits, grains, beans, lentils, etc.
3.If you chose d) all of the above, you are right! • It doesn’t take much to create one serving of a vegetable or fruit—only nine
grapes! And there are a wide variety of options to choose from. Frozen vegetables are a good choice when fresh produce is
hard to find or out of season.
4.If you chose d) 550 calories, you are right! • A lot of coffee drinks with added sugary syrups and whipped cream really pile
on the calories. Approximately 40% of the calories in the drink come from fat. Most of these calories have no nutrient value and
can lead to weight gain. Excess weight is a risk factor for many diseases, including cancer.
5.If you chose d) both a & b, you are right! • Steamed or microwaved food has less fat than fried food—and it is healthier for
you. You can also bake, boil, or stir-fry your food.
6.If you chose c) twice as much, you are right! • And that’s a shame. One can of pop can have 10 teaspoons of sugar and it
contains no vitamins or minerals. Milk, on the other hand, is a source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin D. Teens should
get 3-4 servings of dairy (or alternatives) per day—and one of those servings can be a cup of milk. Did you know that having
one can of regular pop per day, for one year, can lead to a weight gain of 15 lb or 6.8 kg?
7.If you chose c) fibre, you are right! • Typically fast food generally contains lots of fat, salt, and sugar, which is why you so
often feel hungry soon after eating it. Instead of fast food, choose foods that have plenty of fibre. It helps to keep your digestive
system moving and it also helps you to feel full.
8.If you chose d) all of the above, you are right! • You can get protein from many sources other than red meat, including beans,
lentils, eggs, nuts, and tofu. You can also find many vegetarian versions of hot dogs, hamburger patties, and many other foods.
When you do eat meat, choose lean cuts with the fat and skin removed. Another good alternative to red meat is fish.
9.If you chose a) unsaturated fats, you are right! • Unsaturated fats are usually liquid at room temperature. They are found in
avocados, nuts, and seeds. They are also found in non-hydrogenated soft margarines, oils like olive oil, corn oil, canola oil, and
sunflower oil. Try to choose foods with these kinds of fats rather than butter, mayonnaise, and coconut oil.
10.If you chose d) all of the above, you are right! • If you choose something high in fat, pick something low in fat to go with it
to make the overall meal lower in fat—for example, a baked potato instead of fries.
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