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Learning Vocabulary
Use three-point format to complete the following note card terms.
Classical Conditioning
1. Classical conditioning
2. Conditioned stimulus (CS)
3. Unconditioned stimulus (US)
4. Conditioned response (CR)
5. Unconditioned response (UR)
6. Acquisition phase
7. Trace conditioning
8. Short delayed conditioning
9. Stimulus generalization
10. Stimulus discrimination
11. Extinction
12. Spontaneous recovery
13. Higher-order conditioning (a.k.a second –order)
14. Contiguity model of classical conditioning
15. Contingency model of classical conditioning
16. Blocking
17. Baby Albert
32. Shaping (a.k.a. successive approximations)
33. Chaining
34. Primary reinforcers
35. Secondary (conditioned) reinforcers
36. Generalized reinforcers
37. Token economy
38. Behavior modification
39. Chimp-o-mat
40. Premack’s principle
41. Escape learning
42. Avoidance learning
43. Learned helplessness
Cognitive Learning
44. Latent learning
45. Insight learning
46. Social cognitive theory
Biological Constraints on Learning
Operant Conditioning
18. Instrumental learning
19. Operant conditioning
20. Law of effect
21. Positive reinforcement
22. Negative reinforcement
23. Omission training
24. Punishment
25. Continuous reinforcement
26. Partial (intermittent) reinforcement
27. Fixed ratio reinforcement schedule (FR)
28. Variable ratio reinforcement schedule (VR)
29. Fixed interval reinforcement schedule (FI)
30. Variable interval reinforcement schedule (VI)
31. Concurrent schedules of reinforcement
* Note:
47. Instinctive drift
48. Preparedness
49. Conditioned taste aversion
Names to Know
50. Ivan Pavlov
51. Mary Cover Jones
52. Robert Rescorla
53. John Garcia
54. Edward Thorndike
55. B.F. Skinner
56. Edward C. Tolman
57. Wolfgang Kohler
58. J. B. Wolf
All cards are due in class the day of the test.
(Write your name on front and bind them with a rubber band)
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