Download Middle East – Human-Environment interaction

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Population Distribution & Environmental Issues
´ Water Pollution
Water Supply
Very limited in Middle East
Many countries must use desalination to get drinking
Process of removing salt from salt water to make it okay for
drinking and farming
Few rivers in the area
Tigris, Euphrates and Nile rivers
² Used for drinking water and generate power
If you don’t have a river in your region, you must find alternate
methods for drinking water and power.
Rights to Water Supply
« Disputes
over rights to water supply and other
natural resources in the region
² Water
Agreements about how countries can use the water in a
« Israel,
Jordan and Palestinians
² Rely
on the same scare water
supply on the West Bank
Israel has the most power – so they
have the ability to claim more water.
What happens if they build a dam?
Recycle the water so many people
have access to water without a major
Water Pollution
« Port
² Ports
make it easier to ship things
² Water is often polluted by the shipping industry
« Oil
is the main export
² Oil
spills are one of the main causes for water pollution
in the Persian Gulf
How does a limited supply of water affect how
nations treat each other?
Does the Middle East suffer from a small
amount of water supply, unequal distribution of
water, or both? Why???
How has water rights caused conflict in the
Middle East?
World’s largest source of oil - Persian Gulf
« Pollution
issues – air and water
² Damage
to refineries during war
² Not repairing damages
² Pollution
was a strategy used during war
Dumped oil into Persian Gulf
¹ Burned oil wells to prevent USA from gaining control
« Lack
of water supply makes the pollution issue
even bigger.
How does oil distribution impact the
development of countries with and without oil?
« Standard
of Living - GDP
« Literacy Rate
If a country does not have oil fields, what type
of economy do they have?
If a country is poor, what type of literacy rate do
they have? Why???
How do rivers and deserts impact where people
live, where they work and how they travel?
People settle around the limited fresh water supply.
Civilizations concentrate around fertile soil.
Crops are grown within these areas.
People aren’t going to settle in a hot desert . . . . Why?
Subsistence Farming – Grow enough only for their families.
Most people within the Middle East are nomads
(wander) within the desert regions.
Most economies were once based on farming
Discovery oil – main source of income
« Governments
with large oil deposits stopped
investing in other parts of their economies.
« Countries without oil are poorer.
How do deserts and rivers impact
transportation in the Middle East?
« Rivers
provide transportation routes
² Remember
« Deserts
. . . There are few rivers in the region.
and mountains are transportation barriers
² Difficult
to produce and transport goods.
How has the development of the oil industry in
the Middle East impacted other industries
within those countries?