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Myth #1: Cutting Calories Is the Key to Weight Loss........................1
Myth #2: Sugar-Free Is the Way To Be....................................................2
Myth #3: Diabetes Is Irreversible ............................................................3
Myth #4: The More Hours You Spend at the Gym
the More Fat You Burn ...............................................................................4
Myth #5: All Bacteria Is Bad.......................................................................5
Myth #6: Burning the Midnight Oil Also
Means Burning More Calories..................................................................6
Myth #7: It’s Best To Go It Alone..............................................................6
Myth #8: Eating Fat Makes You Fat.........................................................7
Myth #9: It Doesn’t Matter What Time of Day You Eat.....................8
Myth #10: I Don’t Have Time To Prepare
Healthy Home-Cooked Meals..................................................................9
10 Myths Sabotaging Your
Waistline (and Your Health!)
Myth #1: Cutting Calories Is the Key to
Weight Loss
hen you restrict your calorie intake, you fool your metabolism into thinking it should switch to starvation
mode to help conserve energy. It slows your system
down and tells your body to store everything that comes in as
fat to create an extra supply of calories to draw upon during
the lean times it thinks are coming. It’s not your body trying to
sabotage you; it’s trying to help you! But help yourself the right
way by eating small, frequent protein-based meals every 2-4
hours (depending on your needs).
The idea that “a calorie is just a calorie” is completely untrue.
Food is information and delivers messages of either health or
illness, depending on what you eat. So, don’t think in terms of
cutting calories. Cut out the wrong kind of calories and add in
the right kind. By opting for whole food choices of proteins,
low-glycemic carbohydrates, and anti-inflammatory fats, you
give your body the nutrition it needs to function at its best.
This gives you more energy for exercise and a calm yet alert
mind for wise decision-making at mealtimes—both of which
help you maintain a healthy weight.
Let’s take a closer look at some good sources of protein,
carbs, and fats. To add anti-inflammatory fats to your diet, try
avocado, nuts, seeds, extra virgin olive oil, and of course, one
of my favorites, coconut oil. Don’t forget to spruce up your
salads by adding walnut or flax seed oil. Just remember not
to heat these oils, because their health benefits are ruined
by exposure to heat! Fatty fish, such as salmon or sardines, is
also an excellent source of healthy fat, and it provides plenty
of protein, too—a win-win! Other good sources of protein
include chicken, turkey, omega-3 eggs, beans, tofu, tempeh,
and moderate amounts of wild meat. And yes, I did say eat
your carbs! But be sure they are low-glycemic carbohydrates,
such as green leafy vegetables, broccoli, bell peppers, and
other non-starchy vegetables. Eat as much of these as you like!
Starchy vegetables like sweet potato, squash, and beans are
also healthy options to round out your meal, as long as you eat
them in moderation.
Myth #2: Sugar-Free Is the Way To Be
Eating foods with low to no sugar added is a good way to
stay on a healthy track, but don’t fool yourself into believing
that “sugar-free” foods made with artificial sweeteners are a
good, healthy alternative to your favorite sugary snacks. When
you feed your body non-nutritive or non-caloric sweeteners like
aspartame, acesulfame, saccharin, sucralose, or even natural
sweeteners like stevia, it gets confused and may respond to the
sugar alternative in some very unhealthy ways. An exciting study
in the Journal of Behavioral Neuroscience has shown conclusively
that using artificial sweeteners not only doesn’t prevent weight
gain but also induces a whole set of physiological and hormonal
responses that actually make you gain weight. 2
Stop confusing your body. If you have a desire for something
sweet, it’s ok to have a little sugar, but stay away from “fake”
foods like artificial sweeteners. If you eat a whole-foods diet
that has a low-glycemic load and is rich in phytonutrients, you
can indulge in a few real sweet treats once in a while without
doing any harm. This is much better than tricking your body
with artificial sweeteners, which lead to wide-scale metabolic
rebellion and obesity. For more information on this, click here.
Myth #3: Diabetes Is Irreversible
A diagnosis of diabetes leaves most people feeling helpless
and confused with no alternative but to begin taking medication
and insulin to keep their blood sugar under control. The
mainstream medical profession would have you believe that
diabetes is not reversible and that the only way to protect yourself
from organ damage and death is to keep taking the drugs and
insulin. But the onset of diabetes is not a random event. There is
an underlying cause. Sugar, flour, sweeteners, and even so-called
healthy carbohydrates, such as breads, crackers, and cereal, can
cause dramatic and immediate spikes in your blood sugar. After a
lifetime of eating foods like these that have a high-glycemic load,
your body becomes exhausted trying to keep up with the constant
barrage of excess glucose in the blood. Cells become increasingly
resistant to insulin—the hormone that regulates carbohydrates
and fats in your body—or the pancreas becomes exhausted and
can’t supply a sufficient amount of it. This eventually causes blood
sugar levels to remain elevated while the cells starve. Your body
begins to store that trapped sugar as fat, increasing body weight
and causing system-wide inflammation. But it is possible to
prevent and even reverse this process without drugs or insulin. If
you fight the cause of diabetes at its source instead of treating the
symptoms, you can take back your health, get off the drugs, and
reverse diabetes!
You can prevent and treat insulin resistance and diabetes by
giving your body the foods it needs to function properly—
whole foods! Each meal should include at least a half-plate of
non-starchy vegetables. Green leafy chard, kale, spinach, and
collards are great foods to include. One quarter of your plate
should be a lean protein like chicken, a fatty fish like salmon,
or the occasional wild meat, and the remaining quarter should
be a smart starch, such as half of a sweet potato or a thirdcup of black rice. To learn more about the best foods and
supplements for reversing diabesity, losing stubborn belly fat,
and getting your health back,
Myth #4: The More Hours You Spend at
the Gym the More Fat You Burn
Sometimes less really is more. Research has shown that
short bursts of cardiovascular exercise are better than hour-long
sessions at the gym. Brief intervals of intense aerobic activity
trigger an increase of HGH (human growth hormone), which is
responsible for building more muscle. Not only does this help
you look toned in all the right places but, more importantly, it
burns inflammatory fat even when you are not working out, and it
improves insulin function.
Ditch those goals of marathon training and replace them with
bursts of high intensity interval training (HIIT) followed by a
longer period of lighter exercise. You will burn more calories
and speed up your metabolism with less exercise! Want to learn
more about how to give yourself a metabolic tune-up? Go here.
Myth #5: All Bacteria Is Bad
We all know that bacteria can make us sick, but can the right
bacteria actually help us lose weight and keep it off? Studies now
show that a healthy amount of “good” bacteria in the gut helps us
digest food more efficiently and also helps convert fat into energy.
And not only do we want to boost the “good” bugs, we also want
to get the “bad” bugs out. An overgrowth of unhealthy microbes in
the gut leads to inflammation. This causes a hormonal imbalance
that prompts the body to store energy as fat.
Eliminate the bad bugs’ main source of sustenance: sugar,
including refined sugars, excess fruits, flour-based products,
and starches. Check to see if you have food allergies or
sensitivities that can disrupt normal gut ecology and function,
as well. Gluten and dairy are most common, but you should
consider possible sensitivities to corn, soy, eggs, peanuts, or
nightshade vegetables! I suggest working with a lab that uses
unique and special testing to assess the function of your gut
and the status of gut flora you have. Believe it or not, you could
have a huge overgrowth of fungus partying in your intestines
without realizing it! To learn more about what labs I use with
my patients, go here. Also, click here to get the “How To Work
With Your Doctor Guide” for more helpful tips on how to get
the right testing done. It’s also a good idea to introduce a highquality probiotic to repopulate your gut with healthy bacteria.
Look for a high-potency probiotic with at least 25 billion CFUs
with varied strains of bacteria.
Myth #6: Burning the Midnight Oil Also
Means Burning More Calories
While it is important to live life to its fullest, burning the
candle at both ends can have its downside. Studies show that
stress, lack of sleep, and too much stimulation take years off
your life and contribute to early aging. Along with a poor diet,
unremitting stress from a hectic lifestyle can lead to the increased
development of advanced glycation end-products (AGEs). These
are proteins that cause inflammation and oxidative stress in the
body, much like the rusting of a nail or the browning of an apple
left on the counter.
Get a daily dose of restoration like meditation, deep breathing,
yoga, massage, prayer, or a walk in nature. Press your pause
button a few times a day to tap in to your breath and realign
yourself with your intention to live a healthy life. Remember,
your life is more enjoyable when you are healthy and really
able to live it. Sometimes, doing nothing is the best form of
Myth #7: It’s Best To Go It Alone
In the Western world, we pride ourselves on our
independence and self-reliance. While this certainly has its
benefits, in the case of getting healthy, losing weight, and keeping
it off, we might be better off joining the crowd. It turns out that
people who form communities and depend on one another for
support and accountability do better at achieving and sustaining
their health goals. It’s ok to reach out and get some help from
friends, family, and professionals. Not only is it ok, it’s fun! If this
seems uncomfortable for you, start by engaging with people you
see every day—family members, coworkers, and friends.
Get social! Reach out to people in one of the many ways you
can get connected these days. From social media outlets such
as Facebook and Twitter to online chat groups about diet,
exercise, and health, you can feel part of a community without
even leaving your home. If you want to take it to the next level,
how about getting involved with your local schools, places
of worship, or even your workplace. Get involved in your
community or family and share the journey of health as a team.
Go to to take the first step, join
the movement, and learn how we can and must get healthy
together. I’d love to be connected with you, too. Join me so we
can work together!
Myth #8: Eating Fat Makes You Fat
In the 1980s, we thought that eating fat actually made us fat,
so we hopped on the fat-free diet bandwagon. We increased our
carbohydrates to make the food taste better, and consequently, we
got fatter. Why? Carbohydrates in excess are converted to fat. This
is especially true of the refined kinds: candy, cakes, cookies, ice
cream, and even “healthy” ones like crackers and breads. Not only
can these refined carbohydrates increase your waistline, they can
trigger hunger, cravings, and food addiction. The brain misses the
signal that the body has been fed, and so, we never feel satiated
and feel compelled to keep eating.
Don’t skip the fat; just make sure you eat the right kind.
Including healthy fats, such as avocado, nuts, seeds, extra virgin
olive oil, or coconut oil and eating fatty fish, such as salmon or
sardines, helps you burn fat and save lean body mass.
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Including these in your meals sends a message to your brain
that you have been fed properly. When this happens, you feel
comfortable and begin to notice the sensation of hunger go
away. So, if you are the type of eater who constantly craves
sweets and carbohydrates and never feels full, perhaps you
need an oil change!
Myth #9: It Doesn’t Matter What Time of
Day You Eat
Being on time has its benefits, especially when it comes to
your waistline and heart health. Studies show that people who
eat later at night tend to weigh more and have higher body fat
composition than those who eat earlier in the evening. This may
be due to the fact that when we eat late, we tend to throw off
inhibition, eat bigger meals, and indulge in emotional eating.
Studies also show that eating late might increase triglyceride
levels. Unless you’ve planned a midnight adventure, chances are,
after you eat late at night, you are headed for bed. Unused calories
quickly convert to triglycerides, which are highly inflammatory
and can lead to heart disease.
Eat your largest meal when the sun is at its peak in the sky, and
taper your intake as the sun sets. Your last meal of the day should
follow a protein-based snack in the afternoon. Include a moderate
portion of a low-glycemic carbohydrate (sweet potato, green
vegetables, or whole grains) in this meal to promote restful sleep.
Most importantly, be sure to include 4-6 ounces of high quality
protein with each meal. This can include fish, poultry, eggs, nonGMO tofu or tempeh, or grass-fed or wild meat.
Myth #10: I Don’t Have Time To Prepare
Healthy Home-Cooked Meals
When you cook for yourself, you keep all the junk, extra
calories, and hidden toxins found in restaurant cuisine out of your
body. But how is it possible to work full time, spend quality time
with family and loved ones, catch up on personal to-dos, and still
have time to make healthy, tasty home-cooked meals? I’m sure
many of you ask this question and wonder if I’m able to live the
lifestyle I recommend for you. Well, let me assure you, I practice
what I preach, and I’m happy to share my secrets with you! You
don’t need a personal chef, nor do you need a million dollars to
eat well at home.
Control what’s on the end of your fork by creating delicious,
simple, tasty, family-friendly meals right in your own kitchen.
Learn how by following the guidelines in my new cookbook,
The Blood Sugar Solution Cookbook.
©2013 Hyman Enterprises LLC