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Aerobic Endurance Exercise
Aerobic Endurance Exercise Training
 Successful aerobic performance = athletes ability to
cover a fixed distance in the shortest time possible.
 Requires peak physical condition
 Train hard, yet intelligently
 Common trend
adopt successful athletes training
Not specific, doesn’t target an individuals limits and needs
 Successful programs enhance an athletes strengths
and improves their weaknesses.
Physiological Response to Aerobic Endurance
 Positive adaptations to the various physiological systems
that influence aerobic endurance performance can be
 Magnitude of the training adaptation is likely to be
established by the athlete’s initial training status and
genetic potential.
 Aerobic endurance performance is limited by the ability
of the body to meet the energy demands of exercise with
a continuous supply of energy in the form of ATP.
Depends on the working relationship between the CV, muscular and
respiratory systems
Aerobic Endurance Training Adaptations
 Respiratory system
 Enhanced oxygen exchange in the lungs
 Improved blood flow throughout the lungs
 Decreased submaximal respiratory rate
 Increased submaximal pulminary ventilation
 Cardiovascular system
 Increased CO, blood volume, RBC, and hemoglobin
 Enhanced blood flow to skeletal muscle
 Reduced submaximal HR
 Improved thermoregulation
 Musculoskeletal system
 Increased mitochondria size and #, oxidative enzymes, myoglobin
 Increased capillarization in muscle bed
 Increased arteriovenous oxygen difference
Factors Related to Aerobic Endurance
 Understanding allows for the development of sound
training programs while minimizing the unnecessary
training that may lead to counterproductive
adaptations, fatigue, overwork, or overtraining.
Maximal Aerobic Power
Lactate Threshold
Exercise Economy
Fuel Utilization
Fiber Type Characteristics
Factors Related to Aerobic Endurance
 1. Maximal Aerobic Power
 As duration increases, so does the proportion of total energy
demand that must be met by aerobic metabolism.
 Maximal Aerobic Power (VO2 Max)
A high VO2 Max is necessary for success in aerobic endurance
 High correlation between VO2 Max and performance.
 Training programs should be designed to improve VO2 Max.
 Important for successful performance, but other factors can be
equally important.
Factors Related to Aerobic Endurance
 2. Lactate Threshold
Lactate threshold
 Speed of movements, or % VO2 Max at which a specific blood
lactate concentration is observed or where blood lactate
concentrations begins to increase above resting levels.
 Lactate threshold or VO2 Max to indicate aerobic performance.
 Maximal Lactate Steady State
 Max lactate production equals max lactate clearance
• Considered by many a better indicator of performance that lactate
threshold or VO2 Max
The athlete should conduct something at elevated levels of blood
and muscle lactate to maximize training improvements to improve
lactate threshold and max lactate steady state.
Factors Related to Aerobic Endurance
 2. Lactate Threshold
 Among athletes with similar VO2 Max, the best competitor
typically can sustain aerobic production at the highest
percentage of his or her VO2 Max without accumulating large
amounts of lactic acid in the muscle and blood.
Factors Related to Aerobic Endurance
 3. Exercise Economy
 A measure of the energy cost of activity at a given exercise
 Athletes with high economy expend less energy to maintain a
given velocity.
-shorter stride length
-body mass size
-swim technique
-more stride frequency
-cycling velocity
-aerodynamics position
-stroke mechanics
more wind resistance
Factors Related to Aerobic Endurance
 4. Fuel Utilization
 Prolonged aerobic exercise at a high intensity requires a large
energy expenditure.
 At higher intensities (≥70% VO2 Max), there is a greater
reliance on carbohydrate than on fat as a fuel source.
 In trained aerobic endurance athletes, the contribution to
energy production from fat at any given intensity is greater
than in less-trained athletes.
 Major benefit conservation of muscle and liver glycogen stores.
Effective for improving aerobic endurance performance in events
lasting longer than 60 minutes.
 Proper training
greater utilization of fat
sparing muscle
and liver glycogen stores
improving aerobic performance.
Factors Related to Aerobic Endurance
 5. Fiber Type Characteristics
 Type I muscle fiber % has a high correlation with successful
aerobic performance.
High mitochondrial density and oxidative enzyme capacity
allowing the majority of energy production to come from aerobic
Although it does not appear that specific fiber typing can be
changed with training, the metabolic characteristics of fibers
within a muscle can be modified.
Designing an Aerobic Endurance Program
Concept to consider: Specificity of Training
Optimal Programs are specific to individuals.
Unfortunately, too many coaches borrow other successful
athletes programs.
 Aerobic Endurance Program Design Variables
Exercise Mode
Training Frequency
Exercise Duration
Training Intensity
Designing an Aerobic Endurance Program
 1. Exercise Mode- specific activity performed
Running, cycling, rowing, swimming etc.
Athletes should select activities that mimic the movement pattern
employed in competition as closely as possible.
Causes positive adaptation in specific physiological systems.
 2. Training Frequency- # of training sessions per week,
per day, per month, etc.
Frequency depends on:
Interaction between intensity and duration
 Training status of individual
 Sport Season
Too much training my increase risk of injury, illness, or overtraining.
Recovery- sufficient rest, rehydration, restoring fuel, relaxation
Designing an Aerobic Endurance Program
 3. Exercise Duration- length of time the training session
is conducted.
The longer the duration, the lower the intensity.
 4. Training Intensity- effort expended during a training
Adaptations in the body are specific to the intensity.
High-intensity aerobic exercise increases cardiovascular and
respiratory function and allows for improved oxygen delivery to the
working muscles.
Increasing exercise intensity may also benefit skeletal muscle
adaptations by affecting muscle fiber recruitment.
greater recruitment of Type II muscle fibers.
Those fibers become more aerobically trained.
Designing an Aerobic Endurance Program
Monitoring Training Intensity
Most Accurate
VO2Max or Blood Lactate Concentration
Most Practical
Heart Rate- most frequently used
Ratings of Perceived Exertion (RPE)
Close relationship between HR and oxygen consumption
Karvonen Method (with RHR)
% of Max HR method (standard)
15 Point Borg Scale
Category – Ratio scale
Exercise Velocity (Pace)
Borg RPE Scale
 Can be influenced by various
external environmental factors
(ex. distractors, temp.)
 The category-ratio scale is
calipered starting at zero and
maximizing at 12
 During individual training sessions, a male cyclist is
experiencing fatigue early in a workout that includes
mostly hilly terrain. He is conducting his training
sessions at an intensity based on his most recent race
performance, which was performed primarily on
level terrain. What suggestions should the strength
and conditioning professional make about this
athlete’s training program?
Types of Aerobic Endurance Training Programs
 1. Long, Slow Distance Training
 2. Pace / Tempo Training
 3. Interval Training
 4. Repetition Training
 5. Fartlek Training
Types of Aerobic Endurance Training Programs
 1. Long, Slow Distance Training (LSD)
 ~70% VO2 Max (~80% Maximum HR).
 Training distance greater than race distance, or at least
30 min. – 2 hours.
 “conversation” exercise – talk test
 Physiological Benefits: VO2
Enhanced cardiovascular and thermoregulatory function
 Improved mitochondrial energy production
 Improved oxidative capacity of skeletal muscle
 Increased utilization of fat as fuel – glycogen sparing
LSD not a complete aerobic program type.
Types of Aerobic Endurance Training Programs
 2. Pace / Tempo Training
 Intensity at or slightly higher than race competition intensity.
 Steady or Intermittent Formats.
Steady – equal to lactate threshold for durations of ~ 20-30 min.
 Intermittent – at lactate threshold intensity, but short interval
Important to avoid exercising at a higher intensity than the
prescribed pace, even if workout seems easy.
Better to increase distance than intensity
Develops a sense of race pace and ability to sustain exercise at
a given pace.
Improved running economy and lactate threshold.
Types of Aerobic Endurance Training Programs
 3. Interval Training (trained individuals)
 Intensity close to VO2Max
 Example: 3-5 min. bouts with equal rest
1:1 Work : Rest Ratio
Allows greater time at high intensity.
Very stressful – use sparingly.
Increased VO2Max and enhanced anaerobic metabolism.
 4. Repetition Training (REPS)
 Intensities greater than VO2Max, 30-90 sec.
 Long Recovery, 4-6 times duration of bouts.
 Benefits: improved running speed, running economy, capacity
of anaerobic metabolism, “final kick”
Types of Aerobic Endurance Training Programs
 5. Fartlek (fart – lick, Swedish concept meaning
“Speed Play”)- combination of training types.
Easy running (~70% VO2Max) combined with either hill work
or short, fast bursts of running (~85-90% VO2Max) for short
time periods.
Challenges all systems of the body.
Reduces the boredom and monotony associated with daily
Enhanced VO2Max, increased lactate threshold, improved
running economy, and fuel utilization.
 A female cross-country athlete is experiencing a
plateau in performance. Upon examining her
training program, the strength and conditioning
professional discovers that the majority of her
training is long, slow distance training. What
suggestions should the strength and conditioning
professional make to improve her aerobic endurance
Application of Program Design to Training
 Off-Season (base training)
Develop a base of cardiorespiratory fitness.
 Preseason
Increase intensity and decrease duration.
 In-Season (Competition)
Form training, low-intensity and short-duration. Scheduled
 Postseason (Active Rest)
Recovery from competitive season.
Maintain cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength, lean body
Injury Rehabilitation
Great time to perform assessments.
Special Issues Related to Aerobic Endurance
 Cross Training
Resistance Training / Aerobic Training Program
Mixing up cardiovascular modes of training
 Water Run Training
Comparable movements to actual running, low impact!
 Detraining- stop training, injury, illness
 Tapering- reduction to duration and intensity in
combination with increased technique work.
 Resistance Training- often overlooked
Faster recovery, injury prevention reduction of muscle imbalances
 Sex Differences- training variables should be designed
Physiological Sex Differences
Muscle Mass
Force Production
Peak Power Output
Body Composition
Oxygen Cost of Running
Heart Size
Maximum aerobic and anaerobic power
Hemoglobin concentration
Muscle enzyme activity
Relative use of CHO and fat as fuels
Biomechanical differences
Running Economy
Sex Differences in World Records
100 m dash
400 m dash
“To give anything less than your best is to
sacrifice the gift.”
-Steve Prefontaine