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A graph showing the ability to hear sounds at different frequencies. The results
are stated in dB Hearing Level (HL).
A professional trained in the science of hearing and hearing impairment, who test
peoples’ hearing, and helps and give advice to people with hearing impairment.
The science dealing with hearing and hearing impairment.
The hearing level on a persons ‘best ear’ measured in dB HL. The hearing level
in the other ear is either the same or lower.
Conductive hearing loss
Hearing loss caused by a problem in the outer or middle ear, resulting in the
inability of sound to be conducted to the inner ear.
Congenital hearing loss
Hearing loss present from birth. It may or may not be inherited.
dB (deciBel) and the dB scale is used for measurements of sound level. The
deciBel scale is a logarithmic scale where a doubling of sound pressure
corresponds to a 6 dB increase in level. It is very important to realize that 'dB'
can have different meanings and is not a fixed value like volt, meter, etc. The
value of dB depends on the context in which it is used. Very often the sound
pressure is expressed either in dB SPL, with reference to the weakest sound at
1000 Hz which a normal hearing person can detect or in dB HL where the
reference corresponds to the normal hearing threshold of the specific sound. (e.g.
from 125 Hz to 8000 Hz) 0 dB SPL and 0 dB HL is therefore not the same. dB
HL is used in audiograms showing what a person can hear in relation to a young
person with normal hearing. When the audiogram curve exceeds 25 dB, we have
an abnormal condition - a hearing loss.
Number of cycles per second. Frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz). Bass tones
have low frequencies while treble tones have high frequencies.
The Health Utilities Index (HUI)
An international recognised index measuring the overall health status of
Hearing loss
Hearing loss is reduced ability to perceive sound in relation to a young person
with normal hearing. There are different types of hearing loss. Conductive
hearing loss, which is caused by a problem of the outer or middle ear, and
sensorineural hearing loss, which is a result of a malfunction of the sensory cells
and the nerve fibres in the inner ear.
The definition of hearing loss recognised by the World Health Organisation,
WHO, is a hearing loss of more than 25 dB.
Hearing threshold level
An individual’s threshold of hearing sensitivity or the lowest intensity level at
which sound is perceived. Expressed in dB HTL.
An otorhynolaryngologist specialising in diseases of the ear.
The QALY (Quality Adjusted Life Year) League Table is an internationally
recognised and commonly used measurement in the health sector. The measure
shows changes in quality of life in relation to the price of the treatment.
Sensorineural hearing loss
A hearing loss relating to the cochlea and/or auditory neural pathways, but not to
the conductive mechanism of the ear or to the brain.
Tinnitus is noises in the head, not related to any psychiatric condition. The noise
can be heard anywhere in the head or in one or both ears. Tinnitus often occurs
in conjunction with a hearing loss.