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Wave motion
1. Examples:
• Wave motion can be observed when a water surface is disturbed. In
this case waves move outwards across the water surface from the
point of disturbance.
• Wave motion along the string. If the end of a string is rapidly
displaced and returned to its original position, the disturbance travels
along the string, away from the source, as a single wave, which we
call a wave pulse.
• Wave motion is generating, when disturbance is generating in a wave
source and the disturbance is propagating in time and in space.
Special waves:
• Mechanical waves: when the disturbance generates in elastical mediums and propagates
in the space.
• Electromagnetic waves: when electromagnetic oscillations generated in resonant circuit
radiate into the space using open resonant circuit (antenna). This way the
electromagnetic waves propagates in the space.
• Shock waves: When the time duration of the disturbance is very short (instantaneous).
• Traveling waves: When the wave source produces waves continuously.
• Periodic waves: In the case, when the disturbance is a periodic function of the time, the
waves called periodic waves.
• Harmonic waves: When the disturbance is sinusoidal function of the time such a waves
called harmonic waves.
• We shall discuss harmonic waves.
• Comment:
Propagation of mechanical waves needs elastic medium, but electromagnetic waves can
propagate in vacuum (without any elastic mediums), too. Therefore, electromagnetic
waves are different type of waves then mechanical waves. For example: sound is
mechanical wave, and light and radio waves are electromagnetic waves.
Definitions, elements:
• Definition (Field of the wave): part of the space where the disturbance propagates.
• Definition (Wavelength): the wavelength of a sinusoidal wave is the spatial period of the wave –
the distance over which the wave's shape repeats. It is usually determined by considering the
distance between consecutive corresponding points of the same phase, such as crests, troughs, or
zero crossings, and is a characteristic of both traveling waves and standing waves, as well as other
spatial wave patterns. Wavelength is commonly designated by the Greek letter lambda (λ). The
concept can also be applied to periodic waves of non-sinusoidal shape. The term wavelength is
also sometimes applied to modulated waves, and to the sinusoidal envelopes of modulated
waves or waves formed by interference of several sinusoids. The SI unit of wavelength is the
Definitions, elements:
• Definition (Phase velocity): Speed of the traveling or propagating disturbance is v. The v is called
phase velocity (speed of propagation).
• Definition (Period of the wave or period of time): It is the time during the wave propagates to 
distance from a well-defined point.
• Definition (Frequency): Reciprocal value of the T period of time. Frequency is commonly
designated by the letter f.
𝟏 𝒗
𝒇= =
𝑻 𝝀
• Definition (Amplitude of the wave): The amplitude is defined as the maximum disturbance of the
medium from equilibrium, commonly indicated by A.
Main categories of waves:
• Longitudinal wave: In a longitudinal wave the disturbance from
equilibrium is parallel to the direction of propagation of the waves, or
the direction of their velocity v.
Most important example for the longitudinal wave is the sound wave.
Sound waves are compression waves in air illustrated here:
Main categories of waves:
• Transverse wave: In a transverse wave the disturbance from
equilibrium (axis of y, equilibrium: y=0), is perpendicular to the
direction in which the wave is propagating, i.e., it is perpendicular to
the direction of the wave velocity v. Most important examples for the
transverse waves are: waves across the water surface, or waves along
the string.
Another main types of waves:
• Traveling waves along a line: waves move along a string.
• Three-dimensional wave: When the disturbance propagates into all
three-dimension of the space. For example: Light waves. Surface of
the wave: All points, where the wave has same phase (state of the
• Plane wave: The surface of the wave can be represented by a plane.
• Spherical waves and wave normal: The surfaces of the waves are
spheres. Line perpendicular to the wave surfaces is the wave normal.
Wave function
• The physical quantity characterizes the disturbance states of a wave is
called wave function. It is commonly indicated by 𝜓. Wave function
can depend on the space coordinate and the time of a wave space, in
other words, in general 𝜓 = 𝜓(𝑟, 𝑡). Some examples for the wave
functions are: move of the disturbance, pressure-modification in a
medium at a well-defined point, or electric or magnetic field.
Main condition of generation of a harmonic wave is: the disturbance
is harmonic function of the time. In other words:
𝝍 = 𝝍𝟎 ∙ 𝒔𝒊𝒏(𝝎𝒕 + 𝜶)
Energy and intensity of a wave:
• Energy of the wave: One of the most important property of a wave motion is that energy
propagates in a wave. The wave source gives its energy to the space, and the space transmits the
energy from a point to another point. This way, the wave field can be specified by the energy
• Energy density: Energy density is the ratio of the energy value and the volume holds the energy.
Energy density is commonly signed by w and its dimension is J/m3.
• Intensity of the wave, or wave intensity: It is the energy quantity propagates through a normal
surface during the time element. Normal surface element means element which is perpendicular
to the direction of propagation.
𝒘 ∙ 𝒅𝑨 ∙ 𝒅𝒔
𝒅𝑨 𝒅𝑨 ∙ 𝒅𝒕
𝒅𝑨 ∙ 𝒅𝒕
Properties of waves:
Properties of waves
• reflection,
• refraction,
• interference,
• diffraction,
• polarization
will be discussed in detail at section of Optics.
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