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1.north of the shore is called north
shore and south of the shore is called
south shore of that body of water. 2. As
the north wind blows over the lake it
becomes warmer because of the lake's
The south shore is the land south of the
lake and the north shore is the land
north of the lake. The reason it is cooler
on the north shore than the south shore
is because of lake effect. Lake effect is
when the air moves over warm water
and warms up.
The shore north of the lake is called
north shore, and the shore south of the
lake is called south shore. The South
shore is warmer than the North shore
because the North wind brings warm air
from the lake to the South shore
making it warmer.
We mean that the north shore is on the
north part of the lake and the south
shore is on the south part of the lake. It's
always a little warmer on the south
shore than the north shore because the
north wind blows over the lake and it
becomes warmer because of the lake's
When we talk about the north shore &
the south shore , we are talking about
the Lake Ponchartrain on the south
side & the north side. it is warmer on
the south shore because the water is
warm and the warm water evaporates
and the wind takes the warm water and
brings it to the south shore
7 are north, and south of the lake. is a little warmer on the south shore
than the north shore because of the
lake's temperature.
AS THE NORTH WIND BLOWS OVER The wind picks up some warmness from
the lake and takes it to us.
We mean the north of the lake and the
south of the lake. As the north wind
blows over the lake it becomes warmer
because of the lake's temperature.
The north shore is north of Lake
Pontchartrain and the south shore is
south of the lake. It is warmer on the
South shore because the north wind
blows Lake Ponchartrain's heat to the
south shore.
the south shore means that it is the
the south shore is warmer because the
south side or the New Orleans side of
north winds blow across the warm lake
the lake the north shore means the
north side or the Slidell side of the lake.
The North shore is the land north of the
lake, and the South shore is the land
south of the lake! It is warmer on the
South shore because the wind that
blows over the water gets warmer
because the temperature of the water
affects the temperature of the air.
The North shore and the South shore
are separated by Lake Pontchartrain. As
the North wind blows over the lake it
becomes warmer .
1. north and south shore of any lake or
lakes. is more hot in the south
shore because of the north wind, 78
degrees south shore 76 degrees north
shore. :)
It means that the North shore is north of
the lake and the South shore is south of
the lake. It is always a little warmer on
the South shore because the North
shore wind goes down to the South
shore but the lake is warmer so the wind
heats up and that's why the South shore
is a little hotter than North shore.
The south shore is south and north
shore is north. Why its warmer on the
south side is because north wind blows
over the lake and south becomes
warmer because of the lakes
1. The north shore borders the northern
shore of Lake Pontchartrain and the
south shore borders the southern border
of Lake Pontchartrain.
2. Because the north wind blows across
Lake Pontchartrain and Lake
Pontchartrain's water is warm. The
wind carries heat to the south shore.
Lake Ponchartrain has a North shore
and a South shore. We live on the South
shore. When the cool wind blows from
the North shore to the South shore the
lake warms up the air.
the south shore is where we live, the
north shore is Mandeville. the north
wind blow over the warm water and
keeps our south shore warm
1.we mean what land is north of the lake
and what the land south of the lake.2.It
is warmer at the south shore because
when the wind from the north changes
over the lake. That my friend is called
lake effect.
1. The north shore and the south shore
mean that they are north and south of the
Lake Pontchartrain.2. The south shore is
always a little warmer then north shore
because the wind blows over the lake and
t becomes warmer because of the lakes
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