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18-­‐3 Kingdoms & Domains I. Tree of Life – 6 Kingdoms 1. Kingdom Eubacteria •  Single Celled Prokaryotes •  Cell walls made of pepGdoglycan 2. Kingdom Archaebacteria •  Single-­‐celled prokaryotes •  NO pepGdoglycan in the cell walls 3. Kingdom ProGsta •  Eukaryotes, most are unicellular •  3 groups –  Animal-­‐like proGsts –  Plant-­‐like proGsts –  Fungus-­‐like proGsts •  Examples: red algae, green algae, ameoba, paramecium 4. Kingdom Fungi •  Most are mulGcellular, eukaryotes •  Cell walls made of chiGn •  Get food by absorbing nutrients from decaying maTer 5. Kingdom Plantae •  MulGcellular, eukaryotes •  Cell walls made of cellulose •  Make their own food through photosynthesis 6. Kingdom Animalia •  MulGcellular, eukaryotes •  NO cell walls •  Obtain food by eaGng other organisms II. Three Domain System A. Domain Bacteria •  Unicellular, prokaryotes •  PepGdoglycan in cell wall •  Free-­‐living, cause disease, some need oxygen to survive, some do not B. Domain Archaea • 
Unicellular, prokaryotes Do NOT have pepGdoglycan in cell walls Live in extreme environments Usually CANNOT be exposed to oxygen Found near volcanic vents, brine pools, acidic environments C. Domain Eukarya •  All organisms that have a cell nucleus •  ProGsts, fungi, plants, and animals 
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