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Mikel Egaña
Trinity College Dublin
Barometric pressure decreases as altitude increases
Air always contains: 20.93% O2, 0.03% CO2, 79.04% N2
Cold air holds little water, so air at altitude is dry: risk of dehydration
Altitude training for sea-level performance
Increases at rest and during exercise
To prevent alkalosis:
CO2 clearance increases
Kidney excrete bicarbonate ions
Blood pH increases
More acid remains in the blood
Respiratory alkalosis
Alkalosis is reversed
Haemoglobin saturation decreases from 98% (sea-level) to 90-92% (2,500m)
Altitude training for sea-level performance
Partial pressure
Sea level
2,439 m
Arterial PO2
Muscle PO2
Diffusion gradient
VO2max decreases as altitude increases
i.e. at Mount Everest VO2max is 10 to 25% of its value at sea level!
Altitude training for sea-level performance
Blood volume:
Plasma volume initially decreases (dehydration), then plateaus.
Lack of O2 stimulates the release of erythropoietin after 3h (peak 24-48 h)
Stimulates erythrocyte (RBC) production.
So, ultimately blood volume back to normal
Cardiac output (CO):
At rest and mid submaximal exercise CO increases slightly
Initially: SV is decreased and HR increased
After a few days: a-v O2 diff increased, so less demand for HR
Maximal exercise: both SV and HR lower, so maximal CO decreases
Altitude training for sea-level performance
For a given submaximal work rate blood lactate concentration increases
However, maximal lactate concentration decreases (paradigm)
Increase in:
Capillary supply
Decrease in:
Muscle fiber area
Total muscle area
Glycolitic enzyme activity
Probably due to loss of appetite, weight loss
Altitude training for sea-level performance
Activities that require high demands on O2 transport and aerobic energy
system most affected.
The decrease in VO2max with initial exposure to altitude doesn’t improve
much after weeks of exposure
So, important to reach high VO2max values before altitude exposure
Sprint (<2 min), jumping and throwing activities generally not impaired at
moderate altitude (Mexico 1968)
Altitude training for sea-level performance
Athletes who normally train at sea level, but must compete at altitude. Options:
a)  Compete within 24 h of arrival at higher altitudes:
No acclimatization, but avoidance of detrimental responses to
altitude such as dehydration and sleep disturbances
b)  Train at altitude (1,500-3,000 m) for at least 2 weeks (For appropriate
acclimatization ~4 to 6 weeks)
Initial intensity: 60-70% of sea-level intensity
Progress to full intensity within 10-14 days
c)  For team sports requiring considerable endurance (football, hockey,
Intense aerobic training at sea level to reach high VO2max values
So, at altitude they will perform at lower relative intensities
Altitude training for sea-level performance
Most studies show no improvement in
sea-level performance following
altitude training.
Few studies have shown post-altitude
improvements at sea level, but poorly
controlled (subjects not well trained)
Difficult methodological problems:
Athletes unable to train at same
volume and intensity as at sea
level (CV function decreased)
Often athletes dehydrate and lose
fat-free mass
Brosnan et al. 2000
Altitude training for sea-level performance
Study 1:
Levine BD et al. JAP 1997
Altitude training for sea-level performance
Study 1:
Levine BD et al. JAP 1997
Results for the HI-LO group:
Main improvement in performance (5000 m): 1.4%
Improvement in VO2max: 2.5%
Altitude training for sea-level performance
Study 2: Hi-Hi-Lo
(elite athletes)
Results for HI-Hi-LO group:
Main improvement in
performance (3000 m):
Improvement in VO2max:
Stray-Gundersen J et al. JAP 2001
Altitude training for sea-level performance
Comparison of the two studies:
ΔHb, g/dl
Δ Performance, %
Elite runners
(14M, 8F)
(study 2, 2001)
2.3 ±2.6
College runners
(18M, 8F)
(study 1, 1997)
1.1 ±0.7
2.5 ±2.4
Altitude training for sea-level performance
So, HI-LO method favourable results, but difficulties: Logistically + financially
Other approaches:
Hypoxic tents (sleeping devices) or even hypoxic living apartments
Robach P et al, EJAP 2006 (elite swimmers):
13 day training while living & sleeping in hypoxic rooms (16h
No improvements in VO2max or swimming performance
Brugniaux JV et al, JAP 2006 (elite athletes)
14 day training while living & sleeping in hypoxic rooms (14h
Improvements in VO2max and VO2 at Ventilatory Threshold
Altitude training for sea-level performance
Hypoxic rooms (‘Hi-Lo’)
(elite athletes)
Results for HI-LO group:
- Improvement in VO2 at VT:
18.1% Post 1; 15.9% Post 2
- Improvement in VO2max: 7.1%
at Post 1; 3.4% Post 2
Possible reasons:
-  Post 1: RCV incresed 9%
-  Post 2: normal RCV; so, due
to training potentiation
Brugniaux JV et al, JAP 2006
Altitude training for sea-level performance
Intermittent normobaric hypoxia
Julian et al, JAP, 2004 (runners):
5:5 min hypoxia-to-normoxia ratio for 70 min 5 times/wk x 4wks
Hypoxia: fraction of inspired O2: 0.12(wk-1), 0.11 (wk-2), 0.10
Results showed:
No improvements in performance (3000 m)
No improvements in VO2max
Due to a lack of increase in Hb and erythropoietin.
Julian CG et al. JAP 2004
Altitude training for sea-level performance