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Parent Guide
7th - 8th Grade
Year B
© 2013, Laura Novey, all rights reserved
Psalm 115:1: Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your name give glory
because of Your lovingkindness, because of Your truth.
Colossians 2:6-7: Therefore, as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted
and now being built up in Him and established in Your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude.
Dear parents of seventh and eighth graders,
This parent guide is designed to facilitate communica on with your
child about what s/he learns in Sunday school each week. The goal is
to help you coordinate and supplement your Bible teaching at home
with the material your child is covering in Sunday school. Please refer
to the calendar posted on the children’s bulle n board regarding
which lesson number is taught on any given Sunday.
You may feel free to speak with your child’s teachers or the Sunday
school superintendent for more detailed lesson informa on, if desired.
Also, take advantage of the materials in the children’s library. Many of
the resources used in the Sunday school program are also available in
our children’s library.
Deuteronomy 11:18-19: You shall therefore impress these words of
Mine on your heart and on your soul; and you shall bind them as a sign
on your hand, and they shall be as frontals on your forehead. You shall
teach them to your sons, talking of them when you sit in your house
and when you walk along the road and when you lie down and when
you rise up.
May God greatly bless your me with your children as you grow in the
Lord together.
© 2013, Laura Novey, all rights reserved
Parent guides are for personal home use only. Do not print, copy, use,
distribute, sell, or alter FaithRootz curriculum materials in any way
without the express wri6en permission of the author.
First Semester
Introduction / Orientation
Independent Scripture Memorization
Systematic Theology (Introduction / God Has Made Himself Known)
Systema c theology gathers and organizes all that God has revealed to us about a par cular
topic through all the books of the Bible, yielding a more complete understanding of the topic.
Help your child establish a personal quiet me with God each day for Bible study and prayer.
Together, examine the “ABC Bible Study” handout, which was not covered in class today, but it
has been covered at an earlier grade level. Encourage him to put ABC Bible study into prac ce
during His quiet mes. Students should work on memorizing various Scripture passages from
their systema c theology handouts at home each week for their own benefit. Scripture hidden
in the heart comes back to the mind when it is needed. This week, help your child memorize
Psalm 19:1. Read and discuss together the systema c theology handout, including all the Bible passages noted. Book: Big Truths
For Young Hearts
Systematic Theology (God’s Word / “Don’t Take a Text Out of Context
and Make it a Pretext”)
We can know certain things about God by observing what He has made, but there are loads of
other things we cannot know about God unless He were to directly communicate those things to
us. Thankfully, He has chosen to reveal Himself to us through His Word. If we only know pieces
and parts of what God’s Word says, our understanding of Him will not be accurate. Ask your
child what it means to take a text out of context and make it a pretext. (He could use 1 Corinthians 11:34a as an example.) Systema c theology goes right back to the basics, and your child
might know most of the informa on already; however, it’s important to make sure the students have all the pieces of the puzzle so
they may have a complete understanding of God and His Word. Misunderstandings and even false religious systems arise when we
don’t have the full picture. During their systema c theology unit, the students will be filling in any gaps in their knowledge. This
week’s memory verse is 2 Timothy 3:16-17. Together, read and discuss the systema c theology handout, including all the Bible
passages, as well as the “complete the picture” handout. Book: Big Truths For Young Hearts
Authority of God’s Word
Today, the class took a small detour to get a firm grasp on the fact that the Bible really is God’s
Word. It’s 100% accurate. It doesn’t change. It’s the only place we can go for absolute truth.
Encourage your child to consider the informa on presented in the DVD he watched during class
and to make a decision for himself as to whether or not he trusts the Bible’s authority. His decision fundamentally affects all aspects of his life, including whether or not he trusts the message
of eternal life found in the pages of God’s Word. DVD: Demolishing Strongholds Volume 2: Programs 7 and 8
Systematic Theology (God’s Life as God / Attributes of God)
on 4
es s
Together, read and discuss the systema c theology handout your child brought home today.
Read and fully study all the Bible passages noted in the handout. Strive to memorize at least
one of the memory verses listed on the handout this week. Book: Big Truths For Young Hearts
Systematic Theology (Attributes of God / God is One)
on 5
es s
Together, read and discuss the systema c theology handout, including all the Bible passages
noted. Strive to help your child memorize at least one of the memory verses listed on the
handout this week. The class played a systema c theology review game today. Book: Big
Truths For Young Hearts
Systematic Theology (Trinity / Paterology / Christology)
on 6
es s
Paterology refers to the study of God the Father. Christology refers to the study of God the Son.
Together, read and discuss the systema c theology handout, including all the Bible passages
noted. Strive to help your child memorize at least one of the memory verses listed on the
handout this week. Book: Big Truths For Young Hearts
Systematic Theology (Pneumatology / Trinity)
Pneumatology refers to the study of God the Holy Spirit. Together, read and discuss the systema c theology handout, including all the Bible passages noted. Strive to help your child memorize
at least one of the memory verses listed on the handout this week. The students par cipated in
a Bible inves ga on compe on today. What role did God the Father play in the crea on of the
universe? (1 Cor. 8:6 / John 5:19) What role did God the Son play? (John 1:1-3) How did the
universe come into existence? (Hebrews 11:3) Did the Holy Spirit par cipate in the crea on of
the universe? (Genesis 1:2, Psalm 3:3-6--note: “breath” refers to the Holy Spirit) If God created
the universe, who owns the universe? (Daniel 4:34-35) Consider challenging your child to share some of his memorized verses with
family or friends this week. Book: Big Truths For Young Hearts
on 7
es s
Systematic Theology (God’s Sovereignty / Man’s Responsibility in
God’s World)
Together, read and discuss the systema c theology handout, including all the Bible passages
noted. Strive to help your child memorize at least one of the memory verses listed. Book: Big
Truths For Young Hearts
Systematic Theology (Suffering / Review / Man’s Position and Nature)
The class played a systema c theology review game today. What does sovereignty mean?
(supreme, permanent control and authority over all things) Does God use suffering and pain as
discipline for someone who has spiraled off into sin? (Yes) When someone is suffering or going
through a trial, does it always mean the person is being disciplined for sin? (No) God oKen uses
trials to refine us and mold us more into the image of His Son--to strengthen our faith in Him.
Some mes God has a reason for trials that is known only to Him at the me. (e.g., Read the
book of Job or John chapter 9.) Two topics in the handout that the class did not cover today
include man as God’s masterpiece and other features of being human. Together, read and discuss the systema c theology
handout, including all the Bible passages noted. Strive to help your child memorize at least one of the memory verses listed. Book:
Big Truths For Young Hearts
on 9
es s
Systematic Theology (Man’s Position and Nature / Hamartiology / Soteriology / Grace of God)
Gospel Message
n 10
Hamar ology refers to the study of sin. Soteriology refers to the study of salva on. Biblical grace
refers to giving something good to someone who has not earned it and does not deserve it. Together, read and discuss the systema c theology handout and the addi onal handout your child
brought home today. Read and fully study all the Bible passages. Find out what your child sincerely believes about Jesus Christ. Is anything keeping him from placing his trust in Christ as his
personal Savior? Discuss those issues. Find answers to his ques ons. If your child is a born-again
believer who has not yet been bap zed, ask him to consider making that public statement of faith. Strive to help your child memorize at least one of the memory verses listed on his handouts. Book: Big Truths For Young Hearts
Systematic Theology (Christology)
Together, read and discuss the systema c theology handout, including all the Bible passages noted. Strive to help your child memorize at least one of the memory verses listed. Your child also
should have brought home a “parental no ce” sheet to no fy you that the class will be watching
The Gospel of John movie in class soon. It is rated PG-13. If you have any ques ons or would like
to opt your child out of watching the crucifixion scene, please no fy your child’s Sunday school
teachers or the superintendent. Beginning next Sunday, the class might begin five minutes early
and may go 10-15 minutes late each day in order to complete the en re movie by the end of the
semester if this par cular year only has 14 lesson days in 1st semester. If there are 15 lesson days, class will be held during the
regular me period. If your child must leave at the normal me and not stay later, he may do so. Book: Big Truths For Young
on 1
Systematic Theology (Christology / Soteriology)
n 12
Today the junior high students began watching The Gospel of John to round out their understanding of the person and work of Jesus Christ. Read and discuss together the systema c theology
handout; none of the handout was covered in class today. Read and fully study all the Bible passages. Answer all the ques ons. Strive to help your child memorize at least one of the memory
verses listed. Remind your child that class might start five minutes early and may go 10-15
minutes late if applicable. DVD: The Gospel of John.
Systematic Theology (Christology / Soteriology)
on 1
The class watched the second por on of The Gospel of John movie today. Read and discuss together the systema c theology handout; none of the handout was covered in class today. Read
and fully study all the Bible passages. Answer all the ques ons. This will prepare your child to
be6er understand the remainder of the movie. Strive to help your child memorize at least one of
the memory verses listed. Remind your student of the early start / late finish next Sunday if applicable. DVD: The Gospel of John.
Systematic Theology (Christology / Soteriology)
on 1
The class watched a third por on of The Gospel of John movie today. Discuss the movie with your
child. You might consider reading the book of John together this week, as well. Be sure you’ve
studied with your child the handouts from lessons 12 and 13. Remind your child of the early
start / late finish next Sunday if applicable. DVD: The Gospel of John.
Systematic Theology (Christology / Soteriology)
on 1
The class finished watching The Gospel of John movie today. Discuss the movie with your child.
Consider checking the movie out from the church’s children’s library to watch as a family or with a
group of friends and/or neighbors. An opportunity to share the Gospel message might present
itself. As your family celebrates Christmas, keep in mind what you are actually celebra ng. Praise
God together for His love, mercy, and grace. DVD: The Gospel of John.
Second Semester
Salvation (Judicial Justification / Eternal Security / Soteriology /
Grace vs. Works)
The class enacted a courtroom play today in order to help them understand the concept of judicial jus fica on. The defendant was guilty, but his sentence was paid in full by someone else on
his behalf; he was therefore judicially jus fied--cleared of his sentence, no longer owing a debt.
That’s what Christ did for us. We are guilty as charged. He paid our penalty. We are free if accept His payment on our behalf. That’s what Biblical “grace” is all about: God gives us something good that we did not earn and do not deserve simply because He is a gracious God and He
loves us. Can we ever lose our judicial jus fica on? (No. It’s a done deal. God’s Word stands forever--it is unchangeable. If He
promises something, He will carry it out. Read together Psalm 119:89-90.) If someone has placed his faith in Christ, can you think
of any way that person could s ll end up in hell? (No! We did nothing to earn our salva on in the first place, so we can do nothing
to lose it. Read together Isaiah 43:11-13, John 10:27-30, and John 6:37-39.) With your child, read and discuss the handout he
brought home today, including all the Bible passages listed. Encourage your child to con nue having personal quiet mes with God
each day to read the Bible and pray. Keep challenging him to hide God’s Word in his heart by memorizing Bible passages of choice.
Salvation (Grace vs. Works / Sanctification)
on 2
es s
The students studied the second component of salva on today: sanc fica on. Read and discuss together the handout your child brought home today, including all the Bible passages
listed. Work on helping your child memorize Ephesians 2:8-10 this week. Your child should also
have brought home a permission slip that you must complete and return as soon as possible.
The class will be doing a “hot topics” unit very soon, and part of this unit involves a study on
Biblical sexuality.
The Christian Walk (God’s Word as the Way / Filling of the Spirit)
on 3
es s
Your child par cipated in to object lessons today involving puzzles and flashlights. Ask him what
he learned from each one. Read together Psalm 139:1-16, Psalm 32:8-11, John 16:13, Psalm
119:105, John 8:12, and John 12:35. Work together to memorize Psalm 119:105 this week. The
more we understand and hide God’s Word in our hearts, the brighter His guiding light will be for
us and the more pieces of the puzzle we will have in our possession. Remember to return your
child’s permission slip.
The Christian Walk (Being an Ambassador / Abiding in Christ)
What is an ambassador? What are some characteris cs of a good ambassador vs. an ineffec ve
ambassador? The class par cipated in an object lesson today illustra ng 2 Timothy 2:20-21.
Ask him about it. Read, study, and discuss the handout with your child, including all the Bible
passages. This week, work together to memorize 2 Timothy 2:20-21. Remember to return your
child’s permission slip.
The Christian Walk (True Worship / Mind Renewal)
Hot Topics: Teen Issues (Introduction / Obedience)
Read together Romans chapter 12. What does it mean to “present your bodies a living and holy
sacrifice”? What does it mean to not be conformed to this world? How do we avoid becoming
conformed to the world? (mind renewal) How do we renew our minds? (Get into God’s Word!)
What does an ambassador for Christ look like in Romans 12? The hot topics study today involved
some teen issues: specifically, the benefits that come from obedience. Ask your child what he
learned. Ask your child to consider wri ng out Psalm 25:1-5 and pos ng it where he can see it
every day as he goes through his teen years. Please return your child’s permission slip if you have not yet done so.
Hot Topics: Teen Issues (Peer Pressure / Selecting Friends)
Read together 1 Corinthians 15:33 and 2 Corinthians 6:14-18. Talk with your child about what
he learned today regarding peer pressure and the selec on of friends. Friends are not going to
be perfect. We are not perfect either. But Scripture does give us some serious warnings about
hanging out with the wrong people, so we want to choose our friends wisely. Help your child
evaluate each of his friends according to the categories he has wri6en on the paper he brought
home today. (Brain: What sorts of things does the person think about? Eyes: What sorts of
things does the person watch or look at? Mouth: What sorts of things does the person tend to
say? Hands: How does the person use his or her hands? Where does this person tend to go? Does this person walk the narrow
road with Jesus or the wide road to destruc on? Heart: Is the person guarding his/her heart and keeping it pure?) Believers are not
to be bound in close friendship with those who are not walking as disciples of Christ. Do some role playing with your child this
week to help him make plans ahead of me about what he will do when he finds himself in specific peer-pressure situa ons. It’s
important to know what to do now before the situa on comes upon him and he may not have me to think it through.
on 6
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Hot Topics: Teen Issues (Resisting Temptation)
Last week the class looked at what peer pressure is. This week, they looked into the Scriptures
to see how to resist all varie es of tempta on. Read together Psalm 119:11. Choose a couple
of verses that were studied today and work on memorizing them together. The more we have
God’s Word in our hearts, the be6er our weaponry against tempta on. The students listened to
a song by Cas ng Crowns called “Voice of Truth”. They have brought the lyrics home. Read,
study, and discuss today’s handout with him, including all the Bible passages. Next week, the
boys will be separate from the girls as the class begins the Biblical sexuality unit. Parents are
invited and encouraged to par cipate (fathers with sons, mothers with daughters). Be sure you have returned your child’s permission slip. CD’s: Passport2Purity; Cas ng Crowns
on 7
Hot Topics: Teen Issues (Puberty / Relating to the Opposite Sex /
Inner Character)
Read and discuss together Psalm 139:1-16 and Luke 12:4-7. God made us and understands us in
every way. Believers are always under His protec on, and He has a specific plan for each person’s life. During puberty, God transforms a child into the man or woman He has planned for
that person to be. Sexuality is meant to be a giK, something to celebrate and handle in a wise
and godly fashion. Read and discuss together the handout your child brought home today.
Open the lines of communica on if you have not done so in the past; your child will need your
guidance through the poten al turbulence of adolescence. CD: Passport2Purity
Hot Topics: Teen Issues (God’s Gift of Sexuality / Relating to the
Opposite Sex)
Dialogue with your child about the topics covered in class and answer any ques ons they may
have. (You may ask your child’s teachers or the superintendent for more informa on about
what was addressed today.) Your child should have brought home a several-page handout with
ques ons and Scripture passages. Together, take the me to read, study, and discuss the
handout, including all the Bible passages. This may take several weeks. CD: Passport2Purity
Hot Topics: Teen Issues (Sexual Purity)
on 1
Together, read, study, and discuss the two handouts, including all the Bible passages. Con nue
to work through last week’s handout. Encourage your child to con nue to have his daily quiet
me with God, and con nue to help him memorize Scriptures of choice. Next week, the students will come back together as one class to discuss da ng. CD: Passport2Purity
Hot Topics: Teen Issues (Dating)
n 11
Talk with your child about da ng. Help him to develop personal convic ons about it based upon
Scripture. Ask your child to explain the object lesson involving sheets of construc on paper and
glue. CD: Passport2Purity
Evangelism (Introduction / Wristwatch Method)
Independent Scripture Memorization
on 1
Read together Ma6hew 28:18-20. What does it mean to make disciples? Is making disciples a
sugges on or a command? Under whose authority are we to do evangelism ,and by whose power are people saved? Read and discuss together Romans 10:13-17. A common rough es mate is
that 146,000 people die each day worldwide, and Ma6hew 7:14 says the vast majority are entering into an eternity separated from Christ. There are no excuses for believers not to speak
the words of life. The class is equipping themselves with two simple ways to share the Gospel:
the Roman road and wristwatch techniques. Your child has brought home a permission slip for a field trip; the class will be doing
sidewalk evangelism. Please complete and return the permission slip so the teachers have an accurate head count for securing the
appropriate number of chaperones. Read and study the handout with your child, including the Bible passages, and prac ce the
wristwatch evangelism technique. Help your child memorize the accompanying verses: Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, John 3:16.
DVD: Demolishing Strongholds, DVD 3, Programs 9-12
Evangelism (Wristwatch Method / Roman Road)
Independent Scripture Memorization
n 13
What is evangelism? What does it mean to be saved? What are we saved from? Why should we
even bother sharing the Gospel with people? Read together Ma6hew 28:18-29 and Romans
10:13-17. Read and study today’s handout with your child, including the Bible verses. Together,
memorize the verses that accompany the wristwatch method of evangelism and con nue praccing it. Be sure to return your child’s permission slip or contact the teachers/superintendent.
DVD: Demolishing Strongholds, DVD 4, Bonus Content
Evangelism (Wristwatch Technique / Roman Road)
Hot Topics (“Tolerance” / Our Culture of Death)
n 14
Read, study, and discuss together the “hot topics” handout, including all the Bible passages.
Next Sunday the junior high students will be doing sidewalk evangelism. They will go out two-by
-two and hand out Gospel tracts. Each pair will have a Biblically-grounded, godly chaperone.
Con nue to prac ce wristwatch evangelism and the Roman road with your child. He will not
need to use either of these, but he may choose to do so if someone strikes up a conversa on
and wants to know more about the Gospel. It’s always be6er to be prepared.
Evangelism (Sidewalk Evangelism)
on 1
Pray with your child for any people they may have shared the Gospel with today. Students are
bringing home their totes, hats, and any tracts and Bibles they may have leKover. These are
theirs to keep. Perhaps you could use them to do some sidewalk evangelism as a family in your
own neighborhood or elsewhere. Summer is quickly coming upon us. Take advantage of the
great resources in our church’s libraries (both the children’s and the adults’) all summer!
es s
Hot Topics (Dabbling in the Occult / Advertising to Our Sin Nature)
Authority of God’s Word
Today was the rain date for sidewalk evangelism. Otherwise, the students learned about the
occult, especially as it is disguised in modern culture, and the purpose/methods employed in
adver sing. If there is a 17th class period this year, students will focus on the authority of God’s
Word through the DVD Demolishing Strongholds. Together, read, study, and discuss the
handout, including all the Bible passages. Look through magazines, newspapers, and T.V. adversements to find examples of lies, arRul decep ons, and appeals to our sin nature.