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You Aren’t What You Eat! You Are What You Can Digest And Absorb!
Do any of these Sound Familiar?
Meal Fatigue
Acid Reflux
Irritable Bowel
Crohn’s Disease
Food Sensitivities
Lactose Intolerance
Acid Blocking Aids
Diverticulitis D’s
Food Allergies
Weight Gain
Remember when you could eat anything
anytime you wanted?
Don't Worry, You're Not Alone.
Many people of all ages experience digestive
discomfort. Don't miss out on enjoying a
tasty meal with family and friends again.
You don't have to start a meal worried that
you’re going to pay the price for eating it
after you get done. Luckily, there's plenty
you can do to improve and boost your
overall digestive health the natural way.
We want you to have healthy dietary
habits such as drinking enough water, eating
plenty of fiber, fruits and vegetables and so
on. Yet even with the healthiest dietary
habits some people
need a little extra
help. It takes a
healthy digestive
system to properly
digest and absorb your
food no matter how fresh and
healthy the food is.
Why Digestive Enzymes are Important
Enzymes are what your body naturally
uses to digest the food you eat. There are TWO
ways your digestive system receives the
enzymes you need. The first way is that the
enzymes are naturally in the foods
you eat or secondly, they are
produced by your digestive organs.
Chances are you may need a little
help in getting the enzymes your
body needs.
Many medications merely mask digestive symptoms without
addressing any possible underlying issues. Consider digestive enzyme
supplements - the natural solution for digestive health.
Enzymes are the natural workforce of the
body and your digestive system is at the root of
your overall health. Supplementing with
enzymes helps compensate for enzyme deficient
foods. By properly digesting your food you’ll
get more nutrition out of your food,
and allow your digestive organs to
spend more time on keeping your
body healthy and less time on
digestion. Digestive enzymes are
crucial for both healthy and
unhealthy diets.
WHY? - 2 Main Reasons
First, researchers have discovered that
cooking or processing food over 118o F, kills
virtually all digestive enzymes that were
naturally in it. Second, as we age our bodies
ability to produce enzymes slowly diminishes.
These two factors can put you at risk for a
variety of health imbalances.
To compensate for these two factors your
body must work overtime to produce enzymes.
If you’ve ever felt sluggish after a meal, it’s
possibly because your body is working overtime
to digest the food that you have just consumed.
When your body works overtime to
properly digest your food, it doesn’t have as
much energy to devote to other functions, such
as immune defense and degenerative disease
defense. Don’t let your health suffer because
your body is compensating for enzyme deficient
food. Simply replace some of the enzymes by
taking an enzyme supplement with your meal.
When food is properly digested, fewer digestive
imbalances occur.
Can you relate to any of the following?
Avoid certain foods?
Feel tired after a meal?
Feel bloated after a meal?
Avoid certain restaurants?
Experience digestive discomfort?
Have irregular bowel movements?
Have a mental list of foods you can’t eat?
Available in 90 and 270 vegetarian capsules
Natural Digestive Enzymes
Once you know why digestive enzymes
are important, it’s equally important to know
how to find a high quality product. Allegany
Nutrition utilizes only natural plant-derived
enzymes which enables the enzymes to work in a
wider pH range than other forms of digestive
enzymes such as animal derived.
A product that can function in a wide pH
range is important because the pH in the lower
stomach can reach as low as 1.5
and the pH in the small
intestine can reach as high as
8. It is also important that
a digestive enzyme
supplement contain Ionic
Trace Minerals. Why?
Because, ionic trace minerals act like cofactors
to increase the utilization of digestive enzymes.
Our enzymes are designed to improve
digestion of foods whether cooked, processed or
natural. The HP Series digestive enzymes are
a full spectrum high potency formulation
capable of aiding in the digestion of proteins,
fats, carbohydrates, sugars, fibers, and dairy
products. Our enzymes are produced in an
Organically Certified facility that is FDA
inspected and contains no fillers, yeast, dairy,
wheat, soy, or corn and is free of artificial
colors, flavors and preservatives. We use the
highest quality ingredients to produce
superior results the natural way.
Product Features
Ingredients capsule Enzyme Function
pH range 4 to 10
Acid Stable
pH range 2 to 5
pH range 3.5 to 8
pH range 4 to 10
Malt Diastase
pH range 4 to 9
The pH is a way of measuring how acidic
or alkaline the body is. The pH in the
human digestive tract varies greatly. The
pH of saliva usually ranges between 6.5 and
7.5. After we chew and swallow food it
then enters the upper portion of the
stomach which has a pH between 4.0 and
6.5. This is where “pre-digestion” occurs
while the lower portion of the stomach is
secreting hydrochloric acid (HCI) and
pepsin until it reaches a pH between 1.5
and 4.0.
After the food mixes with these
juices it then enters the duodenum (small
intestine) where the pH changes to 7.0 to
8.5. This is where 90% of the absorption of
nutrients is taken in by the body while the
waste products are passed out through the
colon (pH 4.0 to 7.0).
Our natural plant derived
enzymes are a full spectrum
formulation that functions
throughout the entire pH range of the
digestive system.
pH range 3 to 8
pH range 2.7 to 5.7
pH range 2 to 8
pH range 3 to 5.5
pH range 3 to 9
pH range 2 to 7
pH range 2 to 7
Ionic Trace
150,000 Breaks down Protein.
FCC/HUT (beef, chicken, fish, vegetable)
Breaks down Protein in an
acidic environment.
(lower stomach)
Breaks down Proteins.
Breaks down Carbohydrates,
Starches, and Sugars.
Breaks down complex
FCC/DP and simple Sugars.
5,000 Breaks down Fats and Oil.
FCC/FIP (triglycerides
other lipids)
Breaks down Fibers in
FCC/CU fruits and vegetables.
1,000 Digests Vegetables. (breaks
FCC/HCU down hemicellulose in cell walls)
Breaks down table Sugar.
Breaks down Lactose.
(milk, cheese, and
FCC/ALU other dairy products)
4 U
Breaks down phytate
which negatively binds
important minerals.
Breaks down pectin.
Pectin is an important
nutrient in fruits.
30 MG Enzyme Cofactors.
Recommended Use:
As a dietary supplement, adults take 1 or 2
capsules at the start of each meal, or as directed
by your Health Care Professional. May be taken
between meals and before bed to aid in
Natural Plant-Derived Enzymes
100% Vegetarian Capsules
Functional in a wide pH Range
High Potency Enzyme Supplement
No Fillers
Available in 90 and 270 Capsules
Formulated by enzyme specialists
Made in USA
Mfg. in an Organically Certified Facility
The strength of an enzyme ingredient is
determined by its units of activity, not milligrams. Units
of activity express the ingredients strength. Milligrams
only express the amount of an ingredient.
For example, an enzyme product could contain
250mg of protease enzyme with a strength of only
30,000 FCC/HUT OR the same 250mg of protease
enzyme could have the strength of 150,000 FCC/HUT.
In this example there is a 5 time difference in the
amount of enzyme strength. Another way to say this is
that the more units of activity in a formulation, the more
food it is capable of digesting, regardless of the number
of milligrams of an ingredient.
Units of activity are based on the Food
Chemical Codex (FCC), Academy of Sciences and
accepted by the American Food Industry.
Information in this brochure is provided for informational purposes and
is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own
physician or other medical professional. You should not use the
information contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health
problem or disease, or prescribing any medication. You should read all
product packaging carefully. If you have or suspect that you have a
medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider. The
statements in this brochure have not been evaluated by the Food &
Drug Administration. The statements in this brochure are not intended
to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information
contained in this literature was derived from medical, nutritional, and
media publication.
For more information contact
Digestive Health…
the Natural Way
Doctor Recommended
Allegany Nutrition
The Enzyme Specialists
Enzymes Work...