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1. The metaphor of the holon (shown in the first photo) is most closely related to
a. linear concepts of understanding.
b. psychodynamic theory.
c. the systems perspective.*
d. either/or conceptualizations.
2. _______ can be defined as a highly abstract explanation of social life as a whole.
a. Small range theory
b. Middle range theory
c. Grand theory*
d. all of the above
3. Paulo Freire was best known for:
a. his grassroots organizing activities and his charismatic leadership style.*
b. his developmental stage theory that is still used today.
c. his work in the psychoanalytic movement.
d. structural functionalist concepts.
4. _______ includes a recognition of society’s prejudices—ethnocentrism, sexism, classism,
heterosexism, and racism—and of our own possession of these traits.
a. Learning to transgress
b. Cultural awareness
c. Cultural competence*
d. Equality
5. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Kuhn was a book about
a. life on the battlefield.
b. paradigm shifts.*
c. paradox.
d. systems theory.
6. A major contributor to general systems theory was
a. Kuhn
b. von Bertalanffy*
c. Gitterman
d. Marx
7. ________ are the defining limits of systems that signify what is inside and what is outside a
given system.
a. Rules
b. Boundaries*
c. Borders
d. Structures
8. The Plains Indians experienced life as
a. linear
b. a circle*
c. in sets of threes
d. a challenge because nature had to first be tamed
9. In the film America’s Lost Landscapes, we learn that the prairie in Iowa and Kansas:
a. has all but disappeared from the landscape, but that efforts are being made to return
the earth to its natural state through the planting of prairie grass and flowers on
available land.*
b. is currently flourishing, but has seen a slight decline in the last
decade due to pesticides.
c. has all but disappeared from the landscape and will never be able
to return to a natural state of balance.
d. served little practical purpose in sustaining life.
10. In ecological theory, the ________ is the name for a particular place which is suitable to
the growth and development of the organism.
a. input
b. ecosystem
c. niche*
d. alcove
11. Proponents of this theoretical perspective argue that humanity and nature cannot be
a. Structural functionalism
b. Deep ecology*
c. Third wave feminism.
d. Conflict theory.
12. Which of the following is NOT a criticism of the ecosystems perspective?
a. The comprehensiveness of the theory lends itself to criticism that it is too inclusive
and expository rather than explanatory
b. The concepts of power and empowerment are only afterthoughts to this theory, not
core concepts.
c. This approach neglects to provide an analysis of the social structures that produce
the inequalities to which they refer.
d. The theory focuses too much on the micro level, and does not fit with today’s
expansive paradigm.*
13. Sociologists distinguished between manifest and ________ functions of social phenomena.
a. latent*
b. cyclical
c. linear
d. tacit
14. The term “the personal is political” most closely relates to the idea that:
a. consciousness-raising in politics will be scorned at the individual level.
b. personal troubles often derive from political actions.*
c. practice and policy, though similar, should be kept separate to avoid oppression.
d. In the U.S., political candidates take the concerns of the individuals seriously.
15. Empathy can best be described as:
a. shaking your head and saying “uh-huh” when listening to clients.
b. being aware of the feelings of others and not letting these feelings interfere with the
helping process.
c. the ability to put oneself in the place of another.*
d. a therapeutic tool created to be used only at the micro level.
16. Within the social sciences, macro-level research tends to be in the form of
a. learning from the microcosm.
b. surveys.*
c. social experiments.
d. none of the above.
17. In Capitalism: A Love Story, Michael Moore
a. praises earlier forms of capitalism
b. uses satire to criticize capitalism*
c. relates romance to achieving wealth
d. focuses on his successful film making career
18. The terms alienation, power elite, and sociological imagination are most relevant to
a. structural functionalism.
b. conflict theory.*
c. deep ecology.
d. liberal feminism.
19. In response to the 2008 recession some schools of social work, according to the text,
a. are teaching the fundamentals of economics*
b. are focusing more on structural functionalist concepts
c. discouraging social work graduates from applying for administrative positions
d. none of the above
20. Targets of change, the source of a social work intervention, include:
a. individuals
b. families
c. groups
d. whole communities
e. all of the above*
21. Means-tested programs are said to be the death knell of poverty programs because
a. the assessments are not thoroughly done.
b. they become only programs for the poor and are stigmatized.*
c. they take away opportunities for people in the society to get rich.
d. they are available to rich and poor alike.
22. Radical perspectives are criticized, according to the text, for
a. failing to listen to the client’s interpretation of problems.
b. being weak in dealing with emotional problems.
c. having a view of clients that is disempowering.
d. being highly ideological.
e. all of the above*
f. none of the above; no criticisms are provided in the text of radical perspectives.
23. Anti-oppressive analysis is a dominant social work perspective in
a. Canada, the UK, and Israel*.
b. China and Cuba
c. the U.S.
d. Japan and South Korea
24. The author of the essay, “Cries from the Second Wave” tells of
a. a near drowning experience.
b. attending consciousness-raising groups in the 1970s.*
c. a personal grief and healing experience.
d. none of the above
25. According to Dominelli, the five types of feminism are
a. laissez-faire, radical, socialist, black, postmodern.
b. liberal, radical, socialist, black, postmodern.*
c. postmodern, positivist, radical, socialist, liberal.
d. liberal, black, conservative, socialist, political.
26. Postmodernism refers to ______ thinking, while the earlier modernism refers to ______
a. both/and; either/or*
b. either/or; both/and
c. traditional; alternative
d. none of the above