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The Congo River
The Congo is also known as the Zaire
river. It is the world’s deepest river
and is 4370km long. It begins at the
junction of the Lualaba and Luvua
rivers, in the Altai Mountains, and
flows southwest to the Atlantic Ocean.
The Congo River gets its name from
the Kingdom of Congo (Kongo). The
name Zaire stems from the Kikongo
word “nzere” which means “river” in
the Bantu language. The river was
The Congo River
known as Zaire River during the 16th
and 17th centuries but Congo River is the preferred English name in 19th-century
literature. The entire Congo basin is populated by the Bantu people.
The Congo River flows for the most part near the equator
which means the area around it is very hot and humid.
Much of the land surrounding the river is tropical rain forest
and many animals inhabit the area like hippos, manatees,
crocodiles, tortoises, elephants and 200 species of fish.
Image source:
People live along and fish in the river. They also use it for
irrigation to help water their crops. The Congo River is used for
transportation of people and goods.
Research when European exploration of the Congo began
and compile this research in a timeline.
Facts about the Congo river
Image source:
4,370 km
Junction of Lualaba
and Luvua Rivers
Atlantic Ocean
Countries river
flows through
Republic of Congo,
Zaire, Angola, Zambia,
Cameroon, Tanzania
Major cities river
flows by/through
Barnaul, Mogochin,
© e-classroom 2015
Grade 5 Term 1: Social Science: Geography; Africa’s great rivers
Africa’s great rivers: the Congo River
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