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Congo / Desert Sand / Guinea / Niger
Congo - Alliance University - Civil war has delayed the potential impact and outreach of this strategically-located
national church. The goal of this university is to jump-start that potential and promote outreach.
Desert Sand - International Protestant Church - This church is able to share the Good News to the thousands of subSaharans who migrate through this country. Donations provide help to migrants and assist in property maintenance,
rent, and local ministry costs.
Desert Sand - J-Life Youth Ministry Africa - The strategy of this ministry is to identify young leaders and train them so
they can influence other young leaders. These leaders are encouraged to live out this disciple-making ministry in their
local churches.
Desert Sand - Memorial Hospital Building - This Christian hospital excels in medical care and is a light to patients who do
not know Jesus. Funds raised go towards the construction of the outpatient building, increasing the number of
patients the hospital staff can care for.
Desert Sand - Sandbox Medical - This Christian hospital excels in medical care and is a light to patients who do not know
Jesus. The dream of the staff is to train two Christian surgeons per year in order to increase the quality of the hospital.
Desert Sand - Sandbox Medical - Medical Instruments - This Christian hospital excels in medical care and is a light to
patients who do not know Jesus. Funds raised contribute to the purchase of new medical instruments, increasing the
quality of patient care.
Desert Sand - Sandbox Medical - Patient Treatments - This Christian hospital excels in medical care and is a light to
patients who do not know Jesus. Funds raised will subsidize treatments that patients cannot otherwise afford.
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Guinea Compassion Project - Radio - Radio is the cheapest and most effective way to gain access to the Interior and give
the opportunity for the largest quantity of people to hear the Gospel. Funds raised improve the station and recording
Guinea Compassion Project - Rescue Centre - The Centre receives abandoned children and provides nourishment and
immediate medical care. Funds are used to create public awareness through community programs dealing directly with
the issues of child protection and abandonment.
Guinea Compassion Project - Women's Co-op - Support for this co-op trains women in profitable business practices at a
store where they can sell their products. The aim of this ministry is to befriend the students and share the Gospel.
Guinea - Conakry Secretarial School - This secretarial school models excellence in training and attitude and produces
women of poise and aptitude who will be an asset in any business office. Funds buy quality equipment to fully train
Guinea - Empowering Women - Through acts of compassion, evangelism, discipleship and leader development with
women in the main Guinea prison in Conakry, funds for this project are used for a training centre available to them upon
their release from prison.
Guinea - Kids in Crisis - Feed a Child - The Kids in Crisis Centre takes in children who are often HIV-positive and left
parentless by the Ebola crisis. Funds raised go towards feeding orphaned children.
Guinea - Kids in Crisis - School Kit - The Kids in Crisis Centre takes in children who are often HIV-positive and left
parentless by the Ebola crisis. Funds raised provide orphaned children with the required school uniform, tuition
fees, and school supplies.
Guinea - Kids in Crisis and School Project - The Kids in Crisis Centre needs continued assistance to maintain the children
in good health and growing physically, intellectually, and spiritually. Donations are used for housing and worker
expenses, nutritional and medical aid, and transportation costs.
Guinea - Shalom House - Shalom House reaches out to the sick and
rejected in the Muslim community and offers love, the Gospel,
counseling, help and encouragement to children who need a home.
Funding is used for the land and building.
Guinea, Niger - Village Savings and Loans - This community-based
microfinance method equips people in extreme poverty to work as a
community, to increase their earning ability, to provide for their daily needs
and the children's education, and to save money for emergencies.
Guinea - West Africa Vision Expeditions (WAVE) - This program is an opportunity for young people to intern as an
international worker for a year, where they will experience living in a village as well as receive instruction in leadership
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Niger - Impacting Niger - Community Health Education (CHE) ministries in villages is based on the training of village
members in projects such as well digging, grain banks, health clinics, etc. Accompanying this is the presentation of the
truths from the Scriptures.
Niger - Impacting Niger - A Brighter Future - Funds raised send children to school, which empowers a new generation to
change their future and their country. Donations go toward tuition, supplies, educational resources, and tutoring.
Niger - Impacting Niger - Improving Agricultural Outputs - Funds raised buy and install a well for a community garden,
which provides food and income during the dry season. This allows families to stay home together instead of moving to
the city to look for employment.
Niger - Impacting Niger - Medications for Kids - Funds raised provide children with the medicine needed to ward off
preventable disease, which can cause death. A gift of $10 increases access to medications for eight children.
Niger - Impacting Niger - Rebuilding Homes - Funds raised subsidize the cost of rebuilding a home with seven metal
posts in order to provide dependable housing, which brings stability to family life.
Niger - Impacting Niger - Tuareg Bibles - The Tuaregs have the Word of God in their Tamajaq language for the first time!
Donations provide access to the Word by supplying a Bible or an audio Bible on a solar-powered mp3 player, since a
majority of the Tuareg community are not able to read.
Niger Vocational School - This training centre offers men and women much-needed programs that encompass
vocational and trades training, as well as math, literacy, business, health, and other life skills.
Niger Vocational School - Hot Lunch for a Month - Donations provide a month of meals for one student. The students
have flourished in their physical growth, mental alertness, and overall health since this hot lunch program has been
Niger Vocational School - Men's Vocational Skills Training - This training program provides young Tuareg men with onsite experience in trades. Coupled with mentorship and life skills training, they gain new opportunities to earn an income
for their families.
Niger Vocational School - Protecting and Training Young Women - This school prevents girls from being married at a
young age and educates them in French, math, health, and vocational skills. This breaks cycles of poverty and shares the
love of Christ with the girls who come from Muslim homes.
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