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APUSH - Review #3 Extra Credit Assignment
Historical Periods 5 and 6(1844-1898)
Period 5: 1844-1877: As the nation expanded and its population grew, regional tensions, especially over
slavery, led to a civil war — the course and aftermath of which transformed American society.
Period 6: 1865-1898: The transformation of the United States from an agricultural to an increasingly
industrialized and urbanized society brought about significant economic, political, diplomatic, social,
environmental, and cultural changes.
Important Terms (Choose 25 and include ID and significance)
1. Manifest Destiny
26. Treaty of Ft. Laramie
2. Mexican-American War
27. Battle of Little Big Horn
3. Popular sovereignty
28. Dawes Severalty Act
4. Compromise of 1850 and Fugitive Slave Act
29. Frederick Jackson Turner’s Frontier Thesis
5. Uncle Tom’s Cabin
30. Helen Hunt Jackson’s ​
A Century of Dishonor
6. Underground Railroad
31. Ghost Dance movement
7. Rise of the Republican Party
32. Carlisle Indian School
8. Bleeding Kansas
33. Gilded Age
9. Kansas Nebraska Act
34. Plessy v. Ferguson
10. Dred Scott v. Sanford
35. Knights of Labor (industrial)
11. Lincoln-Douglas debates
35. American Federation of Labor (craft)
12. John Brown’s Raid on Harpers Ferry
36.Carnegie’s Gospel of Wealth
13. Election of 1860
37. Haymarket Square Affair
14. Homestead Act 1862
38. Settlement house movement
15. Battle of Antietam
39. Chinese Exclusion Act
16. Gettysburg Address
40. Pullman Strike and Homestead Strike
17. Sherman’s March
41. Populist movement and William Jennings Bryan
18. Radical Republicans
42. Coxey’s Army
(ie. Thaddeus Stevens, Charles Sumner)
43. Sherman Anti-Trust Act
19. NYC Draft Riots
20. Emancipation Proclamation
21. Freedmen’s Bureau
22. Black codes
23. 13th, 14th and 15th amendments
23. Ku Klux Klan
24. “Myth of Negro Rule”
25. Compromise of 1877
Guiding Questions:
1. Evaluate Economic reasons for Westward Expansion, and hypothesize the real reasons America attempted to move west at
the rapid pace it took in the mid 19​
2. During the Mexican War, trancendentalist Ralph Waldo Emerson stated "The US will conquer Mexico, but it will be as the
man swallows arsenic, which brings him down in turn." Why does this statement now seem prophetic?
3. In what ways was the Compromise of 1850 achieved at excessive cost? How did this compromise begin the slippery slope
toward the Civil War?
4. Explain John Calhoun’s 5​
amendment argument, regarding the right of slave owners to bring their slaves into any territory.
Did this argument have legal merit?
5.Consider the chain of events, starting with the publishing of Uncle Tom’s Cabin, the Kansas-Nebraska Act, followed by
“Bleeding Kansas”, the rise of the Republican Party, the Dred Scott Decision, John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry and Lincoln’s
election in 1860. What was so polarizing about each of these events? How did this chain of events make civil war between the
North and South seem virtually unavoidable?
6.What did the Supreme Court decide in the Dred Scott Decision? In what ways was this a victory - but with great costs - for the
South? In what ways was this intolerable for President Lincoln and the Republican Party?
7.Why was sectional compromise impossible in 1860, when such compromises had previously worked in 1820 & 1850?
8. To this day, many Southerners still consider the Civil War to be a southern war of independence. In what ways was this true?
9. What were the true causes of the Civil War? List them in order of their importance & explain why you put them in this order.
(consider: slavery, economic differences, states rights, growth of the abolition movement, election of Lincoln, and others)
10. In what ways did Lincoln suspend or abridge civil liberties during wartime? How justified was Lincoln’s in doing so?
11. Why were the Border States so important to the Union during the Civil War? How did they play into Lincoln’s decision to
issue the Emancipation Proclamation? What impact did the proclamation have on the war and on society?
12. What did the New York City draft riots of 1863 reflect about the North during the Civil War?
13.Should the Civil War be seen primarily as a war to save the Union or to free the slaves? Why?
14. Why were black Union soldiers so critical in the Civil War? How did the inclusion of blacks in the military change the
nature of the war?
15. How did Sherman’s March to the Sea illustrate total warfare?
16. Why did the North win the Civil War?
17. What were the fundamental differences between Lincoln’s 10% Plan and the Wade-Davis Bill? How did this highlight
differing approaches to reconstruction?
18. What purposes did the Freedmen’s Bureau serve? What was their greatest success? Biggest failure?
19. Why was the sharecropping system detrimental to social mobility for African Americans?
20. Describe the three Reconstruction Amendments (13th, 14th, 15th) and their effect on the rights of the freed in a nutshell.
Include year of adoption. How were Radical Reconstructionists able to get these amendments passed? Why were they
considered so radical for their time? Consider the context in which they were passed.
21. Why were women’s rights advocates disappointed by the 15​
22. What were the goals of organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan? Were they successful?
23. Explain the most significant factors that contributed to the end of Reconstruction? List and rank them.
24. How did conservatives use the “myth of negro rule” to criticize Reconstruction? ‘
25. In what ways was Congressional Reconstruction a success? In what ways was it a failure?
26. What was Frederick Jackson Turner’s “Frontier Thesis”? Why was the “passing of the frontier” a disturbing development
for him? Why is Turner’s thesis somewhat problematic?
27. Why was the West so rapidly settled between the Civil War and 1900? Who was responsible for settling the West? Despite
our western stereotypes of rugged, self-sufficient individualism, what role did the federal government play in the settlement of
the “Last West”?
28. What were the goals of the Indian Schools, such as the Carlisle Indian School, and the Dawes Severalty Act of 1887? How
and why did the US approach to American Indian policy change toward the end of the century?
29. Why did the US see such rapid and expansive industrial growth between the Cold War and the end of the 19th c?
30. Explain how economic factors in the Industrial Age led to the rise of corporate capitalism? How did “big businesses” change
the nature of business and labor?
31. How did the Industrial Age lead to a new "consumer culture" by the end of the 19th c?
32. What kinds of federal assistance did railroads such as the Union and Central Pacific receive for building the first
transcontinental railroad? How was this a departure from past governmental policies regarding internal improvements?
33. Should industrialists like Vanderbilt, Carnegie and Rockefeller be viewed as “robber barons” or “captains of industry”?
34. How were Herbert Spencer's notion of "Social Darwinism" and Andrew Carnegie's "Gospel of Wealth" respectively used to
justify new socioeconomic relationships brought on by industrial capitalism (namely the consolidation of large amts of wealth
into fewer hands)?
35. Why did workers have such a hard time responding to the new industrial conditions of labor? What kinds of internal &
external challenges did they face in organizing? Why did the AF of L survive while the Knights of Labor failed?
36. Which ethnic and regional groups made up the so-called “new immigration” of the 1880’s and 90’s? What was similar and
different regarding the discrimination these groups faced, compared to the experience of Irish and German immigrants from
the first half of the 19​
century? Consider groups such as the American Protective Association.
37. What were the Populists trying to achieve? How did the Populist movement represent a shift away from the Jeffersonian
vision of limited government?
38. Why did the 1896 presidential election represent a realignment of American politics?