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Water Quality Blog Series #1
Improving water quality along the Mississippi Gulf Coast
The quality of the water in the Mississippi Sound is a significant indicator of the health of our coastal
ecosystems. Improving the water quality that is entering the Mississippi Sound, as well as the coastal
bays and estuaries, is a top priority for the state of Mississippi. Therefore the next three blog posts will
focus on several aspects of water quality, including different kinds of pollution, water chemistry, and
watersheds. This post will focus on pollution and how it can effect water quality in the Mississippi
Sound. There are many factors that contribute to decreased water quality in the Mississippi Sound, with
nutrient pollution and bacterial contamination listed as the highest priorities for the public.
Nutrient Pollution
Water quality is degraded by nutrient pollution, especially excess
nitrogen and phosphorus. Sources of nutrient pollution include
stormwater, wastewater, animal waste, fertilizer, and certain kinds
of soaps and detergents. While nitrogen and phosphorus occur
naturally in aquatic ecosystems, a surplus of these nutrients causes
plant and algae proliferation. This type of pollution is called
eutrophication, and it is primarily caused by pollution due to
fertilizer runoff and soil erosion. When these plants and algae die,
bacteria and other microorganisms eat the detritus. Hypoxic
(oxygen poor) or anoxic (completely depleted of oxygen) habitats
can be lethal to fish and other aquatic life, which is why
eutrophication is devastating to aquatic ecosystems and the
economies of coastal communities that rely on recreational and
commercial fisheries.
Bacterial Pollution
Water quality degradation can also occur from bacteria in the water. Fecal coliform and enterococci are
two types of bacteria that are often present in aquatic environments. These bacteria can enter the
aquatic system through direct discharge of waste from mammals and birds, from agricultural and
stormwater runoff, and from sewage system failures. The Mississippi Department of Environmental
Quality Mississippi Beach Monitoring Program is in charge of issuing water contact advisories. In
Mississippi, an advisory is issued because of bacterial exceedance or anticipated bacterial exceedance
caused by rainfall. A closure is issued for a section of beach when there is a known source of pollution
that poses a risk to human health. The Beach Monitoring Program Task Force has a standing
recommendation that swimming not occur during or within 24 hours of a significant rainfall event due to
the possible influx of bacteria into the system.
Nutrient pollution and bacterial contamination are serious threats to the Mississippi Gulf Coast. A
successful Beach Outfalls Challenge could help improve water quality and benefit the ecology of the
Mississippi Sound, as well as remedy harm to natural resources harmed by the Deepwater Horizon oil
spill. MDEQ is looking for practical, implementable, eco-restoration solutions that will improve water
resources. Do you have a great idea? Registration for the Beach Outfalls Challenge is now open! Learn
more about the Beach Outfalls Challenge by visiting the ABOUT Page of this website. CLICK HERE to
receive periodic updates about the Beach Outfalls Challenge.