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A. Church Authority or Church Government has been defined as:
1. The exercise of authority over an organization or institution
2. Direction, rule, management
3. A system of ruling. An established system of administration with which a body is
4. We recognize that the church as God's house, God's city, and God's kingdom
needs government. Isaiah 2:14
B. One of the most controversial and divisive areas is the subject of church
government. That is because most people who have a voice or vote want to be
heard or counted.
1. Matthew 12:25-26, Jesus said that every city, house, kingdom divided against itself will surely
fall. The church is likened to God's house, God's city, and God's kingdom.
2. The church has been divided when it comes to its government. This is one of the reasons why
the church has not been able to stand against the kingdom of Satan. Satan attacks all forms of
government ordained by God.
C. Satan is the lawless one and his desire is to produce lawlessness (disorder) in the
1. Rejecting the government is rejecting the divine authority of God that He
established to govern us. He who does not submit to authority sets himself as an
2. He who rejects God's government sets himself as self-governing.
3. Satan led an angelic revolt again God's government. Isaiah 14:12-14, Ezekiel
28:1-9, II Peter 2:4, Jude
4. Satan also brought the revolution against God's government in Eden. Genesis
D. Three spirits which are enemies to Church Authority (Government).
1. Jezebel Spirit - is a spirit that must be in control. This spirit is not always a woman. Men can be
possessed by the Jezebel Spirit. They must have their own way at all cost. YOU can never stop
this spirit from trying to control, except by casting it out. This spirit feeds on weak, no backbone
Christians who can't stand against it and are easy prey. I Kings 16, 18, 19, 21
2. Koran - is a spirit of rebellion. Korah led a company of men against the
leadership of Moses. Korah thought Moses was not the only one to hear from
God. Moses was taking too much praise and too much authority, so Korah
rebelled. A Korah spirit is a spirit that stirs up strife. It majors in confusion, stirring
up things, and giving opinions. This is a spirit that must be dealt with severely.
God opened up the ground and swallowed up Korah. Korah is a spirit that must
get up a crowd to go with him. Remember, not only did God destroy Korah, but
also everyone who was persuaded by his seductive influence and smooth talk.
Numbers 16
3. Absalom - is a spirit that attacks governments. Absalom was David's son who
went undisciplined all his life. When he was given a seat in David's government,
he won the hearts of the people by "listening to their complaints". He won them
over with his strong influence to lead a revolt against the government of God.
This spirit will lead brother against brother, family against family. Remember all
that followed Absalom suffered great loss. II Samuel 13-19
E. Government is God ordained. The powers that be are ordained of God. God has
ordained that law and order be exercised in society and church through appointed
1. Romans 13:1-8
2. The government shall be upon His shoulders. There is no end to it. Thus
government means: rule, leadership, oversight, inspector, to go before, to guide,
to captain, a governor Isaiah 9:6-9
3. Government in the universe is ordained of God.
F. God has set in the church governments for steering, piloting, and directing His
purpose in this world. I Corinthians 12:28, The church is the body of Christ that
reflects His image. So the movement of the church under a God-directed-vision is to
bring about His plan and purpose on this earth.
G. Types of Government
1. Theocracy or Hierarchy (Greek words)
Governed by God through appointed authorities.
a. Theos = God
b. Archos = Rule
c. Theos + Archos = God Rules
2. Hierarchy means sacred rulers appointed by God to steer, pilot, and direct His
purpose and will to His collective body.
3. In the nation of Israel we see true theocracy, the rule of God under God. Thereby
His chosen, appointed, and anointed leaders become the instruments of His
4. In a Democratic government, the people vote in their choice.
In a Theocratic government, God rules through His five-fold ministry.
H. Examples of the Theocratic Government, Leaders and Rulers
1. Moses - sovereignty called and chosen of God to rule His people. Exodus 1-40
2. Aaron - sovereignty called and chosen by God to be High Priest of Israel.
Exodus 28, 29
3. Joshua - chosen by God through Moses to be his successor to lead the people
into the promised land and to complete the ministry of Moses. Numbers 27
4. David - It should be recognized that it was God's will for Israel to have a king.
But it was not David's time when Saul was chosen. David was God's choice from
his tribe and he was chosen under Samuel in his time. I Samuel 18, Genesis
5. Elisha - The prophet. He was God's choice. This was confirmed by the human
instrumentality of Elijah and his mantle. I Kings 19
These men were chosen by God and chosen to rule over His people. Exercising divine
government in their midst, they were representatives of God's delegated authority, hereby
defining the term theocracy.
a. None of these men were self-called, as were:
1) Abimelech in Judges 9
2) Korah in Numbers 16
3) Diotrephes in III John 9,10
b. None of them were voted for or against by popular demand of the
c. There was no bureaucratic or democratic choice. These men were
God chosen and God called.
The church was not established to be a democracy. Nor was the home established to be a democracy.
Parents rank as the divine authority under God. Man is the head of the home. He is not voted for or
against, nor does he abdicate his throne.
A. Government or authority in the church is a gift from God. I Corinthians
12:28,1 Peter 4:11
B. Gods government or authority of the church must operate through those divinely
gifted people whom God has chosen.
C. The development of this goes from Christ the Head, to the Disciples, to Paul and on
to the Eldership.