Download life – cells and organisms

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Fill in the blanks.
The _______________ of a plant cell obtains energy from the Sun in order to perform _______________.
DNA is contained within the _______________ of a cell.
All living organisms are made up of _______________.
The _______________ of a plant cell is larger than in an animal cell.
Because a plant needs a more rigid structure, it has a _______________ in addition to a cell membrane.
The _______________ controls what goes in and out of a cell.
Proteins are synthesized inside the _______________.
Answer the questions below.
Why do organisms have ‘specialized’ cells?
List three examples of ‘specialized’ cells found in the human body.
In order from smallest to largest component, list these four things: organ system, organ, cell, tissue
What is the function of proteins?
Give an example of an organ.
Give an example of an organ system.
Fill in the blanks.
The chloroplast_____ of a plant cell obtains energy from the Sun in order to perform photosynthesis_.
DNA is contained within the nucleus_________ of a cell.
All living organisms are made up of cells__________.
The vacuole__________ of a plant cell is larger than in an animal cell.
Because a plant needs a more rigid structure, it has a cell wall_________ in addition to a cell membrane.
The cell membrane________ controls what goes in and out of a cell.
Proteins are synthesized inside the ribosome(s)________.
Answer the questions below.
Why do organisms have ‘specialized’ cells?
‘Specialized’ cells perform specific functions for the body.______________________________
List three examples of ‘specialized’ cells found in the human body.
Heart, Lung, Skin, Brain, etc. (No wrong answer as long as those cells actually exist…)_______
In order from smallest to largest component, list these five: organ system, organ, cell, organelle, tissue
Organelle, Cell, Tissue, Organ, Organ System________________________________________
What is the function of proteins?
They act as tiny ‘messengers’ that communicate with other cells and parts of the body._______
Give an example of an organ.
Give an example of an organ system.
Heart, Lungs, Stomach, etc.________
Circulatory, Respiratory, Digestive, etc.____
(No answer is wrong so long as the organ and organ system actually exist.)