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187863969 / Thomas Barwick
NewsCred + Getty Images present The Power of Visual Storytelling
NewsCred has teamed up with Getty
Images to bring you the four principles
of visual storytelling — authenticity,
sensory, relevancy & archetype.
In this day and age, a picture is worth more than just a thousand words.
When it’s genuine, when it’s relevant yet eternal, when it’s so powerful
that it goes beyond sight and delves into your senses — that’s the kind
of image that’s worth a million. And it only takes an instant to read.
How can your visuals tell an epic story?
NewsCred + Getty Images present The Power of Visual Storytelling
© 2014 NewsCred
386 Park Ave S., 6th Floor, New York, NY 10016
+1 (212) 989 4100 / [email protected]
Photography courtesy of Getty Images
166267070 / Winterbabies Photography by Karen Macias
NewsCred + Getty Images present The Power of Visual Storytelling
169874099 / ReeldealHD
NewsCred + Getty Images present The Power of Visual Storytelling
Never before has the human race been
better at spotting a fake. Getty Images
Director of Visual Trends, Pam Grossman,
confirms: “The viewer’s eye has become
a lot more sophisticated,” and what it
wants — above all — is something real.
129748349 / Oliver Rossi
NewsCred + Getty Images present The Power of Visual Storytelling
Articles that contain images get 94% more views than articles without.
In the age of the selfie, people want something that speaks to
them personally. Images that come off as constructed, airbrushed,
or posed no longer resonate. People want the unpredictable, but
familiar at the same time. They want real, candid moments from
everyday life. Moments that speak to the human experience.
That’s the kind of connection that secures a strong and stable bond.
Authenticity taps into the passions and emotions of an audience,
letting them see something of themselves in the images and turning
them into eager advocates of the story you’re trying to tell. Usergenerated content (UGC) reveals real people and places, meaning real
moments and emotions that establish a new kind of heightened
digital intimacy.
NewsCred + Getty Images present The Power of Visual Storytelling
So, how do you select authentic images for your brand?
First of all, keep it honest. It may sound obvious, but there
is tangible proof that real rules. According to the Wall Street
Journal, Olapic co-founder Jose de Cabo discovered that...
Users clicking on photos of
real life people are twice as
likely to convert to a sale.
That’s something any marketer can get on board with.
NewsCred + Getty Images present The Power of Visual Storytelling
The aesthetics of UGC — authenticity,
openness, the everyday — tap into
strong and important ideas... through
the realness of slice-of-life images,
brands show that they understand you,
your life and concerns.”
Micha Schwing, Getty Images Director of Content Strategy
NewsCred + Getty Images present The Power of Visual Storytelling
Dove has long embraced authenticity
in their brand campaigns.
By now, we’re all familiar with Dove’s Real Beauty
campaign, which continues to celebrate the true
beauty of real-life women and girls as well as
its tenth birthday this year.
Few brands have been able
to so seamlessly master the
art of authenticity, much less
keep it going for so long. In
2006, long before the topic
was on the tip on everyone’s
tongues, Dove launched its
“Evolution” YouTube video, which illustrates the
transformation a model undergoes from start to
finish: makeup, airbrushing and all. A caption reads,
“No wonder our perception of beauty is distorted,”
which introduces the importance of a more
authentic paradigm.
At the end of the day,
authenticity is about getting
it right for your audience.
The brand’s latest video effort is called “Patches,”
and features a group of women who undergo
a two-week experiment in which they apply a
“beauty patch” to boost their looks and selfperception. The result? Happy, confident ladies,
who are shocked to find out that the secret
ingredient of those patches is… nothing. Creating
something that needs nothing to evoke powerful
results sums up the power of authenticity. What
started with a simple bar of soap has transformed
into a brand bent on revolutionizing the way
women perceive beauty and themselves. That’s a
brand we can get behind, and one that cares about
what’s real and what’s not.
NewsCred + Getty Images present The Power of Visual Storytelling
Key takeaways
Articulate your brand
personality. Select images
that amplify your voice.
Learn what resonates,
and constantly align your
strategy to match.
Before you can select an image
that conveys authenticity, you must
first lay out what is “authentic”
to your brand. What is your brand
purpose? What is your mission?
Who are you talking to? Once you
define the core pillars of your
brand and voice, these principles
can become an “authenticity” filter
that you run all of your selected
images through.
As you integrate visual content
into your strategy, look at what
resonates. What posts get the
most shares and clicks from your
target audience? What is the
subject matter and style of those
photos? This will help guide your
visual content selection based on
what resonates with those you are
trying to reach.
Keep it relatable.
While celebrity photos
work, always balance
them with images that
form a connection with
the viewer.
When selecting visuals,
leveraging images that feel
candid help build your brand
identity in a more human way.
If you are using images of
celebrities across social channels
and on your website, make sure
you are also including images
of real people that embody your
brand as well.
NewsCred + Getty Images present The Power of Visual Storytelling
1B05370_0053 / BBC Natural History
NewsCred + Getty Images present The Power of Visual Storytelling
We spend our lives almost entirely
online, but most of us have had it up
to here with digital. People want to cut
through the screen, and let themselves
be engulfed by visceral experiences.
474613519 / Jodie Griggs
NewsCred + Getty Images present The Power of Visual Storytelling
40% of people will respond better to visual information than plain text.
We want zoomed in, we want high detail; wrinkles, textures —
the nitty-gritty. We want to go beyond pixels, we want to smell
and touch. A striking image strikes for just that very reason.
The more senses a visual is able to engage, the more attention it
receives and the more information is retained. Our minds are full
of an endless visual library, one that influences everything we see
and how we see it. All-encompassing visceral exposure draws on
a viewer’s memories, past sensations and experiences, building
stronger connections in the brain.
Our culture has succumbed to information overload, but our senses
still yearn to be stimulated. What happens to real meaning in an
age of digital excess? Technology has developed around us at such
a break-neck pace that few have had a chance to catch their breath.
But there is a growing clarion call to return from where we came —
we want the feel of handmade, we want the details of the precious
moments of our everyday lives. We want what’s real — or at least,
what feels real.
NewsCred + Getty Images present The Power of Visual Storytelling
Can you taste the yolk of this egg?
168066978 / Dean Belcher
NewsCred + Getty Images present The Power of Visual Storytelling
Can you hear the traffic of Times Square?
451834035 / Michael H
NewsCred + Getty Images present The Power of Visual Storytelling
Can you smell the fragrance of these lilies?
105471783 / Adrian Samson
NewsCred + Getty Images present The Power of Visual Storytelling
We’re fatigued by how digital life has
become,” says Grossman. Our culture
has become driven by information
overload, but our senses still yearn
to be stimulated. What happens to
meaning in an age of digital excess?”
Pam Grossman, Getty Images Director of Visual Trends
NewsCred + Getty Images present The Power of Visual Storytelling
Squarespace has put Sensoryevoking imagery at the heart of
their visual brand identity.
Squarespace does a fantastic job of engaging all five senses with its
new yearlong (and aptly named) campaign, Details. The video features
stunning close-ups and sound bytes of the very things that fuel the
various creative individuals who choose Squarespace as their web
platform. Water flowing over purple cauliflower
and orange kiwano, mascara-clad batting
eyelashes, reverberating bass strings, the repetitive
precision of a sewing machine’s needle and thread:
the viewer sees all of these visuals starting at
maximal zoom and ending at how gorgeous it all
looks on each separate Squarespace site. Coupled
with the perfect sounds, the ad creates a jaw-dropping feast for the
senses, and a very compelling argument to sign up for the service.
Visuals have the power to
propel an everyday story into
an extraordinary experience.
When our senses become overwhelmed, we feel fascinated and inspired
— and we want to share that feeling. That’s a powerful response,
especially when it comes to your brand and content marketing.
NewsCred + Getty Images present The Power of Visual Storytelling
Key takeaways
Don’t be afraid of the
tactile. Choose images
that people can almost
When selecting visual content for
the web, it is a great opportunity
to deliver a sensory experience
to your audience. Pay attention to
images with textures that viewers
can identify. Select images with
detail and allow your audience to
build an emotional, recognizable
experience with your content.
Leverage visual content
to create intrigue and
drive clicks.
While every image should not
adhere to this rule, it is a fun
way to drive clicks and play
with visuals. When selecting
imagery with high detail, you
can crop these images in a way
that interests your audience, but
encourages them to learn more.
Just remember, the cropped
image still must be able to
stand on its own.
Create a sensory
experience in your images
by highlighting details
and imperfections as well
as large scenes a viewer
can get lost in — consider
the micro and the macro
in your visual imagery.
Imperfections in photographs
touch on both authenticity and
sensory. They are things that
people can feel and relate to. Let
certain imperfections add to your
style and narrative.
NewsCred + Getty Images present The Power of Visual Storytelling
114891552 / Martin Schuh
NewsCred + Getty Images present The Power of Visual Storytelling
In every story ever told, a powerful
character has fueled the narrative. These
figures embody an array of personas that
have remained more or less the same for
thousands of years. Archetypes are written
in our DNA and are just as powerful today
as they were at the dawn of humanity.
173160722 / MoMo Productions
NewsCred + Getty Images present The Power of Visual Storytelling
83% of human learning is visual.
They have been used as the main elements of storytelling
throughout human history. Carl Jung, who was the first to
explore and define archetypes, believed that all of mankind’s
most influential ideas boiled down to these character traits,
which allow us to use our senses to facilitate recognition and
foster connections.
The most relevant branding archetypes, for instance, are Caregiver,
Jester, Lover, Outlaw, Explorer, Creator, Hero, Magician, Sage, Ruler,
Innocent and Everyman. These have evolved from a traditional
set of classic characters and storylines that are still just as
powerful today and can be used as inspiration to build powerful
communication strategies. Through understanding the archetypal
stories that shape our culture and values, brands can create more
engaging content and better connect with their audiences.
NewsCred + Getty Images present The Power of Visual Storytelling
173160722 / MoMo Productions
482147865 / Jasper Cole
475130285 / Cavan Images
148963120 / Tara Moore
NewsCred + Getty Images present The Power of Visual Storytelling
The sweet spot happens when you
find an image that taps into something
ancient, timeless and universal, yet is
incredibly contemporary.”
Pam Grossman, Getty Images Director of Visual Trends
So then let’s ask ourselves, what does the modern woman look like?
Evolution hasn’t stopped — she’s different than she’s ever looked
before, and yet she is the same. Traditionally, she may have been the
Caregiver. Today, she’s a little bit of everything, all rolled into one.
Her complexity speaks to a broader audience, helping carry her voice
farther than ever before.
NewsCred + Getty Images present The Power of Visual Storytelling
Lean In has both embraced and
redefined the idea of the Archetype.
The Lean In movement is making serious waves when
it comes to constructing an image of the new woman.
Partnering with Getty Images, aims to create
a library of images that empower women to take on the
future at their fullest
potential, instead of
using visuals to assign
them the same roles
they’ve had to play
for centuries. Lean In
author and founder
Sheryl Sandberg has
said, “You can’t be what
you can’t see.” This
project remedies just
that. The popularity
of the ever-growing collection continues to soar, depicting
women in a widening array of professions, styles and
situations, effectively creating a mirror for the possibilities
that do exist and can exist, if only we imagine them.
Seeing a part of yourself
or something familiar in
a visual is the first step
toward evoking emotion,
which is the first driver of
behavioral change.
When you look at an image, try and identify the characters
you see within it. What will they mean to different people
within different demographics? What are the connotations
they present today, versus five or ten years ago? Give
your viewers something they can relate to and watch the
connections form.
What does a woman look like today? She’s a mother, but
she’s also an artist. She’s a caregiver, but she’s also a badass.
She’s a goddess who looks after her family and serves her
country, too. She brings new life into the world, and she
works a 9-5 to boot. She’s snapping selfies and saving lives.
She’s strong, she’s independent — in a word, she is limitless.
When you look at an image, try and identify the characters
you see within it. What will they mean to different people
within different demographics?
Give your viewers something they can relate to and watch
the connections form. Seeing a part of yourself or something
familiar in a visual is the first step toward evoking emotion,
which is the first driver of behavioral change.
NewsCred + Getty Images present The Power of Visual Storytelling
Key takeaways
Create an aspirational
persona for your brand —
move beyond demographic
and think about emotional
If your brand was a person, who
would that person be? How would
they talk? What stores would they
shop at? What would they read?
What would they do on a Saturday?
Understanding your brand’s
persona is key to understanding
the people that should represent
your brand in images.
Create personas for your
target audience.
You don’t need to embrace
dated stereotypes.
What archetypes does your
audience embody? Are they
open-minded adventurers? The
best moms on earth? What
motivates and drives them —
and how does your brand help
them meet their goals? Defining
the personas for your audience
is key to understanding the
images and people that will
resonate with them.
When selecting images, always
perform a gut check. Does the
image of the person articulate a
stereotype? Does the image feel
dated in terms of its political
stance? Images of people are
powerful, but with power also
comes responsibility. You don’t
want to make the mistake of
selecting an image that feels like
a 1950s advertisement for
cleaning supplies.
NewsCred + Getty Images present The Power of Visual Storytelling
1B011590_034 / BBC Universal
NewsCred + Getty Images present The Power of Visual Storytelling
We happen to be living through one of the most
exciting eras of history, and nothing reminds us
more of this than a powerful visual. This is an
age of globalization and uprising, of revolution
and new ideals. Cultural relevancy is on everybody’s minds and lips. That’s why it’s vital to
keep on top of the game and ahead of the crowd,
delivering localized content in real-time.
483211641 / AAMIR QURESHI & Staff
NewsCred + Getty Images present The Power of Visual Storytelling
44% of users are more likely to engage with brands if they post pictures.
Today, we have nearly 200 years worth of
stunning photographs and moving images
that continue to construct meaning for
moments gone by, giving them life long
after they’re gone. The difference between
a great photo and a forgettable one is an
instant gut reaction — you know it when you
see it. That’s why it’s vital to keep on top of
the game and ahead of the crowd, delivering
localized content in real-time.
Know your audience and trust them to open
their minds. When it comes to marketing,
viewers need to feel a connection with the
brand through some regional or cultural
relevance, while the brand maintains global
appeal. How can you choose visuals that
highlight regional culture while tapping into
global human values?
To connect with audiences, choose images
that capture a moment in real time and make
relevant connections with how we live our
lives today. The best visuals are immediate
and timeless effortlessly and simultaneously.
The image that speaks to each generation
is constantly changing, and visual producers
need to be on top of that evolution. What’s
coming next? How can you connect with
your audiences to anticipate the next
visual trend?
NewsCred + Getty Images present The Power of Visual Storytelling
160768277 / Anders Andersson
188079635 / Nick Dolding
170956840 / Cultura/DUEL
NewsCred + Getty Images present The Power of Visual Storytelling
It’s necessary to take risks, even if they
may alienate some of your audience.
It’s always good business practice to
be progressive and assume that people
are going to catch up.”
Pam Grossman, Getty Images Director of Visual Trends
Why? Because it’s inevitable. Time waits for no one, so even the stragglers will
come around sooner or later. With so much beauty in the world, it’s a shame
that it’s still necessary to “overcome” our differences. Cultures and disparate
ideals are colliding, and they need to be embraced. Image-makers and visual
trendsetters hold the power here — the power of influence.
NewsCred + Getty Images present The Power of Visual Storytelling
Honey Maid embraces cultural relevance
and takes a stand for modern families.
Honey Maid’s most recent campaign is a great
example of progress in visual marketing. In 30
seconds, the once old-fashioned graham cracker
brand succeeds in placing itself at the forefront
of one of the country’s most compelling topics:
the evolving definition of family. The campaign
celebrates all kinds of families — real-life families
— and sheds a new light on our concept of
“wholesome” to encompass every possible kind,
including single, military,
homosexual and interracial
Guide your audience into the
future with true-to-life images
that reflect the changing face
of the real world.
The incredibly moving
and on-point campaign
illustrates cultural
relevancy like no other,
and triggers viewers’
emotions in a deeply heart-warming way. And for
all the haters out there? Honey Maid anticipated
their resistance, and fired back with a followup spot in which two artists created something
beautiful out of their negative responses,
simultaneously highlighting the fact that the
love the ad received greatly outweighed the
hate. That’s an example of a foreword-thinking
brand that covers all of its bases and has a deep
understanding of its audience and the world that
we live in. Powerful branding follows change —
extraordinary branding leads us towards it.
New visions and realities are constantly coming
into light — new kinds of people, new kinds of
families, new kinds of societies. All kinds of
bodies, all kinds of skin. All kinds of men and
women ever-evolving towards something better
and brighter.
As a brand, it’s your responsibility to take a stand.
Stand on the side of progress.
NewsCred + Getty Images present The Power of Visual Storytelling
Key takeaways
Lean in to imagery that
is bold, takes risks, and
pushes the boundaries of
cultural acceptance.
When taking a stand, always
consider your target audience. How
can you select images that are
relevant to them and their beliefs?
How can you use imagery to
stand behind your target audience
and take a stance for what they
believe in? Just make sure that the
stance you take addresses your
target audience and brand persona
Be in the moment — an
image or Snapchat may
not last forever, but it can
evoke real emotion and
Ephemera is becoming the norm.
But just because it doesn’t last
forever, doesn’t mean it shouldn’t
be thoughtful. By jumping on the
real-time bandwagon and creating
thoughtful imagery, you can build
emotional connections with your
audience. Relevancy is not just
about the image itself, it’s about
the context the image exists in.
Know where the line is.
Pay attention to the moment in
time, and be sensitive to it. If there
is breaking news that affects your
audience — or a global audience — it
is not the time to leverage images
for self promotion.
NewsCred + Getty Images present The Power of Visual Storytelling
NewsCred /
Getty Images /
NewsCred is the leading content marketing platform. Pairing
cutting-edge software with world-class content, NewsCred
transforms brands into storytellers.
Getty Images is a leading provider of digital media worldwide,
creating and distributing a range of assets — from royalty-free stock
photography and editorial images to footage, music and multimedia
— that help communicators around the globe tell their stories.
NewsCred’s Content Marketing Cloud provides the easiest endto-end solution for content planning, creation, publishing and
analytics. In one place, brands gain unprecedented access to the
world’s largest content marketplace, including licensed content
from over 4,000 publishers and original content from NewsCred’s
award-winning journalist network.
Through NewsCred, global brands like Pepsi, P&G, Dell, General
Electric and AIG have seen explosive growth in social sharing,
engagement and lead generation.
Founded in 2008 by Shafqat Islam, Iraj Islam and Asif Rahman,
NewsCred has offices in New York, London and Dhaka and is
backed by FirstMark Capital, Mayfield Fund, IA Ventures, Greycroft
Partners and others.
Their extensive image and stock illustration offering spans
everything from conceptual rights-managed and royalty-free creative
images to up-to-the-minute editorial coverage — including news, sport
and celebrity photos — and timeless vintage photography.
From premium stock footage to daily entertainment video, Getty
Images has commercial-quality clips to fit every project. Choose from
a range of creative and editorial options, including stock and royaltyfree video, as well as classic archival footage.
Rock, hip hop, electronic and beyond, our music catalogs —
Premium Playlist and Pump Audio — cover a world of genres and
artists. Powerful original tracks, not stock music, by internationally
acclaimed and up-and-coming acts, along with streamlined music
Along with industry-leading images, footage and music, they have an
array of tools and services to make your job easier — from search tips
and trend research to blogs and podcasts that help you keep up on
the latest in visual culture.
NewsCred + Getty Images present The Power of Visual Storytelling
187863969 / Thomas Barwick