Download Directions to the Apheresis Unit

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University Health Network
Toronto General Hospital
200 Elizabeth Street
Toronto, Ontario
Apheresis Unit
2nd Floor, Gerrard Wing
(416) 340-3999 *new number*
Dr. David Barth
For after-hours emergencies – please proceed to your nearest emergency room.
Day of Your Treatment in the Apheresis Unit (at Toronto General Hospital) :
Please make every effort to arrive on time for your scheduled appointment. If you will be late for
your appointment please call us at (416) 340-3999.
Directions to the Apheresis Unit:
 Use the Eaton Elevators (near the 200 Elizabeth Street entrance)
 Take the elevator to the 2nd floor
 Go to the corridor, then turn left down this short corridor
 Turn right and walk along the long hallway (past the CICU – Cardiac Intensive Care Unit)
 Turn right at the end of the long hallway (past the CVICU – Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit)
 Turn left at the end of the hallway, then a quick right down another hallway to an entrance
 Take a final left turn into the Apheresis Unit; please check in with Patient Flow Coordinator at the
main desk on your left
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