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Health Education
Lesson Name:
Male and Female Reproductive Systems
Estimated timeframe:
1 Class (1:30)
Grading Period/Unit (CRM):
3 /6 6 Wks/Sexual Health
Grade level/Course:
High School/Health Education
Lesson Components
Lesson Objectives:
 Students will compare the physical changes that occur in boys and girls during adolescence.
 Students will describe the functions of the organs of the male and female reproductive organs.
Prior Learning:
 distinguish between academic terms such as analyze, distinguish, classify, evaluate, assess, demonstrate, compare
 analyze and paraphrase information to make informed decisions regarding personal health
 evaluate how the different body systems are interconnected and how this relates to the reproductive system
Standards(Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills):
HE.6C, HE.7H, HE.7K, HE.7L, HE.14C
College and Career Readiness:
 Consider arguments and conclusions of self and others
 Work Independently
 Work collaboratively
 Analyze a situation to identify a problem to be solved
Enduring Understandings:
Essential Questions:
 Sexual health includes the anatomy and physiology of
 What is the difference between how the male and
the male and female reproductive systems, stages of
female reproductive systems work?
reproduction, and heredity.
 How can you avoid becoming pregnant?
 Understanding the importance and benefits of
 What affect would a teen pregnancy have on your
abstinence in preventing pregnancy and Sexually
Transmitted Diseases as well as the effectiveness and
 What affects do STDs have on the body?
ineffectiveness of barrier protection and contraception  How does your view of what constitutes sexual activity
methods is essential to reproductive health.
affect your decisions in a sexual relationship?
 eggs, ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, vagina,
 embryo, fetus, labor, birth, afterbirth, identical twins,
endometrium, placenta, menstruation, menstrual
monozygotic, fraternal twins, vaginal birth, breech
cycle, fertilization, estrogen, progesterone, sperm,
birth, cesarean section, anemia, toxemia, gestational
testes, scrotum, epididymis, vas deferens, prostate
diabetes, miscarriage, still birth, incubator, premature
gland, semen, urethra, penis, testosterone, foreskin,
birth, birth defects, fetal alcohol syndrome, heredity,
puberty, clitoris, labia majora, labia minora, abstinence
chromosomes, genes, DNA, dominant genes, recessive
genes, amniocentesis, ultrasound, withdrawal, sponge,
condom, pill, patch, ring, shot, implant, IUD,
Emergency Contraception, STD, chlamydia, gonorrhea,
trichomoniasis, syphilis, human immunodeficiency
virus, AIDS, herpes, human papilloma virus, anal warts,
cervical cancer, helper T cells
Lesson Preparation
Resources: Lifetime Health Holt/Rinehart/Winston,
Equipment Needed:
Blue/green cards – (1 per student)
What Do They Call It – teacher instructions
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Health Education
What is Abstinence Anyway – teacher instructions
Is This Abstinence – cards (1 per group)
Is This Abstinence – signs (“Abstinence”, “Sex”, “May Lead to Sex”)
Journey of the Egg Cards
Journey of the Sperm Cards
Anchors of Support
“Male and Female Reproductive Systems” PowerPoint
“Unit 8 Pre-Quiz” PowerPoint
Male and Female Reproductive Systems Worksheet – (found in the Unit 8 packet)
Big Decisions Setting Ground Rules Activity
Big Decisions What Do They Call It? Activity
Word Wall
Differentiation Strategies
Refer to the students’ IEP/BIP
Provide printed copies of PowerPoints
Allow for preferred seating
Pair up students with peer support
Allow for personal adaptations during hands-on activities
21 Century Skills
 Exercising sound reasoning in understanding
 Being open and responsive to new and diverse perspectives
 Understanding the interconnections among systems
 Articulating thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively through speaking and writing
 Demonstrating ability to work effectively with diverse teams
English Language Proficiency Standards:
Lesson Cycle
Instant Activity (5 min)
Students will enter classroom and pick up blue/green card and Unit 8 packet from the front of the room.
Guiding Questions:
As students take their seats they check the guided question on the board and think about how it pertains to their
life. For this lesson the guided question is: Do you know all the parts of your reproductive system?
Introduction/Pre-Quiz: (10 mins)
Being the first lesson of Unit 8 the students are introduced to the topic through a PowerPoint asking true/false
questions about information that will be covered throughout the unit. Students are instructed to participate in the
pre-quiz by holding up the green side of the card for true and the blue side of the card for false according to how
they would answer the question displayed in the Pre-Quiz PowerPoint.
As each question is asked, the teacher observes the number of green vs. blue cards. Based on the results, the teacher
can initiate discussion from students about why they answered the way they did. During discussion teacher can
reveal the correct answer before moving on to the next question.
Transition: (5 mins)
Once pre-quiz is completed, have students pass their green/blue card forward and take out their worksheet to
prepare for the lesson. During the transition from the Unit 8 Pre-Quiz PowerPoint to the Male and Female
Reproductive PowerPoint, the teacher asks students about the guided question.
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Health Education
Lesson stages
1 day/1 block
Direct Teach: (60 mins)
Setting Ground Rules
Tell the class that, since sex and related topics are sensitive and sometimes emotional, it is important for the class to
develop some “ground rules” for behavior. These rules are to ensure that every person is treated with respect. Each
person should feel safe enough to share their ideas with the group. This means the class must have an atmosphere
that is safe from teasing, making fun of others, and disrespect.
Have students call out rules they want for the group. On the board or newsprint, write the rules that students
suggest. Get feedback from the group, as needed, to assess acceptability of each rule, and any concerns about them.
Help the group evaluate each suggestion for its relevance to respect. The facilitator should model respect for ideas,
even when a suggested rule is not popular.
Rules should include:
 The group will not tolerate making fun of anyone or ridiculing them. It is OK to disagree, but it is not OK to
humiliate or criticize a person, or indicate that the person is not OK.
 Everyone has a chance to speak and contribute. The ideas and leadership of every student are important—
including “quiet” students.
Everyone has the option NOT to speak. Even though everyone must pay attention (and not disrupt the
class), no one is forced to say something in front of others if they don’t want to. Anyone can “pass”.
What happens in the group stays in the group. There should be no telling others outside the class what a
particular student says, unless that student gives their permission to share it.
Respect differences—and don’t assume that others are in the same situation as you. For example, some
students may not have parents that they live with. Some students do not feel attracted to the opposite sex.
Students may have different religious backgrounds.
Respect other people’s privacy. In this class, no one should share information about someone else without
their permission. If you talk about someone else without their permission, be careful not to identify them.
There is no such thing as a “dumb” question in this class. Students must feel confident that they can ask a
question without being made fun of.
Activity 2.1 IceBreaker: What Do They Call It?
Let the class know that this session will be about human reproduction, including male and female anatomy and
function. This is basic information that is important to being able to make healthy decisions about sex. Refer to the
posted (or projected) KEY MESSAGES poster.
Post and review the “ground rules” developed at the last session. Point out that following the ground rules is
especially important when discussing sensitive issues like the ones in this lesson. Acknowledge that, even though
everybody has genitals, people often feel embarrassed or giggly talking about them. As an ice-breaker, ask the class
to mention some commonly used (“street” or “slang”) names they may have heard for genital structures, including
the penis, vagina, breasts, and testicles. If the students are reluctant to say commonly used names out loud, the
facilitator may need to start the list him- or herself. As the students offer a commonly used name, the facilitator
should repeat the commonly used name to acknowledge its existence.
After the class has had a chance to offer lots of commonly used names, ask them to mention commonly used names
for other body parts, like the elbow, foot, or ear. Ask the class why they think there are so many commonly used
names for body parts related to sex, but none for nonsexual body parts. Point out that sex and reproduction are
emotionally charged and often held secret in our society, and these are some reasons for why there are so many
commonly used, or “slang”, names. Let the class know that it is important to know the proper names for body parts,
and to be able to use the proper names.
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Health Education
Throughout the rest of the lesson, the teacher will be presenting content over the male and female reproductive
systems via the PowerPoint with students following along, taking notes on their worksheet. Before revealing answers
to the questions on the PowerPoint, the teacher gives the students a chance to answer. Depending on how the
students answer the questions, this may lead to further discussion. Students will also label the male inside and
outside diagrams and the female inside and outside diagrams.
On slides 3-7 define and discuss the parts of the male reproduction system. Discuss slides 8-10 as student’s record
answers on their worksheets. Slide 12 is the anatomy of the outside of the male reproductive system. Have
students label the diagram in their worksheet using this slide. Slides 13-20 is the diagram of the inside of the male
reproductive system. Each slide reveals a new answer to the diagram. Define and discuss slide 21-25. These slides
discuss the female reproductive system. Use slides 26-30 to answer questions on their worksheet. Slide 32 is the
anatomy of the outside of the female reproductive system. Have students label the diagram in their worksheet using
this slide. Slides 33-38 is the diagram of the inside of the female reproductive system. Each slide reveals a new
answer to the diagram. Slide 39 ask how do the changes occurring in the male and female body during puberty
affect adolescence? Answers to this are: the woman’s body is preparing for pregnancy and she will start her
menstrual cycle. The male body will begin to produce sperm and more hormones will be released which could
increase their sexuality curiosity. Slides 40-41 defines abstinence and sex.
Activity 5.1
What is Abstinence, anyway? – 5 to 10 minutes
Divide the class into small groups of 3 to 4 students. Let the class know that this session will be about Abstinence.
Tell the class that sometimes it seems like most teens are having sex, but the truth is that:
• Fewer than half of U.S. high school students have ever had sex, and even fewer report that they have had
sex in the last 3 months [1]
• Six in 10 teens who have had sex say they wish they had waited longer [2]
• Most teens and most adults think teens should be given a strong message that they should not have sex
until they are at least out of high school [2]
Write “Abstinence” on the board, and ask the class to define it.
Key points to make during the discussion include:
• Abstaining is not doing something; e.g., not having sex.
• Abstinence means waiting—but until when? Many people feel that young people should wait to have sex
until they are adults and in a committed, faithful, and life-long relationship (like marriage).
• Abstinence is MORE than just accidentally not having sex (or not having sex because you didn’t have the
opportunity). It is a decision and a plan. It is thinking ahead, making a decision.
Most classes will at some point define abstinence as “not having sex”—and that leads to the next issue: What is sex?
Write “Sex” on the board, and ask the class to define it. Key points to make during the discussion include:
• Sex includes vaginal, oral, or anal sex (i.e., penis-to-vagina, penis-to-anus, mouth-to-genitals)
• Even though you can’t get pregnant from oral or anal sex, you can get STDs.
• Genital touching without penetration may not technically be “sex” by some definitions, but it can lead to
some STDs (e.g., herpes or HPV)
ACTIVITY 5.2 -- Is THIS Abstinence? -- 5 to 10 minutes
At this point, pass out the sets of 20 cut-out “Is THIS Abstinence?” CARDS, one set for each small group.4 Let the
students know that some of these cards describe activities that are pretty personal—and many people may feel
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embarrassed talking about some of these things. Still, it is important to know about these activities because some
people, including some teenagers, engage in these activities. And it is important for young people to know about
sexual activities, so they will be ready to make good decisions about what they will do—and what they will not do. It
is essential to think ahead and plan ahead.
Tell the class that you want each group to sort the cards into 2 groups:
 those activities that are OK to do if a person wants to choose Abstinence
 those activities that are NOT OK to do if a person wants to choose
Give the group a few minutes to discuss and sort the activity cards. On the board or newsprint, start 2 columns
labeled “ABSTINENCE” and “NOT ABSTINENCE”, leaving room in the middle for a “May be ABSTINENCE, but may still
want to AVOID” column. Go through each of the activities, getting feedback from the groups about into which
column they would place each activity.
Once all 20 items are categorized, reinforce that having oral, anal, or vaginal sex is NOT Abstinence. Acknowledge
that there are some disagreements about whether some activities are OK to do, and still be considered Abstinence.
For these things, it is helpful to create a category of things that may technically be Abstinence, but that a person may
want to avoid anyway. That is why, for people who want to choose Abstinence, there are lots of other activities
(besides oral, anal, or vaginal sex) that people might want to abstain from. They may want to avoid situations that
they think might lead to sexual intercourse. Or they may simply want to avoid activities that are too 4 It may be
helpful to use different colored paper for each set. After they are used, they can be collected and used again for
future classes. BIG DECISIONSTM Lesson 5 personal or intimate. Every person should set their own boundaries—that
is, set the line between what they will do and what they won’t do. Examples of activities that people may want to
avoid include:
• Physical intimacy that may be too intimate, or that may make it difficult to resist going farther and having sex,
for example:
 Touching breasts
 Touching below the waist
 Other activities that put them in a vulnerable or risky situation, such as:
o Being alone with a boyfriend/girlfriend
o Using drugs or alcohol with a boyfriend/girlfriend
o Having an older boyfriend/girlfriend
o Have the class suggest other activities that they might want to avoid if they chose Abstinence.
[Note to Facilitators: if someone in the class asks about masturbation (touching oneself), acknowledge that this is a
controversial topic. Let the class know that masturbation is something that many people do—both males and
It does not have risks of unplanned pregnancy or of STDs, and it does not cause health problems. However, some
families, and some religions, do not approve of masturbation.] Summarize that Abstinence means not having sex, but
it also means a decision and a plan—and the plan might mean not doing other things, even if they are not technically
sex. For the rest of this session, leave the definitions on the board:
 ABSTINENCE = not having sex
 SEX = vaginal, oral, or anal sex
Closure Activity
Closure: (10 mins)
Hand everyone an index card. Every person MUST write a question about sexual health or write “I don’t have a
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Health Education
question. This is to insure privacy among classmates. Hand your index card to the teacher as you leave the class.
When the bell rings the students need to put their packets in the designated crate for their class period and turn in
their index card to the teacher at the door as they leave.
Check for Understanding (evaluation)
Formative (checks throughout the lesson):
 Walking around the room throughout the lesson to make sure students are taking notes and engaging in the
 Asking students questions throughout the PowerPoint.
Summative (checks at the end of the lesson):
Ask specific students something new they learned from this lesson “Nancy, what is the difference between sex and
abstinence?” “Kate, when do guys start producing sperm and when do women begins producing eggs?”
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