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Chapter 14 Energy and Energy Resources Questions
Modified True/False
Indicate whether the statement is true or false. If false, change the identified word or phrase to make the statement true.
1. You see a kite start to fly because heat has been transferred to it. _________________________
2. Kinetic energy is the energy an object has due to its position. _________________________
3. As you decrease the velocity of a car, you increase its kinetic energy. _________________________
4. A heated iron has chemical energy. _________________________
5. Large power plants produce electrical energy. _________________________
6. The law of conservation of electricity can be used to identify the energy changes in a system.
7. In a electric mixer, electrical energy is changed into thermal energy. _________________________
8. A turbine turns kinetic energy into electrical energy. _________________________
9. Coal burning power plants use radiant energy to create steam to operate the turbine.
____ 10. The biggest source of energy on Earth is radioactive atoms. _________________________
____ 11. The burning of fossil fuels can result in acid rain. _________________________
____ 12. Fossil fuels are a renewable resource. _________________________
____ 13. Geothermal energy is nonrenewable. _________________________
____ 14. Most energy sources have some kind of negative consequence. _________________________
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
____ 15. When you see a change in the environment you know that ____ has been transferred.
a. energy
c. heat
b. force
d. motion
____ 16. A kite stuck in a tree has ____ energy.
a. potential
c. chemical
b. kinetic
d. thermal
____ 17. When a rubber band is stretched, it has ____ energy.
a. potential
c. chemical
b. kinetic
d. nuclear
____ 18. A blimp flying around over the Super Bowl has ____ energy.
a. kinetic and potential
c. potential and radiant
b. kinetic and chemical
d. kinetic and electrical
____ 19. A green plant has ____ energy.
a. electrical
c. chemical
b. kinetic
d. thermal
____ 20. A burning fire produces ____ energy.
a. kinetic and potential
c. electrical and thermal
b. radiant and thermal
d. chemical and radiant
____ 21. In every energy transformation, some energy is always “lost” as ____ energy.
a. chemical
c. electrical
b. radiant
d. thermal
____ 22. Unlike other forms of energy, thermal energy is hard to ____.
a. transfer
c. use
b. generate
d. store
____ 23. In a nuclear power plant, nuclear energy is first changed to ____ energy.
a. electrical
c. chemical
b. thermal
d. radiant
____ 24. Most plants use a ____ to turn a generator.
a. turbine
c. photovoltaic
b. motor
d. engine
____ 25. ____ is a fossil fuel.
a. Gasoline
c. Electricity
b. Water
d. Nuclear fuel
____ 26. The form of energy in fossil fuels is ____ energy.
a. nuclear
c. radiant
b. chemical
d. electrical
____ 27. ____ is an alternative resource.
a. Coal
c. Wind
b. Natural gas
d. Oil
____ 28. A photovoltaic converts ____ energy.
a. electrical to radiant
c. radiant to thermal
b. chemical to electrical
d. radiant to electrical
____ 29. A limiting factor for using nuclear energy is the ____ produced.
a. flooding
c. waste
b. pollution
d. heat
Complete each statement.
30. ____________________ is the ability to cause change.
31. To do work, you need ____________________.
32. Kinetic energy is the energy of ____________________.
33. The kinetic energy of an object depends on its ____________________ and its ____________________.
34. The potential energy of an object depends on its ____________________ and its ____________________.
35. A pizza oven has ____________________ energy.
36. A fluorescent light produces ____________________ energy.
37. During photosynthesis, a green plant uses ____________________ energy from the Sun to produce
____________________ energy.
38. The law of conservation of energy states that energy can be neither created nor destroyed, but it can change its
39. All power plants use a ____________________ to create electricity.
40. ____________________ percent of the electrical energy generated in the United States is produced by fossil
or nuclear fuels.
41. Burning fossil fuels produces ____________________, which may cause Earth's climate to warm.
42. ____________________ energy uses kinetic energy of the air to turn a generator.
43. ____________________ energy comes from the nuclei of uranium atoms.
44. One problem with many alternate energy sources is that they are too ____________________.
45. An energy source that is used up much faster than it can be replaced is a(n) ____________________ resource.
Short Answer
46. When you say something has a lot of energy, what do you mean?
47. How could you increase the kinetic energy of a wagon without increasing its mass?
48. Name two ways you could increase the potential energy of a bucket of water sitting on a bench.
49. Discuss the kinds of energy a space rocket has when it takes off.
50. You eat a hamburger then ride your scooter. Trace the energy transformations involved.
Figure 13-1
51. In Figure 13-1, a rubber ball is dropped and bounces back up. What kind of energy does the ball have at
points A, B, and C?
52. In Figure 13-1, when the ball bounces back up, it doesn’t quite reach the height of the hand. Is energy lost?
53. Trace the flow of energy in a hydroelectric plant.
54. List two advantages and two disadvantages of fossil fuels.
55. Explain how energy from fossil fuels gets to your car, starting with the Sun.
56. Give an advantage and a disadvantage of nuclear energy.
57. Why is it necessary to include some kind of storage mechanism in a solar energy system?
58. Why do we need to find an alternative to fossil fuels?
59. Give two reasons why people say that we have an energy crisis.