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Fog Quiz
1) ________ forms when the temperature of air near the ground drops below the dew point.
2) Fog that forms at night when relative humidity is high and the skies are clear is known as…
a) advection fog.
b) steam fog.
c) radiation fog.
d) upslope fog.
3) Ice fog only occurs in polar regions when temperatures are below 32oF.
a) true
b) false
4) Fog that forms over warm lakes mainly in autumn is called…
a) advection fog.
b) steam fog.
c) radiation fog.
d) upslope fog.
5) Fog can form whenever moisture rich air on the ground cools.
a) true
b) false
6) Fog that forms over the ocean and is brought to shore by breezes is called…
a) advection fog.
b) steam fog.
c) radiation fog.
d) upslope fog.
7) Fog is very common in deserts at night.
a) true
b) false
8) Fog that forms when a warm moist air mass moves up in elevation is called …
a) advection fog.
b) steam fog.
c) radiation fog.
d) upslope fog.
9) Tule fog that forms in California’s Central Valley is a type of ____________ _____.
10) Fog is an important component of climate...
a) in Central American Cloud Forests.
b) in coastal Northern California.
c) in the Mohave Desert.
d) all of the above
e) a and b, but not c
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