Download Ch. 16 8th Grade Weather Formative Study Guide answer key

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Name ______________________________________________ Date ___________________ Hour ________
Ch. 16 Weather Formative Study Guide
1. The driving force for the water cycle and all weather on Earth begins with ______the sun________.
2. Energy from the Sun can travel to Earth via many wavelengths. Name three types of waves from
longest to shortest wavelengths. Infrared, visible light, ultraviolet
3. Describe and label where on the diagram each of the following types of heat transfer is occurring:
Conduction: at the bottom where the pot is touching the stove element
Convection: at the top and in the pot where water is boiling and
turning to steam
Radiation: the heat element where it is not touching, anywhere heat is
Moving by waves from the outside of the pot and the element.
4. Describe what causes wind? More dense air moving from areas of high pressure to low pressure
and anywhere there is unequal heating in the atmosphere.
5. While preparing a glass of ice tea, you notice water droplets forming on the outside of your glass. What
process has occurred? __condensation________ Why?
Questions 6-8 Use figure 1 above to answer questions 6-8 below.
6. The chart shown in Figure 1 is used
to determine _ relative humidity_____.
7. If the dry bulb reads 20 0C and the wet bulb reads 17 0C,
what would the appropriate measurement be?
(20 – 17 = 3) using dry bulb of 20 and the dif. of 3 = 74%
8. What would the appropriate measurement be if the
dry bulb and the wet bulb had the same temperature?
The answer is not listed. When they are the same
It is 100% relative humidity/dew point reached.
Name ___________________________________________________ Date _________________ Hour ______
Questions 9-15: Complete the diagram below using the following information then answer the questions which follow.
9. The ocean temperature is 68 0C.
10. The land temperature is 770C.
11. Draw a blue arrow where air would be sinking.
12. Draw a red arrow where air would be rising.
13. Draw a flag indicating which way the wind would be
blowing on the buoy.
14. Given the above information, would this be a
land breeze or sea breeze? ____sea breeze_____
Would this type of breeze most likely occur
during the day or night? _____day____ Explain your answer: ___The land heats up faster than water during
the day. The ocean is slow to gain or lose heat, so is cooler during the day than land.___________________
Questions 16- 25. Assume there is a sufficient supply of water vapor already in the air. The relative humidity at
ground level is 70%. Use the statements on the next page. When you are satisfied with your arrangement, write
the statement and identify the process of the water cycle it’s associated with in the spaces below.
Card Statement
The Sun's rays warm the Earth.
Water Cycle
The Earth radiates heat which warms the air.
Cool air is warmed and becomes
less dense.
Air, which is less dense, rises
Air rising in the atmosphere expands causing lower
air pressure
Air that expands decreases in temperature
Air is cooled until water vapor condenses onto solid
particles in the air.
Tiny cloud droplets collect together to form
raindrops large enough to fall towards Earth.
23. Which statement letter represents when the dew point has been reached? _______Statement # 7____________
(air is cooled until water vapor appears onto solid particles in the air.)
24. and 25. If the relative humidity was reduced, what affect would it have on the formation of the clouds and
rain? _______It would take less time to produce clouds and rain/precipitation. The rain/precipitation would be
Steps Needed to Produce Rain
8. Tiny cloud droplets collect together to form raindrops large
enough to fall towards Earth.
1. The Sun's rays warm the Earth.
3. Cool air is warmed and becomes less dense.
7. Air is cooled until water vapor condenses onto solid particles
in the air.
2. The Earth radiates heat which warms the air.
5. Air rising in the atmosphere expands causing lower air
6. Air that expands decreases in temperature
4. Air, which is less dense, rises