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World History I: Chapter 8 Review
1. Between 800 and 1500, as the frequency and intensity of contact with the outside world increased,
what was the most significant impact on sub-Saharan Africa?
a. the arrival of Christianity
b. the arrival of the Portuguese
c. the arrival of the French
d. the arrival of Islam
e. the arrival of Chinese merchants
2. Which of the following statements concerning the universality of religion in Africa is most accurate?
a. There was no universal religion in Africa, but both Christianity and Islam found
b. Despite the temporary influence of Islam, Christianity was the universal religion of
Africa by 1500.
c. Islam found adherents in Africa before Christianity.
d. Indigenous African animist religions were too powerful for either Islam or Christianity
to win any adherents.
e. Islam after 1200 swept throughout African society and established a universal cultural
3. Stateless societies in Africa were
a. imperial forms of government such as the ones that existed in the Kingdom of Kongo
and Great Zimbabwe.
b. organized around kinship or other forms of obligation and lacking the concentration of
political power and authority.
c. those which had no single ruler, but a hierarchy of officials.
d. grouped around the principle of city-states similar to those found on the Swahili coast
of East Africa.
e. limited to the region of the Sudan where trading societies remained free of centralized
forms of government.
4. What was the function of secret societies in African culture?
a. Because secret societies were restricted to men, women found other ways to influence
the societies in which they lived.
b. They smuggled valuable gold across the Sahara and established vital trade routes with
the Mediterranean.
c. They served as a disruptive and revolutionary force in African society, forestalling the
formation of larger states.
d. Because their membership cut across lineage divisions, they acted to maintain stability
within the community and diminish clan feuds.
e. Because secret societies were restricted to females, they permitted women to have an
invisible, but powerful, role in political affairs within African societies.
5. The grassland belt at the southern edge of the Sahara that served as a point of exchange
between the forests of the south and North Africa was called the
a. Almoravid.
b. Sahel.
c. Zimbabwe.
d. Maghrib.
e. qadi.
6. What kingdom arose in the Sudan following the decline of Ghana in 1076?
a. Ethiopia
b. Juula
c. Songhay
d. Mali
e. Axum
7. What was
the geographical location of the empire of Mali?
between the Zambezi and Congo Rivers
between the cities of Mogadishu and Mombassa
along the Nile River valley
on the Zimbabwe Plateau
between the Niger and Senegal Rivers
8. Which of the following monarchs was referred to as Mali's "Lion Prince?"
a. Sunni Ali
b. Ibn Batuta
c. Mansa Kankan Musa
d. Mahmud of Ghur
e. Sundiata
9. Juula were
military titles given to the rulers of Mali.
the ruling family of Mali.
monumental temple complexes constructed of stone.
Islamic judges within African society.
African traders associated with the Mali Empire.
10. Which of the following was one of the major "port" cities of the Mali Empire?
a. Benin
b. Mombassa
c. Timbuktu
d. Great Zimbabwe
e. Barawa
11. Specialists who mastered the oral traditions of the Malinke and by knowing the past were
considered excellent advisors to the kings were called
a. askia.
b. qadis.
c. Mansa.
d. juula.
e. griots.
12. Sunni Ali was responsible for the creation of what African Empire?
a. Ethiopia
b. Kongo
c. Ghana
d. Songhay
e. Mali
13. What accounted for the downfall of Songhay?
a. invasion by the Portuguese
b. the collapse of the irrigation system on which the agricultural economy depended
c. defeat and incorporation within the Mali Empire
d. the death of Muhammad the Great
e. invasion by a Moroccan Muslim army equipped with firearms
14. How did contact with the Muslim world affect the African slave trade?
a. Slave children were generally also enslaved.
b. Because of the Muslim emphasis on equality of all believers, early Muslim rulers
suppressed the slave trade.
c. Despite the Muslim acceptance of slavery and its widespread use in Islamic society
outside of Africa, Muslims generally refused to accept black slaves.
d. Slavery was unknown in African society until the Muslims introduced it.
e. With the Muslim conquests of North Africa and commercial penetration to the south,
slavery became a more widely diffused phenomenon and the slave trade developed
15. Zenj was the Arabic term for
a. Islamic judges found within African communities.
b. the grassland savannah south of the Sahara Desert.
c. African slaves.
d. the Islamic rulers of African communities.
e. the East African coast.
16. What was
typical of the African societies not affected by either Islam or Christianity?
lack of systems of writing
lack of iron tools
absence of trade
lack of city-state forms of government
lack of imperial forms of government
17. Which of the following regions was typified by city-state organization?
a. Yoruba
b. Kongo
c. Songhay
d. Mali
e. Great Zimbabwe