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Water Word Cards Glossary
clouds - Clouds form when water vapor condenses. Water vapor
condenses onto tiny particles of dust. These drops stick together to form
condenses/condensation - Water condenses when it changes from a
gas to a liquid. Water vapor (a gas) turns into drops as water cools. We
can see condensation as dew drops on leaves. Clouds are formed when
water condenses in the sky and sticks to tiny particles of dust. Drops
sliding down a glass of ice water have condensed.
conserve – to avoid wasteful or destructive use. Easy ways to conserve
water: Don’t let the faucet run when you brush your teeth; Turn water
faucets off tightly so they don’t drip. Take shorter showers.
cycle - something that happens over and over again.
evaporate/evaporation - Water evaporates when it changes from a
liquid to a gas. The sun’s heat makes
water evaporate. When water changes to a gas, this process is called
groundwater – Groundwater is an important part of the water cycle.
Groundwater is part of the precipitation that seeps down through the soil
until it reaches rock material. Water in the ground is stored in the
spaces between rock particles.
H2O – the scientific formula for water--two molecules of hydrogen
attached to one molecule of oxygen. Water is made of hydrogen and
freezes – When water turns to a solid (ice) at 32 degrees Fahrenheit or 0
degrees Celsius.
oil spill – when water is polluted by a tanker or other large oil-carrying
vessel that has been damaged and leaks into a lake or marine
environment. Oil spills are very difficult, time-consuming, and costly to
clean up.
precipitation – water that falls from the clouds in the form of rain, snow,
sleet, or hail. H-2-Oh-No! episode
Water Word Cards Glossary
runoff – Liquid water that runs downhill across the earth’s surface-sometimes slowly as in a swamp--sometimes quickly as in a waterfall.
Three states of water: solid, liquid, and gas – Water is a solid when it
freezes. Water is a liquid at room temperature. Water is a gas called water
vapor when it evaporates into the air.
transpiration – when water gets drawn up into the roots of plants and
then moves out of the leaves and into the air as water vapor. Think of the
plants as drinking with their roots and sweating with their leaves!
Water vapor – the gas form of water. Water vapor is formed when liquid
water evaporates into the air. The sun’s heat makes water evaporate and
form vapor. When water boils, it turns to steam. This steam is also called
water vapor!
Water cycle – The movement of water around the Earth. The Earth has all
the water it will ever have and this water is recycled over and over and
over. Water evaporates from the ocean and becomes part of the air as
water vapor. Some of the water vapor condenses into water droplets and
becomes clouds. Some clouds create rain, snow, sleet, or hail and this
water falls back down to the Earth. The water that falls to the Earth and is
absorbed by the ground is called ground water. Some of this water runs
over the Earth and gathers or accumulates in ponds, lakes, streams, and
rivers, or oceans. This water is called runoff.
Water is very sticky! – This is one of the properties of water. Water
droplets run together and “stick” to each other because each water
molecule is attracted to other water molecules. H-2-Oh-No! episode