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Download ASSIGNMENT QUESTION BANK UNIT-I 1. State and explain ohm`s
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ASSIGNMENT QUESTION BANK UNIT-I 1. State and explain ohm’s law? 2. Derive the expressions for voltage, current, power across the resistance, inductance and capacitance? 3. State and explain Kirchhoff’s laws? 4. Define voltage, current and power with units? 5. Derive the expressions for delta to star and star to delta connections? UNIT-II 1. Explain the working principle of operation of a DC.Generator. 2. Explain the types of a DC generator. 3. Derive the e.m.f equation of a DC.Generator. 4. Draw the block diagram of a DC.Generator and explain its parts. 5. Derive the EMF equation of a transformer. UNIT-III 1. Explain the working principle of a 3 phase induction motor. 2. Draw the slip-torque characteristics of a 3-phase induction motor. 3. Explain the various types of losses in a 3-phase induction motor. 4. Derive the slip and torque equation of three phase induction motor. 5. Explain the principle and operation of three phase alternator. UNIT-IV What is PN junction diode and explain its characteristics? 2. Explain the characteristics of Zener diode? 3. Derive the expressions for half wave and full wave rectifiers? 4. Explain the bridge rectifier circuit? 5. What is a capacitive filter? UNIT-V 1. What is BJT and explain its characteristics? 2. Explain CB and of BJT? 3. Explain CC configuration of BJT? 4. Explain CE configurations of BJT? 5. Define Transistor amplifier?