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Do you see the river?
Advection fog
Which way is the wind blowing?
I see the ocean.
What direction is the wind blowing?
Hello, little airplane.
Where are you going to land?
Can this be radiation fog?
Probably not, clouds in sky.
Can this be advection fog?
Possibly, if there is lots of water nearby.
Let’s move closer to the
We have moved closer to the ocean.
So has the little airplane.
Advection fog
Oh my! Oh dear! What is he going to do?
Radiation fog rising upslope with the heat of the
morning and will become stratus clouds (if stable air)
or cumulus clouds (if unstable air)
Radiation Fog
Radiation Fog
Radiation fog
Steam fog
Steam Fog
Steam fog
Upslope fog and radiation fog
Upslope fog
See the clear sky required for radiation fog?
See the river needed for steam fog?
Combination steam fog, radiation fog, and advection fog
Which way is the wind blowing for advection fog?
Advection Fog
What is the wind direction?
What time of day is it?
Clear sky for radiation fog.
Which way is the wind blowing for advection fog?
See the lake?
What time of day is this likely to be?
Morning, the land is cooler than the water.
Steam fog
Rain fog – rain cooled forest floor and moisture from
rain also evaporated from ground.
Steam Fog
Rain fog – rain cooled forest floor and moisture from
rain also evaporated from ground.
Radiation fog – hot air rose during cloudless night; colder heavier air
sank down to river valley. Steam fog helped from evaporating river water.
Condensation nuclei – smoke and dust sticking to moister in air
Steam fog and radiation fog
Upslope fog
Whale fog
It’s morning; the land is cooler than the water.
The warm, moist air is advancing from the water over the cooler
land = advection fog
What direction is the wind blowing?
Steam fog and radiation fog combination
Steam fog (water evaporation adding moisture to air)
Upslope fog (moist air cooling as it goes uphill to lower temperatures)
Advection fog (moist air from water advancing over cooler land)
Radiation fog (clear sky)
What is the wind direction?
What time of day is it?
Golden Gate Bridge fog