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BIO 2125 - Midterm Examination – March 2006
Name: _________________________ Student Number: _______________________
BIO 2125 - Animal Form and Function
Midterm examination
Worth either 10% or 15% of your final grade
Tuesday March 14, 2006
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sure that your name is on the top of each page because the exam will
be separated to facilitate marking
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Check to be sure that your exam is complete with a total of 13 pages
including this one
Answer all questions in the space provided on the exam. Do not
transfer answers to the back of the page
The exam is out of 80 pts.
Name: ________________________________________________
Student No: ____________________________________________
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Thursday: A1-BSC312,
A3-BSC330, A5-BSC335
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BIO 2125 - Midterm Examination – March 2006
Name: _________________________ Student Number: _______________________
15 pts Part 1. Briefly explain what each of the following biological terms means. Where
possible include an example in your definition from a group or an organism to which the
term applies.
{Excretory/osmoregulatory}{filters coelomic fluid}{Open funnel}{animal: Molluscs, Annelida}
must have first two and one of the remaining two for a total of three
{Protostome animals or Infrakingdom} with either {lophophore tentacles surrounding mouth} or
the {trochophore larval stage in developement}
Moulting fluid
{Produced at the start of the moult}{breaks down/recycles chitin and protein}{of the old cuticle}
Spiral cleavage
{Early in embryo/4-8cellstage}{Division through the h}{top four spiral or rotate}{cells are also
determinate}1,1,1 any three of these four
Renette cells
{Found in nematodes}{assumed to be excretory}{osmoregulatory}
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BIO 2125 - Midterm Examination – March 2006
Name: _________________________ Student Number: _______________________
25 pts Part 2 Answer each of the following multiple choice questions by placing an X in
the space to the left of the correct choice. There is only one correct answer for each
question and questions have either 4 or 5 answers to choose from
2.1 The relationship between insects and flowers is
_______a. neutral, and of neither harm nor benefit.
_______b. a case of herbivores eating host plants.
co-evolution, with flowers evolving to attract insects and the insects adapting
to pollinate flowers and harvest pollen and nectar.
_______d. Always harmful to the plants.
2.2 Insect dominance is probably due to the evolution of
_______b. cephalization.
_______c. the exoskeleton.
_______d. metamerism.
_______e. jointed appendages.
2.3 Of the following features that are characteristic of earthworms, which one is lacking
in polychaetes?
_______a. coelom
_______b. spiral cleavage
_______c. setae
_______d. triploblastic development
2.4 The space between mantle and foot in a mollusc is called the
_______a. hemocoel.
_______b. coelom.
_______c. enterocoel.
mantle cavity.
_______e. radula cavity.
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BIO 2125 - Midterm Examination – March 2006
Name: _________________________ Student Number: _______________________
2.5 In earthworms, the larval stage is
_______a trochophore.
_______c. a veliger.
_______d. dormant.
_______e. free-living.
2.6 Conversion of ammonia to urea takes place in the annelid
_______a. metanephridia.
_______b. calciferous glands.
_______c. nuchal glands.
_______d. clitellar tissue.
chloragogen tissue.
2.7 The external openings of the respiratory system of insects are
_______a. tracheae.
_______b. malpighii.
_______d. nephridiopores.
_______e. tracheoles.
2.8 The body of an insect is composed of ___________________ tagmata.
_______a. seven
_______b. two
_______c. four
_______e. five
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BIO 2125 - Midterm Examination – March 2006
Name: _________________________ Student Number: _______________________
2.9 Because their shells are made of it, land snails are limited to soils that contain some
level of:
_______a. aluminum.
_______b. silica.
_______d. sodium.
_______e. carbon.
2.10 The adaptation of bivalves to sedentary, filter feeding life-styles involved loss of the
head and the
_______a. mantle cavity.
_______b. siphons.
_______c. visceral mass.
_______e. foot.
2.11 The radula:
_______a. not only rasps off fine food particles but also serves as a conveyor belt to
carry food toward the digestive tract.
_______b. replaces worn teeth by secreting new teeth at the posterior end.
_______c. varies in number and pattern of teeth, allowing species to be classified by this
_______d. may be modified to bore through hard materials.
All of the above are correct.
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BIO 2125 - Midterm Examination – March 2006
Name: _________________________ Student Number: _______________________
2.12 One region of the sea star stomach, the ________________, receives ingested food.
_______a. gizzard
_______b. crop
cardiac stomach
_______d. pylorus
_______e. rectal cecum
2.13 Among insects with _______________ metamorphosis, immatures are called larvae
because they are very different from the adult in body form, behaviour, and
_______a. ametabolous
_______c. paurometabolous
_______d. hemimetabolous
_______e. chrysalous
2.14 The major secretory and absorptive structures of the sea star digestive system are the
_______a. cardiac stomachs.
_______b. rectal ceca.
_______c. Polian vesicles.
pyloric ceca.
_______e. pyloric stomachs.
2.15 A distinctive feature of marine polychaete worms is the lateral extensions called
_______b. setae.
_______c. prostomi.
_______d. palps.
_______e. tentacles.
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BIO 2125 - Midterm Examination – March 2006
Name: _________________________ Student Number: _______________________
2.16 Echinoderm radial symmetry is described as secondary because:
_______a. it appears only in the free-swimming larval stages
_______b. it is often modified into biradial or bilateral symmetry as in sea urchins and
sea cucumbers
echinoderms do not have radially symmetric larvae
_______d. rather than an indefinite number of planes of symmetry, there are only five
_______e. only the surface features are radially symmetric; this symmetry does not
extend to the internal anatomy
2.17 In the cuticle of terrestrial arthropods all but which of the following is true
_______a. the chitin and protein in the exocuticle are chemically cross linked to each
waxes in the procuticle waterproof the whole cuticle
_______c. moulting starts with apolysis
_______d. the only living layer is the epidermis
_______e. the endocuticle is recycled and used in producing the new cuticle.
2.18 Characteristics that are typical of an annelid include:
_______a. segmentation, open circulatory system and nephridia
segmentation, closed circulatory system and nephridia
_______c. no anus, nephridia and a coelom
_______d. nephridia, coelom and an open circulatory system
2.19 Chelicerate arthropods possess
_______b. antennae.
_______c. mandibles.
_______d. three pairs of walking legs.
_______e. All of the above are chelicerate features.
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BIO 2125 - Midterm Examination – March 2006
Name: _________________________ Student Number: _______________________
2.20 Nematodes:
_______a. have flame cells.
_______b. have an incomplete gut
are dioecoius
_______d. have external cilia
2.21 The ______________ of annelids are responsible for rapid movements such as
escape reactions.
_______a. segmental ganglia
_______b. subesophageal ganglia
_______c. cerebral fibers
giant axons/fibers
_______e. supraesophageal ganglia
2.22 The Mother-of-Pearl layer of a molluscs shell protects the delicate mantle. It’s also
the nacreous layer
_______b. the prismatic layer
_______c. chonchiolin
_______d. periostracum
_______e. none of the above
2.23 In contrast to the function of our bodies, the nematode is unusual insofar as it:
_______a. lacks circular muscles to antagonize the longitudinal muscles and must rely on
the rigid cuticle and hydrostatic pressure.
_______b. extends muscle cells to the nerve process, rather than nerves to the muscle
_______c. Has ameboid sperm.
_______d. moves food through its alimentary tract without direct muscle contractions on
the intestine.
All of the above are "unusual" nematode adaptations.
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BIO 2125 - Midterm Examination – March 2006
Name: _________________________ Student Number: _______________________
2.24 The ________________ of marine polychaete worms is dorsal and anterior to the
mouth and contains numerous sensory structures.
_______a. gnathostome
_______c. peristomium
_______d. protostome
_______e. pygidium
2.25 This part of the cuticle is the last layer added at the very end of the moult
_______a. Crosslinked exocucticle
_______b. Proteins of the epicuticle
the wax layer of the epicuticle
_______d. procuticle
e. endocuticle
25 pts Part 3: Complete the following sentences using the appropriate terms. Place the
term in the space in the sentence or at the end of the sentence.
3.1 Any part of the digestive tract involved in storing food prior to digestion; it's
particularly large in leeches. ___________________________
3.2 In molluscs, the true coelom is this cavity. Pericardial
3.3 This larval stage is found in molluscs and annelids. ______________________
3.4 Describes the separation of the old cuticle from the epidermis.
3.5 This is the upper most part of a marine polychaete worm's parapodia.
3.6 The internal organs of a nematode float in the body cavity because it does not have
any of these to anchor them in place. ____________________________
3.7 The grinding action of this structure helps to release digestive enzymes into a clam's
stomach. ________________________
Gastric shield
3.8 Nematodes have only these muscles. Longitudinal
3.9 In an echinoderm, the ring canal connects to this canal before connecting to the tube
feet. ______________________
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BIO 2125 - Midterm Examination – March 2006
Name: _________________________ Student Number: _______________________
3.10 The molluscs have an open circulatory system and blood pools here.
3.11 Most digestion of food for a spider occurs as a result of _________________
3.12 The bristles or hairs of annelids. ____________________________
3.13 These keep the fluids on both echinoderm body cavities moving.
3.14 This canal connects the madreporite to the ring canal in an echinoderm.
Stone canal
3.15 The unique image forming sensory apparatus of an arthropod is this type of an eye.
3.16 This part of the tube foot extends into the body cavity of an echinoderm.
3.17 The trochophore larva found in annelids is also found in this phylum.
3.18 This structure increases the surface area of an earthworm's digestive
3.19 In arthropods, metameres combine to form these larger functional body
3.20 The tremendous array of molluscan body plans is an excellent example of this type
of radiation. ____________________________
3.21 Ascaris is an unusually large nematode because of its adaptation to this type of
3.22 The procuticle acts as this type of barrier, providing strength and protection for an
3.23 These chitinous rods help support the parapodia of marine
3.24 The outermost body covering of a nematode is called this.____________________
3.25 This opening is found on the annelid's pygidium.________________________
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BIO 2125 - Midterm Examination – March 2006
Name: _________________________ Student Number: _______________________
15 pts Part 4: Answer 3 of the following 6 questions in the space provided each answer
is worth 5 points. If you answer more than three only the first three will be counted.
5.1 It’s not easy for a nematode to swallow food. What’s the problem and how does the
nematode overcome it?
{Problem: Coelomic fluid under constant hydrostatic pressure}{Open mouth and
pressure would squeeze food out}{Pharynx muscles for two valves} {open front/close
back and fill pharynx}{close front, open back and empty pharynx} 1,1,1,1,1.
5.2 Describe the path that particles created by the radula follow inside the digestive
system of a Mollusc.
{Embedded in mucous string continuous and wrapped around crystalline style to pull into
stomach} {Mucous dissolved by enzymes released from crystalline style and particles
realeased}{Ciliary sorting fields into digestive gland for small} or {large passed into
intestine} {undigested out the anus} 1 point each
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BIO 2125 - Midterm Examination – March 2006
Name: _________________________ Student Number: _______________________
5.3 How do sea stars feed and digest their meal?
{Invert cardiac stomach over coral or into clam} {release digestive
enzymes/extracorporeal digestion} {Liquified food swept into digestive system (pyloric
stomach) by cilia} { Final digestion in pyloric caeca} {Anus small, undigested
regurgitated} point each
5.4 How does a tube foot work?
{Small hydrostatic skeleton}{fluid isolated by valve at lateral canal}{Ampullae create
pressure}{Muscles on wall of tube feet for position}{Sucker to anchor} 1 each
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BIO 2125 - Midterm Examination – March 2006
Name: _________________________ Student Number: _______________________
5.5 Briefly explain the waggle dance of honey bees and what is being communicated
during the dance.
{Communicated distance}{direction to food source} {Diagram with shape of
dance}{Center axis is axis to the sun/sun’s plane of polarized light} {Speed/frequency of
the waggle the distance}
5.6 How does the respiratory system in insects work and how does it differ from most
other animal systems
{Differs – gas piped directly to tissues}{trachea cover most of the distance}{trachioles
where gas exchange occurs}{Oxygen use creates a concentration gradient high on the
outside low near active tissue}{Gas diffuses down the concentration gradient}
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