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Cloud Module Assessment Questions
1) Name the 3 main categories of clouds and the general prefix that matches each category.
2) What are the 2 main ways that clouds are formed? Please describe.
3) What do we call a cloud on the ground?
4) What is the prefix used for rain clouds?
5) What is the main difference between high level clouds and all others?
6) What is the meteorological name for a thunderstorm?
7) What satellite feature is used to identify thunderstorms on satellite images?
Electromagnetic Spectrum Assessment Questions
1) How can moving a car up or back a few meters make a difference to radio reception?
2) Arrange the following in order by increasing energy:
Visible radiation, Gamma Rays, X-Rays, Radio waves.
3) Radiation theory starts with the fundamental law that…
4) What is Kirchhoff’s Law?
5) Name the 3 main spectral channels and wavelengths that satellite radiometers report data from.
6) Radiant Energy is conserved when it passes through the atmosphere but it can change form. What are
the 3 main physical processes that take place when radiant energy interacts with an object?
Global Environmental Monitors Module Assessment Question
1) What are the 3 main greenhouse gases as presented in this module? Please write out the full names
and the chemical nomenclature (chemical name).
2) Explain the term “greenhouse gas.”
3) If POES flies so much closer to the Earth than GOES, why bother using instruments on GOES to
monitor things like forest fires or biomass burning?
Satellite Images Module Assessment Questions
1) Describe what type of cloud or phenomena might be present when visible and IR images of the same
area indicate:
A) Both images show a dark cloud
B) Both images show a bright white cloud
C) Visible images show a white cloud & IR shows a dark cloud
D) Visible shows a dark cloud and IR depicts a white cloud
2) When using a water vapor image, what does the darker areas indicate (mean)?
3) What might be the cause of a continuous dark area in a meandering snakelike pattern on a water vapor
image that extends from coast to coast over North America?
Weather Forecasting Assessment Questions
1) When looking at a satellite image, do clear areas (no clouds) signify rising air or sinking air?
2) What direction is the air moving around an area of High pressure?
2b) Draw a picture in your notebook & label.
3) What direction is the air moving around an area of Low pressure?
3b) Draw a picture in your notebook & label.
4) Draw a cold front and indicate what color it would be on a weather map and where the cold air is.
5) Draw a warm front and indicate what color it would be on a weather map and where the cold air is.
6) True or False - The small flag indicating wind direction on a station weather plot, points in the direction
that the wind is going.
7) How much of the sky is covered in clouds if the station weather plot is completely filled in?
Wild Weather Module Assessment Question
1) True or False – Satellites can detect tornadoes.
2) To qualify as a hurricane or typhoon a storm must have sustained winds exceeding ______ mph.
3) Radar is an acronym (1st letter of words) for _________ ________ ________ ________ _______
4) An “overshooting top” is associated with what type of storm.
4a) What does it look like on satellites?
4b) Why is it so important?
5) Which remote sensing instrument flown on satellites is critical for sampling clear air regions
of the atmosphere prior to the development of severe weather?
5a) What do remote sensing instruments measure?
6) What is a storm surge and what type of weather system is it associated with?
7) What type of storm causes more deaths on an annual basis, tornadoes or thunderstorms?