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Eat Right 2 Fight Cancer: Insights in cancer causes + food & nutrition to fight cancer.
Eat Right 2 Fight Cancer
Insights in cancer causes +
food & nutrition to fight cancer.
By Patrick W. Driessen
Version 5.0
October 2015
Eat Right 2 Fight Cancer: Insights in cancer causes + food & nutrition to fight cancer.
Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 3
What’s the cause and how to cure cancer? ............................................................................ 5
Mix of lemon and baking soda: most powerful lifesaving combination .................................... 7
Nutritional healing from cancer: Fundamentals of an alkaline diet .......................................... 9
Cancer remedies based on food, nutrition & beverages ........................................................ 19
VEGETABLES .............................................................................................................. 19
FRUITS ......................................................................................................................... 22
SUPPLEMENTS ........................................................................................................... 23
BEVERAGES ................................................................................................................ 31
Coping with treatment side effects when you have cancer ................................................... 34
Cooking recipes for cancer patients ..................................................................................... 36
Sources .............................................................................................................................. 38
Notes by the author ............................................................................................................ 38
Eat Right 2 Fight Cancer: Insights in cancer causes + food & nutrition to fight cancer.
Inspired by the fight against cancer of my best friend Arnold, my late friend Alexander, both of my
parents, 7 year old Albertine from Norway, and many other friends and relatives, I started writing
this eBook; focused on giving insights about cancer causes, cures and remedies based on healthy
food, nutrition and beverages.
The basis for my cancer research was formed by the
shock that I got when I returned to The Netherlands
in early 2011, after having lived in Australia for
nearly six years. At the time I was shocked by the
enormous number of Dutch people suffering from
cancer and by their low conscious about the
possible causes and potential cures for their form of
At the time I also concluded that most people do not know how to best protect their body against
cancer, so things could even get worse...
Some of the current facts:
Already 2 out of 3 adults in Western Europe will get cancer
Cancer is the most common death cause for children below 15 years of age
75% of all diseases and conditions are food related (source: WHO)
>95% of all chronic disease is caused by food choice, unhealthy food ingredients,
malnutrition and lack of exercise
Average age that people are getting chronically ill drops to 45 years
Obesity, malnutrition, cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer have become common diseases
Pesticides are scientifically proven to cause autism, obese, diabetes and cancer.
For me it was time to take action! Driven by the will to make a positive impact and improve the
world with healthy food & nutrition, in July 2011 I started developing fresh organic ready meals for
babies, young children and elderly adults; to help them stay fit and healthy. Thus I invested my
time and energy to develop and test new products, improve production processes, test new
preservative methods and do lots of research together with scientists, medical specialists,
nutritionists and food experts. Although we succeeded in many ways and went to market with the
first range of products, we failed to scale the operation up due to lack of growth capital; investors
simply did not understand the potential of healthy sustainable food.
Our insights and experiences than gave me the inspiration to help other entrepreneurs to grow
their ventures in healthy & sustainable food; because that would result in a bigger and broader
impact to improve the world with healthy food & nutrition.
In early 2013 - with the help of various friends, fellow entrepreneurs and fellow investors - I started
Eat Right 2 Fight Cancer: Insights in cancer causes + food & nutrition to fight cancer.
Pulsar Network Capital; an independent
international hands-on venture capital firm
connecting sustainable entrepreneurs with impact
driven investors in Western Europe. End of 2014
we launched the Sustainable Food Fund: the first
growth capital fund in Europe with a 100% focus on
healthy and sustainable food, making impact
investments in disruptive and innovative
companies specialised in sustainable food &
beverages, nutrition, foodtech and agritech.
Why I founded this investment firm and investment fund: to structurally help optimize the food
chain and thus make a significant contribution to the prevention and reduction of diseases and
health disorders.
This eBook is in line with that mission; the prevention and reduction of cancer! That is why the
content and the foods and beverages described in this eBook were picked specifically with proven
anti-cancer properties in mind. Researchers believe that 60 percent of cancer deaths can be
prevented by adopting a healthier lifestyle, so this content is relevant to all of us!
Whether you are currently fighting cancer, you are a survivor of cancer, or know that cancer runs in
your family, it is important to maintain a healthy diet, which includes nutritious fruits, vegetables
and supplements.
I hope this eBook will inspire you to fight cancer successfully by eating right. Just always keep in
mind and tell yourself: ‘You need to eat right to fight cancer’!
Please feel free to share this free eBook with anyone who could benefit from the content as well.
With healthy regards,
Patrick W. Driessen
Eat Right 2 Fight Cancer: Insights in cancer causes + food & nutrition to fight cancer.
What’s the cause and how to cure cancer?
With many people around me having their lives changed due to cancer, I started to ask myself
“Why them and what’s causing it?”.
Of course there are many answers to these kind of questions. However - curious as I am - I really
wanted to find out if there is a common cause, which increases the risk of getting cancer. And I
wanted to find out how to successfully fight cancer in a natural way.
After speaking with various well respected medical experts, scientists, nutritionists and
researchers, I found a track towards the possible answer… a fungus!
“Cancer is a fungus, called candida albicans, and it can be treated using sodium bicarbonate”. So
says Dr. Tulio Simoncini
Dr. Simoncini is a respected former Italian oncologist in
Rome, who developed a theory that all cancer is caused
exclusively by a fungus called candida albicans.
Candida albicans is a diploid fungus that grows both as
yeast and filamentous cells and a causal agent of
opportunistic infections in humans.
His alternative cancer treatment is simple: To alkalise the body and tumor by the use of a cheap,
common compound, sodium bicarbonate; tackling the candida, shrinking the tumor and stopping
metastases. Thus it is also a truly natural cancer cure; without any harmful side-effects.
Candida, beneficial bacteria, acid bodies and cancer
The background to Simoncini´s work involves the following theoretical elements:
Firstly, acid bodies are known to be linked to ill health and cancer.
Secondly, sodium bicarbonate can alkalise your body. It has been used in many
preparations as an antacid; an indigestion aid. You can buy a small pot of it in high street
chemists for a little over one pound.
Thirdly, the beneficial bacteria in your intestine are now known to direct up to 85 per cent
of your immune response, to release anti-cancer vitamins (like biotin, B-12, folic acid,
vitamin K) from your foods and even to produce a compound (sodium butyrate) which
causes cancer cells to self-destruct. Beneficial bacteria work imperfectly if the acidity of
the gut increases.
However, fourthly, at night when you sleep, beneficial bacteria digest vast quantities of microbes,
fungus and yeasts that you consumed during the day with your food. In fact their favorite food is
the yeast or fungus, Candida albicans. So, they are your first line of defense.
Eat Right 2 Fight Cancer: Insights in cancer causes + food & nutrition to fight cancer.
How might candida cause cancer?
Candida albicans is known to be able to escape the intestine and travel around the body in the
blood stream. Oregano oil and cinnamon can kill the yeast in the blood stream. About 25 per cent
of type-2 Diabetics were shown to improve when given cinnamon. This is because the fungus sits
on the outer membranes of cells, preventing crucial receptor sites from working properly – in the
case of diabetes, those receptor sites are for insulin. However, candida also produces a sugar-like
waste product. people with higher blood sugar levels develop more cancer; and survive less.
But there is a second potential problem. Yeasts like candida are anaerobes – this means they
generate their energy in the absence of oxygen. Once in the blood stream they can colonise certain
local areas of the body and greatly reduce the oxygen levels in that area. The result is that the local
cells do not die, but switch their own energy production from an oxygen-based system to one that
doesn´t use oxygen. This is the system employed by cancer cells, which also do not use oxygen to
generate their energy from food molecules. In fact, Otto Warburg won a Nobel Prize in 1931 for
telling the world this property of cancer cells and that oxygen was their enemy!
Is it, then, any surprise then that women who had taken antibiotics more than 25 times during
their lifetime had twice the risk of breast cancer, according to research. Their friendly bacteria
were reduced allowing candida more chance to survive in the gut and move to the blood stream.
Their immune systems were weak, indicated by the illnesses that required the antibiotics. And so
Dr Simoncini was a respected Italian Oncologist until he developed his theory… It is no wonder that
with his successful theory he created many enemies within the medical and pharmaceutical world.
How to alkalise and balance your body yourself
How can you kill the fungus (candida albicans) and alkalise your body to produce conditions in
which the candida could not thrive by effectively using the main weapon sodium bicarbonate
(baking soda)? With a DIY (Do-It-Yourself) mix of baking soda and lemon. It’s that simple!
Eat Right 2 Fight Cancer: Insights in cancer causes + food & nutrition to fight cancer.
Mix of lemon and baking soda: most powerful lifesaving combination
Note that there have been a deterioration of the immune system as well as an increased number
of toxins in your cells before you can develop
cancer cells. Cancer can also result from a lack of
adequate supplements.
There is more than one method that can be used
to tackle the disease effectively, when cancer
occurs. However, we are all aware that we have
to oppose acidity if we want to prevent cancer,
and we can do this by creating alkaline conditions in our body system. One proven recipe that gives
these results is the mixture of baking soda and lemon.
Lemons have been scientifically shown to have useful effects in fighting cancer, since they prevent
cancerous cells from spreading and could be 10.000 times better than chemotherapy and
medications when we talk of grounded impart on cancer.
Large medicine manufactures through laboratory tests proved that this plant can effectively cure
cancer, and that in fact, lemon destroys cancerous cells in twelve different cancer types.
Lemon is a miraculous item which is rich in favorable and nutrient properties. Not only it
possessesanti-cancer abilities, but lemons also used to fight cysts and tumors. It also fights germs,
bacterial and diseases that can be contagious.
Among the many beneficial effects of lemon, we must add that it also fights fight internal parasites
and worms and reduces blood pressure. It also contains vitamin C, Vitamin B, Riboflavin,
Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, and Phosphorous. Lemon can also help you overcome
depression, stress and nervousness.
The reason this recipe is so effective is in the way lemon and baking soda complement each other.
Lemon is made up of both protein and carbohydrate, and when you add baking soda to it, the
benefits are compounded, for the PH level of your body will return to normal, reducing acidity.
Diseases find it difficult to develop when the body is alkaline.
Organic lemon juice (1 lemon)
Baking soda (1 teaspoon)
Distilled (or cooked) water (240ml)
Preparation and dosage:
First mix the baking soda and water, then add the lemon to prepare the miraculous combination.
The mixture should be consumed three times a day when you feel hungry, that is, before meals.
As the use of baking soda might decrease the uptake in Vitamin B-12, taking a Vitamin B-12
Eat Right 2 Fight Cancer: Insights in cancer causes + food & nutrition to fight cancer.
supplement might be advised.
If you’re not a cancer patients and would like to use this drink to improve your health, just use it
once a day; in the morning just after getting up.
Organic lemons:
Organic lemons would be a lot more effective that those ones that were grown with the help of
different sorts of toxic substances, so to make sure that the lemons you use are free of chemicals,
pesticides and fertilizers, plant a lemon in a pot and grow it organically at home.
The power of lemons has been proved numerous times, as well as its potential to fight cancerous
cells in up to 12 different types of cancer.
This includes breast, pancreas, colon and prostate cancer. While lemon fights cancer, baking soda
regularizes the PH level to one that is not suitable to the growth of diseases causing organisms.
Unlike chemotherapy, there are no terrible side effects to this recipe.
Eat Right 2 Fight Cancer: Insights in cancer causes + food & nutrition to fight cancer.
Nutritional healing from cancer: Fundamentals of an alkaline diet
You may not have known it, but keeping your diet primarily alkaline rather than acidic is a much
healthier alternative and can add years to your life! It can also protect and cure you from cancer!
“The human body goes to great lengths to maintain a slightly alkaline PH of 7.35, but poor diet and
stress can change the PH to an acidic one in which disease can thrive,” says Raw Food Health. You
can help your body out tremendously just by adjusting your eating habits.
The modern way of life, particularly in fast-paced Western countries, does not lend itself to an anticancer, alkaline diet. Convenience food products, fast food, ready meals, microwave meals,
packaged snacks and fast food dominate many people’s daily menu. It should come as no surprise
that these foods are not optimal if you are battling cancer.
But what should a newly diagnosed cancer patient do, right away, to help themselves prepare for
Eat Right 2 Fight Cancer: Insights in cancer causes + food & nutrition to fight cancer.
the treatments to come and increase their chances for healing?
Here are the most important dietary changes every cancer patient should make. While they seem
daunting at first, really what the cancer patient needs to do is to go back to eating in the way that
people have done since the beginning of time: fresh food, in season, simply prepared, organic and
What I found as the most important elements of a healthy diet for cancer patients are:
Eat an alkaline diet to reduce inflammation & improve intracellular pH
Eliminate processed foods
Eliminate sugar
Eliminate gluten
Eliminate soy
Eliminate dairy products
Eliminate red meat
Eliminate fried food, French Fries, potato chips & snack food
Eliminate non-organic potato products
Use only olive oil, coconut oil and avocado oil in your diet
Avoid excess alcohol
Change what you drink
Select the best cuisine and meals.
1. Eat an alkaline diet to reduce inflammation & improve intracellular pH
Most people in the Western world today eat a diet that promotes inflammation and increases
intracellular pH, a condition called latent acidosis – understood to provide a perfect environment
for cancer to proliferate.
When we eat acid-forming foods, our body has to work hard to bring our blood pH back into
balance. It does this by releasing alkaline-rich minerals such as calcium, phosphorus and
magnesium into our bloodstream.
If we are not eating enough alkaline-forming foods, then our body has to pull these important
minerals from our bones, teeth and organs. This can compromise our immune system, cause
fatigue and make us vulnerable to viruses and disease.
A properly constructed alkaline diet will improve your intracellular pH over time, and is the best
defense against continuous inflammation in the body. It is composed primarily of organic leafy
green vegetables, herbs and spices, root vegetables, onions, garlic, leek and chives, broccoli,
cauliflower and cabbages, beans, lentils and peas and nuts and seeds, combined with a small
amount (a cup or two per day) of non-gluten grains such as rice.
A serving of between two and four ounces of clean fish, organic poultry or grass-fed (white)meat,
Eat Right 2 Fight Cancer: Insights in cancer causes + food & nutrition to fight cancer.
several times per week, can be part of a healthy, alkaline oriented diet. Two to three pieces of
whole fresh fruit a day help balance your vitamin and mineral consumption. The more of your
vegetables and fruits you enjoy raw, the better.
Of course, the ultimate goal is balance. Eating too many alkalizing foods can lead to its own fair
share of complications over time, but the risk of this is seemingly less likely, given the current sorry
state of today’s highly addictive consumerist diet. To combat the effects of such a diet, here are six
of the most alkaline-forming foods to work into your everyday meals:
Root vegetables
Due to the healing “yang” nature of these foods in traditional Chinese medicine, and their
tendency to be more rich in minerals than many other vegetables, it may be safe to say that you
can’t get enough of them. Look for radishes especially (black, red or white), as well as beets,
carrots, turnips, horseradish and rutabaga. Ready to eat after steaming for just 15-20 minutes, root
vegetables will help you feel both satiated and better grounded.
Cruciferous vegetables
These are the veggies we all know and love, made even more delicious with just a small amount of
healthy, homemade sauce like pesto. Choose from broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts
and the like.
Leafy greens
These include kale, Swiss chard, turnip greens and spinach – of which spinach may in fact be the
best pick. Known especially for its rich vitamin K and folate content, spinach is also packed with
vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, antioxidants and fiber, helping to improve digestion and even
A true miracle food, garlic appears at the top of innumerable lists of foods that encourage overall
health, and alkaline-forming food is no exception. Among its other benefits are its ability to
promote cardiovascular and immune health by lowering blood pressure, cleansing the liver and
fighting off disease.
Cayenne peppers (capsicum)
As part of a family of potent, tropical peppers which contain enzymes essential to endocrine
function, cayenne is among the most alkalizing foods. It is known for its antibacterial properties
and is a rich supply of vitamin A, making it a helpful agent in fighting off the harmful free radicals
that lead to stress and illness.
Eat Right 2 Fight Cancer: Insights in cancer causes + food & nutrition to fight cancer.
Lemons may be the most alkalizing food of all. As a natural disinfectant, it can heal wounds while
also providing potent and immediate relief for hyperacidity and virus-related conditions, as well as
coughs, colds, flu and heartburn. Lemon also works to energize the liver and promote
2. Eliminate processed foods
Many different substances are added to commercially prepared foods, such as artificial colors,
chemical flavors, salt, sugar or artificial sweeteners. These additives are constantly investigated by
researchers to check if any of them is thought to be a real risk. Sometimes there is a scare about a
particular additive and some additives are thought to be a cancer risk. Heavily salted, smoked and
pickled foods, for example, may increase the risk of stomach cancer. This may explain why there is
such a high rate of stomach cancer in Japan, where salty, pickled foods are popular. Also an
epidemiological study published in June 2010 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found
that a diet high in salt can increase in 10% the risk of stomach cancer.
Artificial food coloring present many health risks. The research on artificial food coloring and
cancer is limited to animal studies, including mice and rats, but some claim that these dyes are
toxic – possibly toxic enough to cause cancer also to humans.
So you’d better skip hotdogs, bacon, ham, processed fish, sauce mixes, and many other types of
processed foods.
3. Eliminate sugar
Cancer cells use more glucose (sugar) per unit of time than other cells. Sugar metabolism creates
acid, which also supports cancer progression. Further, a diet high in sugars, including fruits,
triggers the insulin response. If you frequently eat sugar or fruit throughout the day, you suppress
your immune function while increasing the insulin levels in your body, creating insulin
resistance. Insulin resistance has been directly tied to cancer proliferation.
Processed sugar depletes magnesium in the body, another contributor to cancer
proliferation. High fructose corn syrup, because of its processing methodology, is high in mercury,
a cancer-promoting toxin in the body. The recommendation to eliminate sugar includes sugar in all
its forms, even “natural” sugars like honey, molasses, maple syrup and agave, as well as white
sugar and high fructose corn syrup.
Depriving cancer cells of sugar doesn’t slow their growth. The link between sugar and cancer is
different – according to Canadian Cancer Society, eating lots of sugary foods are more likely to
cause you to gain weight. Research shows that being overweight or obese increases your risk of
This is because obesity may cause changes in hormone levels or insulin that might increase the risk
of developing breast, colon or uterine cancer. Therefore limiting the amount of sugar in your diet is
important. Diets high in sugar and refined carbohydrates can lead to overweight and obesity,
which indirectly increases cancer risk over time. Sugar can be found not only in obvious foods such
Eat Right 2 Fight Cancer: Insights in cancer causes + food & nutrition to fight cancer.
as cookies, cakes, sodas, soft drinks and other sweets.
Sugar can be found even in pasta sauce, tomato ketchup, salad dressing and canned vegetables. So
when reading food labels, look for sugar listed as the first ingredient and be aware of hidden sugar
names: fructose, lactose, sucrose, maltose, glucose, dextrose.
Enjoy unsweetened applesauce, two or three figs or dried apricots, or a piece of fresh pineapple if
you need a sweet treat. Moderation with fruit is important, as fructose has been shown to increase
the rate of cancer cell division as much as two-fold – more than other forms of sugar.
4. Eliminate gluten
Glutinous grains cause inflammation. Inflammation promotes cancer progression. This means
avoiding high-gluten grains such as wheat, spelt or rye, including the whole grains. Pastas, cereals,
bread, muffins, cakes, crackers, cookies and other baked goods are excluded from an alkaline,
cancer-suppression diet.
Cancer patients should enjoy whole, non-gluten grains such as rice, buckwheat, quinoa, millet and
amaranth. However, using “gluten free” prepared products is a mistake, as most of them have
added sugar or processed oils and will therefore fall outside of the alkaline diet parameters for
5. Eliminate soya
By now most of us know that almost all soy is genetically modified and often contains harmful
But soy is not part of a healthy diet and this is not just about the GMO factor. What is less well
known, is that soybeans and related products, are robbing the human body of nutrients, make the
thyroid broken and cause developmental problems in infants and children. Unfermented soy shape
is one of the worst foods and not suitable for consumption.
Also the soy that enters our food system as feed for cattle, pigs and chickens is harmful and
consuming soy fed meat should therefore be avoided.
Not convinced yet that you should eliminate soy and related products from your daily diet? Just
read these 170 scientific reasons to do so.
Epidemiological studies have shown that Asians, particularly in Japan and China, have a lower
incidence of breast and prostate cancer than people in the United States and Western-Europe, and
many of these studies credit a traditional diet that includes soy. But Asian diets include small
amounts (about nine grams a day) of primarily fermented soy products, such as miso, natto, and
tempeh, and some tofu. Fermenting soy creates health-promoting probiotics, the good bacteria
our bodies need to maintain digestive and overall wellness. By contrast, in the United States and
Europe, processed soy food snacks or shakes can contain over 20 grams of non-fermented soy
protein in one serving.
Eat Right 2 Fight Cancer: Insights in cancer causes + food & nutrition to fight cancer.
6. Eliminate dairy products
Cow dairy has been identified in a very large study compiled by Prof. (Emeritus) T. Colin Campbell,
PhD, Cornell University as one of the most cancer promoting foods. Strangely enough, it is the
protein that is the culprit – casein protein. High protein yogurts made with added powdered milk
or whey are even more cancer promoting than plain milk, yogurt or cheese. However, all dairy
products should be eliminated from the diet when you are fighting cancer.
Other reasons to give up dairy are:
Dairy products create inflammation, cause bone deterioration (yes it is true, because of
the high acid production during digestion of dairy) and promote cancer progression in a
similar fashion to sugar.
Regular (non-organic) dairy products often contain high doses of toxic pesticides,
fertilizers and hormones, which are harmful to your health.
After you are six or seven years of age, your body loses the enzymes which breaks down
lactose. Because your body lacks the enzyme and hence can’t absorb it, any lactose that’s
ingested is instead consumed by bacteria in the digestive system. Lactose (milk sugar) is a
form of sugar that is in milk, cheese, and other dairy products. If you still consume dairy
products on a regular basis when you are older than seven, your body might not be able
to cope with the lactose, causing an upset stomach, digestive problems, cramping,
bloating or gas. It might even cause little infections in your gut. This requires a lot of
energy from your body and it might create a ‘fungus’ basis for cancer growth.
7. Eliminate red meat
“The association between consumption of red and processed meats and cancer, particularly
colorectal cancer , is very consistent,” says Marji McCullough, PhD, a nutritional epidemiologist
with the American Cancer Society.
It has been found that bowel and stomach cancer are more common in people who eat lots of red
and processed meat. Red meat includes all fresh, minced and frozen beef, pork, lamb or veal. Also
processed meats poses a risk for cancer. These have been preserved in some way other than
freezing and include bacon, ham, salami, sausages, corned beef, black pudding, pâté and tinned
When you eat processed meats, you’re almost assuredly consuming sodium nitrite or sodium
nitrate, which are added to processed and cured meats to preserve color and extend shelf life.
Unfortunately, these compounds can be converted to nitrosamines, which are also known to cause
cancer in laboratory rats (though again, the link in people is unclear). Also hot dogs, bacon and the
like may also be preserved by methods involving smoke or salt, which also increases the exposure
to potentially carcinogenic chemicals.
Also charred food creates chemicals that can damage our cells, making them more likely to
become cancerous. Therefore the way you cook your meat can potentially make a big difference in
Eat Right 2 Fight Cancer: Insights in cancer causes + food & nutrition to fight cancer.
the cancer risk it poses to you. Well-done and char-grilled meats that are slightly burnt on the
outside are among the worst foods that increase the risk for cancer.
What do the experts say?
After a systemic review of scientific studies, an expert panel of the World Cancer Research Fund
and the American Institute for Cancer Research concluded in 2007 that “red or processed meats
are convincing or probable sources of some cancers.” Their report says evidence is convincing for a
link between red meat, processed meat, and colorectal cancer, and limited but suggestive for links
to lung, esophageal, stomach, pancreatic, and endometrial cancers.
What’s causing it?
If eating red meat does increase the risk of cancer, what’s the cause? That’s not clear, but there are
several areas that researchers are studying, including:
Saturated fat , which has been linked to cancers of the colon and breast as well as to heart
Carcinogens formed when meat is cooked.
Heme iron, the type of iron found in meat, that may produce compounds that can damage
cells, leading to cancer.
High doses of antibiotics and (growth)hormones, which has been proven to negatively
impact our immune system and cause hormonal imbalances; leading to cancer.
High doses of pesticides and fertilizers, Glyphosate (Monsanto) in particular, which has
been scientifically proven to cause various sorts of cancer within humans and animals.
8. Eliminate fried food, French fries, potato chips & snack food
French fries, potato chips and other snacks may contain high levels of acrylamide, another
carcinogenic substance that forms when foods are heated at high temperatures, such as during
baking or frying. Acrylamide may be found in any food heated to a temperature above 250° F, but
potato chips and French fries have been found to contain the highest levels among foods tested.
Cooking methods such as frying, baking or roasting are more likely to produce acrylamide, while
boiling, steaming, and microwaving appear less likely to do so. Longer cooking times and cooking at
higher temperatures can increase the amount of acrylamide in foods further. It must be mentioned
that prolonged exposure to acrylamide has caused a range of tumors in animal tests (rats and
mice), whereas most of the human studies published so far have failed to find any links between
acrylamide and various types of cancers.
However many believe it has a potential to be a human carcinogen because of those animal
studies. If you’re still worried, the FDA and other public health groups say the best way is to follow
the general advice on healthy eating, including limiting the consumption of fried and fatty foods.
Another components found in these type of foods that may increase the risk for cancer are trans
fats or trans fatty acids.
Eat Right 2 Fight Cancer: Insights in cancer causes + food & nutrition to fight cancer.
These are formed when manufacturers turn liquid oils into solid fats via a process called
hydrogenation. And indeed, trans fats can be found in many foods including vegetable shortening,
margarine, crackers, cereals, candies, baked goods, cookies, granola bars, chips, snack foods, salad
dressings, fried foods, fats and many other processed foods.
Trans fats cannot only increase your risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes, but the high
intake of trans-fatty acids may have a direct association with prostate cancer in men, which ranks
number one among the most common malignant cancers in American men. Chronic inflammation
plays an important role to the development of prostate cancer and the association of trans-fats
and chronic inflammation may explain the link between prostate cancer and trans-fatty acid
ingestion. However, further studies and clinical trials are needed to establish this fact.
9. Eliminate non-organic potato products
Another reason to avoid potato products is that most conventional potatoes and potato products
(such as French fries, chips, potato snacks and potato ready meals), usually contain high doses of
pesticides, fertilizers and insecticides (such as Glyphosate). Especially if the potatoes are GMObased (Genetically Modified Organisms) they can contain a high doses of toxic chemical elements.
When shopping for potatoes always look for organic potatoes or potato products based on 100%
organic ingredients. This guarantees that it is non-GMO and does not contain high levels of toxic
10. Use only olive oil, coconut oil and avocado oil in your diet
Use only natural, cold-pressed olive oil, coconut oil or avocado oil – organic where possible. These
oils are naturally anti-inflammatory, thus provide a soothing and healing benefit to inflamed and
potentially cancerous cells in the body.
Coconut oil in particular has also been shown to have a mild antibacterial/antifungal effect, helpful
for cancer patients with a lowered immune function, as well as direct anti-cancer properties. Oils
that should be eliminated from a cancer-suppression diet include corn, soy, canola, safflower or
sunflower oils. Not only are the commercial versions of these oils produced from genetically
modified plants – believed to increase cancer risk - most of them are highly processed. Processed
oils, including hydrogenated (hard) oils and margarines, have been prepared at high heat to
improve shelf life. This changes the oil molecules so that instead of acting as a natural conductor
for all the electrical messaging in your body, these molecules create "dead spots" in your cells
because they cannot conduct electricity. This interferes with healthy cell function and can
promote cancer progression.
Essentially cancer cells are cells that no longer respond to intracellular messaging and proliferate
without purpose, impacting other cells.
11. Avoid excess alcohol
Eliminate alcohol consumption, e.g. beer, wine and spirits; as there is a strong proven consensus of
Eat Right 2 Fight Cancer: Insights in cancer causes + food & nutrition to fight cancer.
the link between alcohol drinking and several types of cancer. The more alcohol a person drinks
regularly over time; the higher his or her risk of developing an alcohol-associated cancer. According
to Cancer Research UK and the American Cancer society, alcohol can increase the risk of a number
of cancers, such as mouth cancer, liver cancer, breast cancer, bowel cancer and throat cancer.
In some cases red wine might be advised, as the antioxidants found in red wine (called resveratrol)
have been shown to help prevent prostate, skin and breast cancer. The suggested amount: one
148ml (5-ounce) glass per day for women and two for men. While wine does contain resveratrol,
some research points to alcohol intake also increasing the risk of some cancers, so it is best to only
drink wine in very conservative moderation, and get most of your resveratrol intake from an
organic fruit or vegetable.
The only spirit, which might be advised for cancer patients is Scotch whisky, because whisky
contains an antioxidant called ‘ellagic acid’, an acid that stops DNA from coming in contact with
cancer-causing compounds, such as nitrosamines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. It is also
beneficial in protecting the body from damage during chemotherapy.
12. Change what you drink
Start your day with two glasses of warm water, preferably with fresh organic lemon juice
and baking soda stirred through the water.
Eliminate the consumption of bottled, canned or frozen fruit juice as they have high
concentrations of sugar and many are highly acid forming. Fresh vegetable and fruit juice
that you make at home or from a juice bar is encouraged, however emphasis is on
vegetable juice.
Reduce coffee consumption to one cup per day or less.
Increase consumption of clean water.
Increase consumption of lightly brewed green tea (not black tea), sage tea, ginger tea and
peppermint tea as both hot and cold drinks.
Drink the juice of a whole, organic lemon in hot or cold water several times per day.
Drink fresh carrot or carrot-beet juice daily, as these are healthy, alkaline juices for a
cancer diet.
13. Select the best cuisine and meals
While this may sound daunting if you have enjoyed the convenience of restaurant or fast food
meals or purchasing a prepared meal, this switch is easier than you think. If you cook at home, it
means eliminating a few foods and focusing on a few others to modify your usual recipes.
Salad is always a good choice whether at home or eating out. Whether you are making your own
salad or ordering a salad in a restaurant, include grated carrots, beets, cucumbers, endives,
escarole, cherry tomatoes, fennel, cabbage and spinach in any combination, in addition to or
instead of romaine lettuce or mesclun greens, then dress with extra virgin olive oil and fresh lemon
on the side at table, rather than tossing the salad with prepared dressing. Add some garbanzo or
white beans and you'll be completely satisfied.
Eat Right 2 Fight Cancer: Insights in cancer causes + food & nutrition to fight cancer.
Japanese sushi traditionally features a large selection of fresh vegetable rolls. If you are dining out,
ask for gluten-free (tamari) soy sauce, order a few rolls and some Japanese green tea, and you can
enjoy a quick, satisfying lunch or dinner. A bonus comes in the seaweed wrappers – full of minerals
from the sea. Just avoid standard soy sauce as it has wheat in it (gluten), the Teriyaki sauce (gluten)
as well as anything that is brightly colored or contains mayonnaise, as these are not on the list of
healthy options. For immune deficient cancer patients, best to stay away from raw fish sushi.
Indian food features many vegetarian choices, with plenty of spice and vegetables. Unfortunately
many Indian restaurants use a lot of rape-seed/canola oil in cooking, which is not
recommended. Enquire about how the food is prepared and if there are some ingredients that are
not optimal, just eat carefully. A good choice is channa masala (chickpea curry) with poppadum
(lentil cracker-bread) and vegetable biryani rice. Nann, chapatti, paratha, puri and roti breads are
typically made from wheat flour and should be avoided.
Italian cuisine is a bit more difficult since the basis of Italian cuisine is pasta made from wheat with
added cheese. However, cooking at home you have endless options, and more Italian restaurants
are offering a gluten free pasta choice. Many Italian menus feature dishes based on marinara
(vegetarian) tomato sauce. Select preparations with no cheese and only eat a small appetizer
portion of fish or meat, if any at all. Steamed or lightly sautéed vegetable dishes such as broccoli
rabe or spinach with garlic are superior alkaline choices, as are salads made with chopped and
grated raw vegetables. Since olive oil, garlic, tomato, vegetables, herbs and lemon are critical to
Italian cooking, it is quite possible make excellent alkaline selections if you order thoughtfully or
cook Italian food at home.
And of course, you have to just let the breadbasket and the sweet desert list pass you by….
As alternative dessert, I can recommend the following recipe: half a bowl of organic applesauce,
with two teaspoons of turmeric powder, a bit of cinnamon and a teaspoon of organic honey.
Healthy and tasteful!
Eat Right 2 Fight Cancer: Insights in cancer causes + food & nutrition to fight cancer.
Cancer remedies based on food, nutrition & beverages
The immune system protects an organism from extraneous influences. However, sometimes the
resistance can use some extra support against these influences. Maintaining a properly functioning
immune system protects against extraneous influences and fights cancer.
Below I have listed the most powerful supplements, foods and beverages to help improve your
immune system and strengthen your fight against cancer. These cancer-fighting supplements and
foods are a great way to incorporate healthy, clean eating into your diet.
Green tea
Red grapes
Kumbucha tea
Grape seed extract
Vitamin D
DIY juice
Sea vegetables
Vitamin B-12
Dark leafy greens
Chlorella & spirulina
Mushrooms have been used as functional foods for over 5000 years for medicinal and nutritional
reasons. More than 50 species of mushrooms have been found to possess anti-viral and anticancer effects through animal and in vitro research.
Namely, six components of mushrooms have been investigated for their activity in human cancers:
Eat Right 2 Fight Cancer: Insights in cancer causes + food & nutrition to fight cancer.
maitake D-fraction, schizophyllan, active hexose correlated compound (AHCC), the lentinan
component of shiitake, and two components of Coriolus versicolor.
Coriolus versicolor has also been recognized as a medicinal mushroom in Chinese medicine under
the name yunzhi. It is a very common polypore mushroom, which is found throughout the world
and can be in a wide variety of colors.
Polysaccharides (phytochemicals) from the Ganoderma lucidum mushroom have been shown to
inhibit the growth and invasiveness of some cancer cells in the laboratory, including certain forms
of breast cancer. Polysaccharide-K (PSK), is a protein-bound polysaccharide which is used as a
powerful agent able to boost the immune system in the treatment of cancer in some European
countries, China and Japan. In Japan, PSK has been approved as an adjuvant for cancer therapy and
is even covered by government health insurance.
Preliminary laboratory assessments in vitro, in vivo and in human clinical trials showed that PSK has
a powerful anticancer activity. Moreover, it was also found to possibly reduce mutagen-induced,
radiation-induced, and spontaneously-induced development of experimental cancer cell
Murill capsules
Besides consuming lots of healthy and nutritious mushrooms, you can take Murill capsules which
will boost your immune system:
Murill capsules are 100% natural and based on healthy wholesome fungi mushrooms.
Murill capsules support and stimulate the immune system in order to increase resistance.
Agaricus Blazei Murill contains, among other things: 1.3-1.6 beta glucan (polysaccharides)
and Ergosterol (provitamin D).
It is scientifically proven to help the human body fight aggressive cancer cells and is also
thought to have tumor-fighting properties.
For more info please see:
To order Murill capsules online:
Pumpkins are loaded with beta-carotene, which is known for stimulating one’s immunity which
can slow down the growth of cancer cells within the body. Another carotenoid that is responsible
for inhibiting cancer growth is alpha-carotene. Pumpkin is a very versatile vegetable; it can be
cooked in soup, bread, cake or you can simply roast pumpkin on its own.
Pumpkin seeds are also incredibly nutritious. Pumpkin seeds can be purchased separately or you
can simply buy a full pumpkin and scoop out the seeds.
Eat Right 2 Fight Cancer: Insights in cancer causes + food & nutrition to fight cancer.
Broccoli is a cruciferous green vegetable that is rich in sulforaphane. This particular substance is
known for strengthening the existing enzymes in the body and cleaning out unhealthy toxins that
may cause cancer within the body. This type of vegetable does extremely well with patients who
have experienced bladder, breast, prostate, liver, skin and stomach cancers.
While other foods require moderation, broccoli defies these rules. Nutritionists encourage eating
as much broccoli as you like.
Other health veggies from the cabbage family include cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and
mustard greens. They all contain antioxidants that have been shown to help reduce the risk of
Dark leafy greens
Collards, spinach and kale are premium examples of dark leafy green veggies that contain both
lutein and beta-carotene (a.k.a. vitamin A). Both are part of the carotenoid family and give food
that red-orange color. They have been shown to help prevent breast cancer.
Some people might try to avoid buying avocados at the local grocery store because of their high fat
content. However, avocados contain the healthy kind of fat, the one that you shouldn’t be afraid of
eating. Full of rich antioxidants, this super fruit contains healing properties and has the ability to
fight against a particular kind of cancer: AML or acute myeloid leukemia.
The darkest shade of green within the fruit offer plenty of carotenoids, components that help
combat cancer cells. There are other benefits of consuming avocados on a regular basis. It keeps
bad cholesterol away, aids in losing weight and offers many nutrients.
These red, plump and juicy fruits are full of lycopene, a phytochemical which may reduce the risk
of some types of cancer. It has been shown to help protect against prostate, endometrial, breast,
lung and stomach cancer.
Cooked tomatoes and tomato products like canned tomatoes, ketchup, tomato soup and spaghetti
sauce contain more lycopene than fresh tomatoes.
Watermelon, guava, pink grapefruit, blood oranges and apricots also contain the potent
Asparagus is packed with vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, fiber, chromium and folate.
Rich in powerful antioxidants, tasty asparagus has the powerful ability to turn harmful radicals into
Eat Right 2 Fight Cancer: Insights in cancer causes + food & nutrition to fight cancer.
a more acceptable state for the body. Additionally, asparagus contains a substance called
glutathione, which is responsible for detoxifying free radicals, regulating blood sugar, slowing down
the process of aging, cleaning the kidneys and many other health benefits.
Asparagus helps fight against bone, lung, breast, larynx and colon cancers. Low in calories, and easy
to cook, asparagus is a great addition to any breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Sea vegetables
Sea vegetables have dynamic effects on cancer. Some of these include wakame, kelp, arame, hijiki,
Nori, and kombu. All of them are abundant in minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron, and bioavailable iodine.
The interest of scientists for sea vegetables is due to the fact that chronic inflammation and chronic
oxidative stress are both risk factors for the developing cancer. Extensive research has been done
on them and it has been discovered that they contain numerous anti-inflammatory and antioxidant
Sea vegetables may be effective for estrogen-related cancers, particularly breast cancer. The
consumption of sea vegetables was found to modify certain aspects of a woman’s normal
menstrual cycle in ways that over long periods of time the total amount of secreted estrogen that
is released during the follicular phase of the cycle is lowered.
Moreover, their combination of potent nutrients provides some risk-lowering benefits in the case
several types of cancer, including colon cancer.
Oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruit all contain tons of vitamin C, an antioxidant that helps
prevent cancer-causing cell damage. Not a citrus fan? Strawberries, kiwi, potatoes, tomatoes and
bell peppers also contain the superstar vitamin.
Red grapes
Besides a great source of vitamin C, they are also full of antioxidants. And every part of the grape,
including the skin, contains cancer-fighting properties!
In fact, the thin skin of the grape contains a substance called resveratrol, and it is in the skin where
most of the resveratrol is concentrated. Also, red and purple grapes contain more of this powerful
phytochemical than green grapes. The darker the skin is, the more resveratrol it contains. Some
studies have shown that resveratrol can battle cancer growth and initiation of tumors in lymph,
stomach, breast and liver cancer cells.
Eat Right 2 Fight Cancer: Insights in cancer causes + food & nutrition to fight cancer.
Grape seed extract
Grape seeds are a great source of phytochemicals and proanthocyanidins. Similar to resveratrol,
they too are a potent antioxidant. Antioxidants can boost the body’s immunity which is vital to
maintaining a healthy immune system which can fight off cancer. Every part of the grape has been
shown to fight off cancer, not just the skin and seeds. Grape seed extract itself comes from the
ground up seeds of red grapes and can be taken as a supplement. It is a concentrated form of all
the powerful phytochemicals and antioxidants of the grape.
Berries are a favorite fruit because their flavor can be both sweet and tangy. From blueberries to
raspberries, it doesn’t matter which kind, these fruits are rich in anthocyanins. These anthocyanins,
a kind of phytochemical, can inhibit precancerous cells from growing. Black raspberries are a good
choice because they have the highest amount of anthocyanins.
Recovering cancer victims stricken with oral, colon, skin or esophageal cancers are encouraged to
eat half a cup of berries daily.
Blushwood berries are the new up-and-coming natural treatment for cancer, according to the
QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute in Queensland, Australia. Researchers found that the
fruit contains compounds that immediately began killing off cancer cells in laboratory studies.
The researchers, led by Dr. Glen Boyle, have developed an experimental drug called EBC-46, made
from the seeds of the berries. The study used it to treat melanoma spots on dogs, cats and horses
that were diagnosed by their veterinarians and were recommended for euthanasia before
The results? When EBC-46 was injected into their tumors, the cancer cells began to die off
immediately, and most tumors were eradicated completely within 48 hours. Dr. Boyle states, “In
most cases the single injection treatment caused the loss of viability of cancer cells within four
hours, and ultimately destroyed the tumors.” EBC-46 shows promise for treating accessible tumors,
and its development and efficacy are exciting the world of cancer treatments.
Pineapple, kiwi and papaya
Pineapple, kiwi and papaya contain bromelain which is known for its positive effect against cancer.
Bromelain is proven to destroy the protein layer of the cancer.
Garlic is a medicinal food that has been used for generations. Garlic comes from the Allium family,
which also includes chives and onions. Garlic contains substances like allixin, allicin, quercetin, allyl
Eat Right 2 Fight Cancer: Insights in cancer causes + food & nutrition to fight cancer.
sulfides and alliin. Additionally, diallyl disulphide, a component derived from garlic, may be
extremely effective in hindering cancer growth, especially to help prevent stomach, colon,
esophageal, pancreas, skin, lungs and breast cancer. The active compounds are formed when garlic
cloves are chopped or crushed.
Many studies have found that people who eat a lot of garlic are less likely to develop certain
common cancers. That garlic research has led scientists to wonder whether garlic may have cancertreating properties as well as cancer-prevention capabilities. Although studies are not yet
conclusive, there is some evidence that garlic may be useful for cancer in conjunction with medical
For starters, garlic may be beneficial for cancer patients owing to its immune-boosting abilities,
which vary depending on how the garlic has been processed. Additionally, certain substances
found in garlic have been shown to suppress growth and fight certain cancerous cells in the lab,
including forms of breast and lung cancer. Make sure to include garlic in your diet regularly along
with other vegetables.
Most of the pharmaceutical medication a cancer patient will receive, will have a negative and
sometimes even devastating impact on their gut flora. Chemotherapy is known to kill all heathy
bacteria in your digestion system; which causes your body to digest less healthy nutrients, vitamins
and minerals from the food and fluids you consume. In the end this results in a weakened immune
system; making it harder for the body to fight cancer and recover from cancer treatments.
Benefits for cancer patients
 One French scientific study found that chemotherapy causes our gut to become leaky,
enabling intestinal bacteria to enter the bloodstream and the lymph nodes. Once in the
lymph nodes, these bacteria stimulate our immune system and enhance the body’s ability
to fight cancer. These findings are profound, as we did not previous know that the health
of our intestinal flora might be an important factor that could tip the balance for patients
on whether their cancer treatment is effective or not.
 Another scientific study from October 2014 found that probiotics can reduce the severity
and frequency of diarrhea for cancer patients.
 Several theories exist as to how probiotics may affect the development of cancer. One
idea is probiotics inhibit the growth of harmful microbes which produce carcinogens as
byproducts of their metabolism. We also know certain probiotic bacteria ferment special
kinds of fiber in our food and produce a molecule called butyric acid (or butyrate) which
may help stabilize DNA during the replication process. This action reduces the chances of
damage which could lead a cell to turn cancerous.
 Using probiotics as an adjunct to chemotherapy treatments can help prevent or treat the
potential side effects of these treatments in the gut. Adequate levels of probiotic bacteria
may protect the gut cells from damage and improve the digestion and absorption of
nutrients from the foods we eat.
Eat Right 2 Fight Cancer: Insights in cancer causes + food & nutrition to fight cancer.
The best remedy is to consume plenty of probiotic and prebiotic foods or take a probiotic
supplement every day as a means to help support your gut health.
For more info, here are some compelling questions and answers about the use of probiotics:
Why should you take probiotics during and after cancer treatment? → Answer
Are probiotics really good for you? → Answer
Can you take probiotics with antibiotics? → Answer
How can I best take probiotics and antibiotics? → Answer
What are the benefits of probiotics while taking antibiotics? → Answer
Can probiotics be harmful to cancer patients? → Answer
Vitamine D
Vitamin D is one of the most studied supplements for cancer prevention and treatment right now.
Vitamin D is of interest not so much because of results of clinical trials, but because of our evolving
understanding of the key role it plays in cell [development] and the fact that so many people are
really deficient in vitamin D,” says Tim Byers, MD, deputy director of the University of Colorado
Cancer Center.
Epidemiological studies have found that people with cancer often have lower circulating levels of
vitamin D in their blood. So your health might benefit from taking vitamin D supplements.
Vitamin B-12
The vitamin B-12 is crucial to life and to general health, being involved in almost every cellular
system in the body. Over 300 enzymatic reactions use this vitamin in some way. Apart from
dementia, fatigue and heart problems, some cancers (for example, breast cancer) are known to be
associated with lowered levels of this vitamin.
The vitamin is involved in all aspects of your good health. It is known to help form and regenerate
red blood cells. It helps prevent cardiovascular disease by lowering blood levels of homocysteine; it
promotes growth and appetite in children, improves brain power, concentration and memory, and
is involved in a healthy nervous system. It helps maintain a fatty tissue known as the myelin sheath
surrounding nerve cells. B-12 is also involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats and the
synthesis of protein, DNA and RNA.
Vitamin B-12, or cobalamin, is a water soluble vitamin, extremely effective in very, very small
doses. The good news is that the liver has a large store of B-12. However the bad news is that
depletion and deficiency is very hard to spot and might take five years or more to appear.
Eat Right 2 Fight Cancer: Insights in cancer causes + food & nutrition to fight cancer.
A 2008 Oxford University study (journal: Neurology) showed that older people with lower B 12
levels were 6 times more likely to exhibit brain shrinkage, and even the group of people having B12 levels above those designated too low, developed dementia and other age related problems
during the 5 year study.
Several research studies have indicated that over 40% of the population could be short of vitamin
B-12. Until recently the recommended adult intake was in the region of just 3-5 micrograms per
day. However research with heart disease patients and cancer patients has shown levels of 100400 micrograms are much more beneficial.
A particular concern with cancer patients, is with those cancer patients who rush to change their
diet as part of their personal cancer therapy program, and become vegan or vegetarian. This can
result in a further lowering of B-12 levels and it could be that their cancer was already associated
with lowered levels of B-12. People who change their diet in this way may actually be
compounding a problem…
Turmeric and Curcumin
East Indians are less likely to develop cancer even though they are more exposed to carcinogens in
their environment then people from the West. How come? When Dr. Carolyn Andersons was
researching the literature on cancer prevention and treatment, she found statistics that were really
remarkable. The ratios are the following:
East Indians have 1/5 as many breast cancer cases as Europeans/North Americans at the
same age!
East Indians have 1/8 as many lung cancer cases as Europeans/North Americans at the
same age!
East Indians have 1/9 as many colon cancers as Europeans/North Americans at the same
East Indians have 1/50 of our rate of prostate cancer!
So, what is the reason for this significant different in cancer rates? It’s Turmeric!
Turmeric does what chemotherapy can’t: it naturally blocks cancer growth! Turmeric (also known
as Kurkuma or Curcuma longa) and curcumin have been highlighted as powerful anti-cancer
substances in the past, but research has now shed even more light on the amazing ability of both
turmeric and curcumin to actually block cancer growth. This is due to the unique ability of a main
component in turmeric that is actually able to block an enzyme that promotes the spread of head
and neck cancer.
Did you know that less than a teaspoon a day of turmeric appears to significantly lower the DNA
mutating ability of cancer-causing substances?
Researchers at UCLA found that curcumin (the primary component in turmeric) proved these
Eat Right 2 Fight Cancer: Insights in cancer causes + food & nutrition to fight cancer.
cancer-blocking properties during a study which involved 21 participants suffering from head and
neck cancers. The participants were given two chewable curcumin tablets containing 1,000
milligrams of the substance each. After evaluating the results, the lab found that the enzymes in
the patients’ mouths responsible for promoting cancer spread and growth were inhibited by the
curcumin supplementation. Thus, curcumin intake halted the spread of the malignant cells.
While the benefits of turmeric have not been widely publicized in Europe and the United States,
turmeric is known for its widespread use in many South Asian and Middle Eastern countries.
Utilized as a spice in traditional dishes, many cultures have already fully recognized the powerful
health-promoting aspects of turmeric.
To get maximum benefits, it needs to be high quality turmeric or curcumin in such a form that can
optimize curcuminoid absorption. Turmeric is fat-soluble, that means it dissolves in fat. Without
fat, the active component in turmeric, curcumin, has a hard time making it past the stomach, into
the small intestine, and into the blood where it can provide the greatest benefits. Thus, turmeric is
traditionally mixed with a healthy fat (e.g. coconut oil) and heated.
Click here for some simple instructions to make your very own miracle nectar based on Turmeric.
Perhaps the best part about turmeric is the fact that it is very cheap compared to highly ineffective
cancer drugs that have actually been shown to worsen tumors conditions and kill patients. You can
order affordable organic Turmeric or organic Curcumin online at many webshops around the globe.
As more health professionals begin to realize the attributes of turmeric and curcumin, it is very
possible that it could become as popular and widespread - if not more so - than super-nutrient
vitamin D.
How to increase the anti-inflammatory benefits of turmeric
Combining food can sometimes increase the benefit. When turmeric is consumed by itself or in a
capsule form, it is very weakly absorbed through the intestines. When it is combined with pepper
or ginger, as in yellow curry, it will pass the intestinal obstruction.
The body absorption of turmeric is increased by 2000% when it’s mixed with pepper. It also must
be dissolved in olive oil. This is the miraculous formula:
¼ of a teaspoon of turmeric powder
Half a teaspoon of olive oil
A pinch of black pepper.
Preparation: Mix all of the mentioned ingredients. This kind of a mixture can be added in soups,
salad dressings, vegetables or cooked meats. The best option for you is to consume it as often as
you can.
Eat Right 2 Fight Cancer: Insights in cancer causes + food & nutrition to fight cancer.
Chlorella and spirulina
Spirulina has long been known for its immune boosting properties. Its full of vitamin K, essential
fatty acids, magnesium, iron, vitamin B and E and beta-carotene. It provides energy, balanced the
blood sugar levels, and inhibits the growth of breast cancer cells.
The carotenoids in chlorella are useful in cancer prevention. Scientists have studied the activity of
semi-purified extracts and found that they inhibit cell cancer growth.
Chlorophyll helps the blood carry oxygen to all cells and tissues and also neutralizes toxins. Cancers
cannot live in fully oxygenated cells. Chlorophyll has a role in chlorella’s ability to detoxify heavy
metals and is a natural wound healer. It is also known that chlorella reduces the ability of
carcinogens to bind with DNA found in the major organs in the body. It’s anti-mutagen properties
helps it protect against toxins.
Antioxidants are substances found in abundance in fruits and vegetables – and in lesser amounts in
nuts, grains, and meat. These phytochemicals fight certain oxygen molecules in your body known
as free radicals, which can damage DNA and contribute to the development and proliferation of
cancerous cells.
Common antioxidants include vitamins A, C, and E, selenium, certain compounds in green tea and
melatonin, a hormone made by the pineal gland in the brain.
The use of antioxidants for cancer prevention and treatment is a controversial and confusing topic.
Although experts once believed that mega-doses of certain antioxidants, including vitamins A and
E, might be beneficial, clinical studies have raised questions about the safety of this practice.
Studies have shown that high doses of certain antioxidants can increase cancer occurrence in some
populations. For instance, smokers who take high doses of beta carotene are at increased risk for
lung cancer.
Although more research needs to be done, there is data to suggest that antioxidant supplements
may improve quality of life for some cancer patients. For example, the combined use of
antioxidants in green tea, melatonin, and multivitamins containing high doses of vitamins C and E
was shown to reduce pain and fatigue in patients being treated for pancreatic cancer.
Hemp oil encourages total healing of the body and increases the levels of melatonin in the body.
It’s also the most potent source of essential fatty acids and essential amino acids. This provides
Eat Right 2 Fight Cancer: Insights in cancer causes + food & nutrition to fight cancer.
balance between the Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9 fatty acids.
Hemp oil is a known cancer cure. There are two types: illegal and legal ones, because of the
presence of THC. Both types are full of proteins and extremely beneficial to our health.
Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland and has no harmful effects, but it worsens the condition
you’re suffering from. All cells in the body have melatonin receptors so when it starts to flow, the
division of cells is decreased. If a hormone connects to a breast cancer cell, it counteracts the
estrogens tendency to promote cell growth.
Melatonin also protects against cancer of the reproductive organs. It can hinder the growth of
cancer cells and treat cancer. In addition, it has also been used to prolong a patient’s life and
improve their quality of life. When used in melanoma or advanced lung cancer, it resulted in partial
or total remission.
Similar to its cousin spice, turmeric, which has a strong anti-cancer effect, ginger is largely known
for its incredible ability to shrink tumors.
Amazingly, studies have shown that it is even more effective than many drugs used in the cancer
therapies, that are now considered to be completely ineffective and it is believed that these
actually accelerate the death of patients diagnosed with cancer. Its anti-cancer properties came to
subject in addition to the role of this spice in reducing inflammation, and its high content of lifeenhancing antioxidants.
The Georgia State University conducted a study involving laboratory mice. The results showed that
whole ginger extract can actually shrinks prostate tumor size by an astonishing 56% in mice.
Ginger has no side-effects and people have been using it since ancient times. There are over 17
studies that also gave the same results regarding ginger’s anti-cancer benefits, and there is
evidence proving that ginger has a positive impact on more than 101 diseases.
Ginger is commonly consumed in small doses all across the world; you may add it to your dish or
you can either find it in some drinks.
Magnesium is the second most abundant element in the human body. It is vital to over 350
enzymatic reactions, brain and liver health, muscle and nerve activity, electrical impulse, cellular
alkalinity and energy levels.
But…. several research studies from the US and Europe have shown that 40 to 79 per cent of the
Eat Right 2 Fight Cancer: Insights in cancer causes + food & nutrition to fight cancer.
people in America and Europe are deficient in magnesium, depending upon which one you read.
The American College of Nutrition believe just over two thirds of adults do not even consume the
Recommended Daily Allowance. Blood plasma studies in the UK show similar shortages.
Deficiency is linked to heart disease, strokes, osteoporosis, fatigue and lethargy, digestive problems
and arthritis. And increased cancer risk!
In 2012, a research study from Imperial College London reported that increasing magnesium intake
by 100 milligrams reduced risk of colorectal cancer by 12 per cent, while another (in the European
EPIC study) reported that increasing magnesium intake could reduce pancreatic cancer risk by 21
per cent.
What does magnesium do?
A medium build healthy body should contain about 25 gms of magnesium - it is
everywhere. About 60 per cent is in the bones and teeth. The body needs magnesium for
bone growth and bone health and to prevent tooth decay. Magnesium is needed for
vitamin D synthesis and low vitamin D levels mean low calcium absorption. Worse,
Vitamin D is increasingly reported in research to be crucially important in the fight against
cancer. So we have a vicious circle; too much calcium depresses magnesium and vitamin D
and means it is less likely to be taken up by the bones.
Magnesium is also crucial to a healthy liver, your organ of detoxification. It also activates
over 300 enzymes throughout the body including some in the energy generation process
in the power stations of all cells in the body.
As nutritionists the world over have shown, any inefficiency in the cellular power stations
can poison the cell, making it more acidic, less capable of using oxygen and generally
producing less energy from the raw materials. Magnesium doesn´t just work in some of
the energy reactions, it activates a pump in cell membranes pushing sodium out of the cell
and potassium into the cell. Too much sodium or too little potassium inside the cell and its
power stations, will ´poison´ the cell with the power stations becoming less efficient and
more acidic. Oxygen levels will decline too. This sets up conditions of toxicity and the
threat of cancer.
Magnesium also works in muscles to help them relax (calcium helps them contract) and
studies have shown that a higher magnesium intake may reduce the risk of heart disease
and high blood pressure. A 1992 study at the Royal Leicester Infirmary showed a 24 per
cent higher survival rate in a group of heart attack victims who were given magnesium by
Finally, magnesium is important in DNA replication and repair, cellular proliferation and in
reducing inflammation. All of these factors are linked to cancer.
Walnuts are excellent sources of alpha-linolenic acid, melatonin, gamma-tocopherol, ellagitannins,
polyphenols and phytosterols. Polyphenols and phytosterols may have the ability to get in between
Eat Right 2 Fight Cancer: Insights in cancer causes + food & nutrition to fight cancer.
receptors that are responsible for breast cancer. Because of their inability to extract estrogen,
phytosterols help prevent the growth of cancerous cells especially among prostrate and breast
Dandelion herb (also known as Blowball, Cankerwort, Cochet, Common Dandelion, Couronne de
Moine, Dandelion Extract) is often being used to make medicine; from the above ground parts and
Dandelion is used for many conditions, such as: loss of appetite, upset stomach, intestinal gas,
gallstones, joint pain, muscle aches, eczema, and bruises. Dandelion is also used to increase urine
production and as a laxative to increase bowel movements. It is also used as skin toner, blood
tonic, and digestive tonic. And many people use dandelion to treat infection, especially viral
infections, and cancer…
A study conducted at the University of Windsor, Canada, at the Department of Chemistry and
Biochemistry gave amazing results, which would signify new hope to cancer patients. Namely, this
study discovered that the root of the dandelion effectively “kills” cells infected with cancer,
without any other harmful effects on other cells in the body.
Scientists have found that the root of dandelion has even better effects than chemotherapy since it
completely “kills” the cells infected with cancer. Moreover, this herb provides other very important
health benefits; it acts as a diuretic, which stimulates the secretion of bile, reduces cholesterol,
cleanses the liver and helps with allergies.
Dandelion is rich in important vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, iron, calcium, potassium,
vitamin B6, thiamin, riboflavin, folic acid and magnesium. In addition, it has been known for years
that it contains up to 535% of the required dose of vitamin C and 110% of the recommended daily
dose of vitamin A.
In foods, dandelion is used as salad greens, and in soups, wine, and teas. The roasted root can also
be used as a coffee substitute.
Green tea
Organic green tea contains powerful antioxidants called polyphenols that are believed to have
powerful anti-cancer abilities. Scientific evidence suggests that these powerful antioxidants help
prevent breast, prostate, colon, stomach and skin cancer.
Cancerous tumors rely on fast-growing networks of blood vessels to sustain their rapid growth
rate. Green tea compounds may possess the ability to help slow or prevent this rapid growth.
“Green tea seems to inhibit the development of new blood vessels in tumors, and provides one
more approach that can be used to strangle tumors,” according to the University of Colorado
Eat Right 2 Fight Cancer: Insights in cancer causes + food & nutrition to fight cancer.
Cancer Center.
Kumbucha tea
Kombucha boasts a 2,000-year history as a renowned arthritis soother, cancer fighter, and immune
booster. The ancient Chinese even called it “the Immortal Health Elixir.”
Health benefits of Kombucha tea are many ranging from facilitating detoxification, reducing
arthritis pain, lowering cholesterol, restoring bowel movements, relief from gastric ulcers and
various digestive troubles. Antioxidant-rich kombucha possess anti-microbial properties and assists
in curing various medical conditions such as cancer and diabetes and contributes productively in
maintaining cellular health and strong immune defense of the body.
Kombucha has been proven beneficial for cancer prevention and recovery. A study published in
Cancer Letters found that by consuming glucaric acid found in kombucha reduced the risk of cancer
in humans.
Former US president Ronald Reagan reportedly drank kombucha daily as part of his regimen to
battle stomach cancer.
My late friend Alexander (48 years when he died in 2015) was convinced that his cancer returned
because he had stopped drinking kombucha two years earlier, while two of his family members
(also cancer patients) who were still drinking it daily, are still healthy and balanced in their cancer
Miracle DIY juice that kills cancer cells
This completely natural miracle drink prepared from just fresh organic fruit has been circulating for
a long time. This is a simple and effective drink that can protect bad cells forming in your body or it
will restrain its growth! Its cancer chemopreventive potential has been proven. It is a DIY (Do-ItYourself) juice that you can easily make yourself.
You need one beet root, one carrot, one apple that combine together to make the juice! It is best
to use fresh organic ingredients.
Wash the above, cut with the skin on into pieces and put them into the juicer and immediately you
drink the juice.
You can add a teaspoon of turmeric powder for extra healing power.
You can add some lime or lemon for more refreshing taste.
This miracle drink will be effective for the following ailments:
Prevent cancer cells developing. Restrain cancer cells growing further.
Prevent liver, kidney and pancreas disease. (Reported to also cure ulcers.)
Strengthen the lungs, prevent heart attack and high blood pressure.
Eat Right 2 Fight Cancer: Insights in cancer causes + food & nutrition to fight cancer.
Strengthen the immune system.
Good for eyesight, eliminate red, tired eyes or dry eyes.
Help eliminate pain from physical training, muscle ache.
Detoxify, assist bowel movement, eliminate constipation. Therefore it will make skin
healthy and look more radiant.
Improve bad breath due to indigestion, throat infection,.
Great for preventing and killing acne problems.
Assist hay fever sufferer from hay fever attack.
There should be no side effect, highly nutritious and easily absorbed. It’s also very effective if you
need to lose weight. You will notice your immune system will be improved after a 2 week routine.
Drink immediately from the juicer for best effect.
Eat Right 2 Fight Cancer: Insights in cancer causes + food & nutrition to fight cancer.
Coping with treatment side effects when you have cancer
People with cancer often turn to vitamins and supplements to reduce the side effects of cancer
treatment: nausea from chemotherapy, nerve pain, or debilitating fatigue.
Keep in mind, there are hundreds of chemotherapy drugs. The vitamins and supplements that may
help you will depend on your specific treatment.
To optimize your health and reduce the risk of dangerous interactions, don’t take supplements for
side effects without talking with your cancer treatment team. Your cancer doctors can help you
develop a comprehensive treatment.
1.) Ginger
Nausea and vomiting are two of the most common side effects of chemotherapy for cancer. These
side effects can be serious. Nausea and vomiting can lead to weight loss, nutritional deficiencies,
and fatigue, which can make it harder for your body to fight cancer.
There are a number of anti-nausea medications available. But some patients with cancer also find
that using ginger, either alone or in conjunction with anti-nausea medicine, significantly reduces
nausea and vomiting.
Especially slices of fresh organic ginger cooked in water or tea can be most effective.
The evidence is conflicting, but a recent study found that cancer patients undergoing
chemotherapy who consumed a high protein drink with ginger twice a day during treatment
reported significantly less nausea and were less likely to require traditional anti-nausea
2.) Iron
Cancer itself can cause fatigue. But this debilitating lack of energy can also be caused by cancer
treatments. In fact, fatigue is a side effect experienced by nine out of 10 people undergoing cancer
treatments, including chemotherapy, bone marrow transplants, or radiation therapy.
These treatments can damage cells in your bone marrow that are responsible for making red blood
cells and lead to iron-deficiency anemia. With this type of anemia your red blood cells do not
contain enough hemoglobin, which carries oxygen throughout your body. Iron is an essential
component of hemoglobin, and iron supplements may improve the fatigue caused by irondeficiency anemia.
“Someone with a high need for extra iron might take iron supplements,” says Byers, but most
people can get the iron they need from food. One “trick” is to take vitamin C with meals in order to
Eat Right 2 Fight Cancer: Insights in cancer causes + food & nutrition to fight cancer.
enhance the absorption of the iron in food.
Always check with your doctor before taking iron supplements, even if you think you’re anemic.
Too much iron in your body can damage your liver and heart. Everyone who takes iron, including
the iron in multivitamins, should do so under a doctor’s supervision.
3.) L-glutamine
Peripheral neuropathy, or nerve damage, is a common side effect of certain drugs, including the
widely prescribed chemotherapy drug Paclitaxel.
The amino acid l-glutamine has been shown in numerous studies to be helpful at preventing or
treating peripheral neuropathy – pain, numbness, and tingling – associated with Paclitaxel.
L-glutamine, taken orally, has also been shown in one study to reduce the peripheral neuropathy
associated with Oxaliplatin, a chemotherapy drug used to treat colorectal cancer.
4.) Honey to fight headache
There are several types of headache, caused by various reasons. Some are associated with organic
disorders, such as kidney troubles, others are known as psychogenic, or tension headaches, which
could be caused by chemotherapy and/or nerve pain. Then we have the most annoying of all; the
migraine headache. Many people have had relief from headaches by the use of honey (organic
and/or raw). Two teaspoons taken at each meal may well prevent an attack.
5.) Apple cider vinegar to fight headache
Another effective means is to take organic apple cider vinegar to fight your headache. Equal parts
of apple cider vinegar and water should be placed in a small basin on the stove, allowing it to boil
slowly. When the fumes begin to rise from the basin lean your head over it until the fumes are
comfortably strong. Inhale for approximately 50 to 80 breaths. Generally this alleviates the
headache considerably, if not entirely.
6.) Apple cider vinegar to stop diarrhea
It has been proven that organic apple cider vinegar helps with the digestion, assimilation and
elimination of food, and that it is an antiseptic to the intestines and the whole of the digestive
Eat Right 2 Fight Cancer: Insights in cancer causes + food & nutrition to fight cancer.
Due to its healing properties, diarrhea can be controlled in a very short time, (that is unless some
serious physical disorder is apparent). The treatment being, one teaspoonful of apple cider vinegar
in a glass of water should be taken before and in between meals i.e. approximately six glasses
during the course of the day. It should be noted, however, that diarrhea is a natural attempt on the
part of the body to eliminate some poison which is irritating the digestive tract, on no account
should any drugs be taken to suppress these healing symptoms – on the other hand the apple cider
vinegar will lessen the intensity, but will allow the natural course of elimination to take place.
7.) Dizziness
Two teaspoons of organic apple cider vinegar together with two teaspoons of honey (organic
and/or raw) in a glass of hot or cold water three times a day should help this annoying occurrence
quite considerably. However, one should never expect instant results, as nature works slowly, yet
very effectively. You will notice a lessened intensity whilst you progress.
Cooking recipes for cancer patients
Especially while you are getting chemotherapy your appetite and taste might be different than
usually. Since your body demands a different kind of food you (or your caretakers) will have to
cook differently, so here are some helpful links.
Online recipes:
Cook For Your Life:
Cooking Light:
Cooking books:
The Royal Marsden Cancer Cookbook:
The Cancer Fighting Kitchen:
Eat Right 2 Fight Cancer: Insights in cancer causes + food & nutrition to fight cancer.
Eating right to fight cancer is just one part of staying healthy. Sufficient exercise is the best way to
optimize your diet and stay fit and healthy.
Please be aware that stress, smoking, chemicals, non-natural personal care products, polluted air,
and products of animal origin feed cancer; so you’d better stay away from them.
For all of the in this eBook mentioned food products, drinks and supplement, I advise you to buy
and use the organic version, because it usually is more nutritious, contains more anti-oxidants, is
non-GMO and contains far less harmful pesticides, fertilizers, insecticides, hormones and
Eat Right 2 Fight Cancer: Insights in cancer causes + food & nutrition to fight cancer.
The Cancer
Healthy Food Place
Mr. Healthy Life
Taylor Francis Online
Healthy Food House
Pulsar Network Capital
The Healthy Home Economist
Notes by the author
This eBook is for informational purposes only, and is educational and inspirational in
This content is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Please discuss with your own, qualified health care provider (General Practitioner and/or
Specialist) before adding in supplements or making any changes in your diet.
I do not get paid and do not receive sponsorship to publish or promote this content. It is
my intend to inspire and inform people to help them stay fit, prevent cancer and
successfully fight cancer.
I do advise to consume organic food, beverages & nutrition whenever possible.
For comments, ideas and insights to further optimize this eBook, please contact me via
[email protected].
For more information about the author, please see my LinkedIn profile:
biography: -driessen/
Giethoorn, The Netherlands, October 2015