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Key Terms from Manifest Destiny through the Civil War
Manifest Destiny Issues: Texas & California
Disputes over the Maine and Oregon Boundaries during the 1840s
Mexican War & the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Issue of Slavery in the Territories & the Wilmot Proviso
Abolitionists & Writers that attacked slavery: Harriet Beecher Stowe, Hinton Helper, William Garrison
Compromise of 1850 & the Fugitive Slave Law
Underground Railroad
Ostend Manifesto
Gadsden Purchase
Kansas-Nebraska Act & Popular Sovereignty
Kansas Civil War & the Sumner-Brooks Fight in Congress
Rise of the Republican Party
Dred Scott Court Case
Lincoln-Douglas Debates
John Brown's Raid at Harper's Ferry
1860 Election
Crittenden Compromise
Secession of Southern States
Fort Sumter
Use of executive power: Writ of Habeas Corpus
Why the Four States of the Upper South Seceded
Significance of the Keeping the Border States in the Union
Advantages and Disadvantages of the Union & Confederate States: (Military, Economic, Political)
Impact of the First Battle of Bull Run
Union Strategy: Anaconda Plan
Significance of the Battle of Antietam
Significance of the Battle between 'Monitor vs. Merrimac'
Significance of the Trent Incident & Confederate Raiders
Confiscation Acts
Emancipation Proclamation & Consequences of Lincoln's Proclamation
13th Amendment
Turning Points in the Civil War: Vicksburg & Gettysburg
Sherman's March
The 1864 Election
How the Civil War Ended & the Impact of Lincoln's Assassination
Political Changes from the Civil War: (Civil Liberties, The Draft, Political Dominance in the North)
Economic Changes from the Civil War: (Financing the War, Modernizing northern society)
Morrill Tariff Act, Homestead Act, Morrill Land Grant Act, Pacific Railway Act, National Banking System
Social Changes from the Civil War: (Women at Work, End of Slavery)
How the Civil War Changed Our Country
Why the North Won the Civil War
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