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USA X-33 1. IDENTIFICATION X-33 - Name: X-33, (1/2 VENTURE STAR) - Classification: Suborbital vehicle - Reusable Technology demonstrator. Unpiloted - Development: - NASA manager - LOCKHEED MARTIN P.O. Box 179, MS H 3400 DENVER, COLORADO 80201 Tel.: (303) 977-9289 Fax: (303) 971-9144 - Vehicle status: cancelled - Development: 941 M$ NASA, 220 M$ LM (1999) cost - Launch cost: 0.5 M$ or less per flight - First launch: - - Commercial: no 2. PRESENTATION Performance : suborbital flights Configuration : Lifting body airframe. The suborbital vehicle aimed technologies to make commercially viable. It is generation reusable launch RLV). Structure : Mainly graphite-epoxy composite. The hydrogen tanks, made out of graphite epoxy composites instead of traditional aluminium is to be the riskiest element (4) Thermal protection : Gas generators : Site : Landing Site : Overall length Width Dry mass : : : Maximum speed X-33 is an experimental at demonstrating SSTO a reusable launcher half-scale model of nextvehicle (VENTURE STAR - 12.1998: two lobes of hydrogen tanks were damaged during the manufacturing process, contributing to a 12 month delay - 02.11.1999: The outer skin of the X-33's hydrogen tanks was fractured during pressurization tests at Metallic. Titanium and Inconel (both were tested on STS Marshall Space Flight 77) Center in Huntsville, Ala. based NASA From the Saturn J-2 upper stage engine centre. Flights from Edwards AFB, Calif. (4.5 km runway) Could delay the programme 1 to 2 Landing at Bicycle Lake, Calif., the Utah Test Range, or years. Malmstrom Air Force Base, Mont., depending on flight - February, 2000: speed NASA, Lockheed 20.4 m choose aluminium tanks for X-33. 20.7 m 28.5 t : Mach 15+ Payload bay size : 3 x 1.5 m Lift-off mass : 124 t Planned flights : 15 flights, all in 1999, including at least one to Mach 15, a pair with a 48-hr turnaround, and three consecutive one- week turnarounds. First launch VENTURE STAR: 2003 X -33 vehicle growth : X-33B is no more a concept. X-33B includes testing composite ramps for the aerospike engines, different thermal protection, and new avionics. December 2002 Page 1 USA 2.1 X-33 Launch system comparison SYSTEM X-33 VENTURE STAR SPACE SHUTTLE 2001/2002 2003 1981 LOCKHEED MARTIN LOCKHEED MARTIN LOCKHEED MARTIN Length (m) 20.4 38.7 56 Width (m) 20.7 39 23.8 Dry mass (t) 28.5 ~ 271 269 Vertical tall Top of the body Wingtips Top of the body J-2S Linear Aerospike RS 2200 Linear Aerospike 2 SRB 3 SSMEs Rocketdyne Rocketdyne Rocketdyne Number of engines 1x2 1 x 7 (2) 2+3 Chamber pressure (bars) - 150 224 LH2 tank structure Composite honeycomb (4) Aluminium Aluminum LO2 tank structure Aluminium 2219 Aluminium Aluminum ¾ Type Liquid Liquid Liquid + solid ¾ Fuel LH2 LH2 LH2 ¾ Oxidizer LO2 LO2 LO2 ¾ Mass (t) 95.6 ~ 1 224 1 722 ¾ Sea level 910 x 2 1 920 x 7 29 000 ¾ Vacuum - 2 200 x 7 - Specific impulse (s) vac. - 455 453 Mach 15+ Orbital Orbital 1.5 x 3 4.47 x 13.7 (1) 4.47 x 18.3 Payload mass (t) 160 km, 28.5° orbit N/A 26 23 TOTAL lift-off mass (t) 124 1 495 (3) 2 038 Designation Manufacturer Engine Manufacturer Propellant Lift-off Thrust (kN) Maximum speed Payload bay size (m) (1) The VENTURE STAR will also be able to ferry the X-38. The payload has been moved outside the body into a modular "crayon" bay, increasing propellant volume (2) The VENTURE STAR is designed to abort or go into orbit with five of its seven engines operating (3) 1999 figures (4) February 2000: X-33 programme officials will recommend a switch from experimental composite tanks to aluminium tanks for the experimental launch vehicle. December 1999 Page 2 USA 2.2 X-33 Reliability ¾ The X-33 is being designed to accommodate a failure of one of two powerpacks and still complete its mission. ¾ The avionics are triplex and flight controls are dual redondant. ¾ The X-33 requirement for reliability is less than 1 failure in 100 flights. The VENTURE STAR has evolved from X-33. Payload is external, tanks are aluminum, wings have grown and verticals have moved. Is X-33 still representative? X-33 VENTURE STAR 3. DATA SOURCE REFERENCES 1 - Aviation week November 15, 1999, pages 28 to 30 2 - Aviation week July 8, 1996, page 20 3 - Air & cosmos n° 15475 12.07.96, page 46 4 - Air & cosmos n° 1712- 18.07.99, page 18, 2 pages December 1999 Page 3