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Mikael Fortelius, Selected Publications
Articles in refereed international scientific journals
Rensberger, J.M., A. Forstén and M. Fortelius 1984. Functional evolution of the
cheek tooth pattern and chewing direction in Tertiary horses. Paleobiology
Boyde, A. and M. Fortelius 1986. Development, structure and function of rhinoceros
enamel. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 87:181-214.
Janis, C. and M. Fortelius 1988. On the means whereby mammals achieve increased
functional durability of their dentitions, with special reference to limiting
factors. Biological Reviews (Cambridge) 63:197-230.
Fortelius, M. and J. Kappelman 1993. The largest land mammal ever imagined.
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 108:85-101.
Hunter, J.P. and M. Fortelius 1994. Comparative dental occlusal morphology, facet
development, and microwear in two sympatric species of Listriodon
(Mammalia: Suidae) from the middle Miocene of Anatolia (Turkey). Journal
of Vertebrate Paleontology 14:105-126.
Solounias, N., M. Fortelius and P. Freeman 1994. Molar wear rates in ruminants: a
new approach. Annales Zoologici Fennici 31:219-227.
Alpagut, B., P. Andrews, M. Fortelius, J. Kappelman, S. Sen, I. Temizsoy, H. Celebi,
W. Lindsay 1996. A new specimen of Ankarapithecus meteai from the Sinap
Formation of Central Anatolia. Nature 382:349-351.
Jernvall, J., J. Hunter and M. Fortelius 1996. Molar tooth diversity, disparity, and
ecology in Cenozoic ungulate radiations. Science 274:1489-1492.
Popowics, T. E., and M. Fortelius. 1997. On the cutting edge: Tooth blade sharpness
in herbivorous and faunivorous mammals. Annales Zoologici Fennici 34:7388.
Alroy, J.J., R.L. Bernor, M. Fortelius, L. Werdelin 1998. The MN System: Regional
or Continental? Mitt. Bayer. Staatssamml. Paläont. hist. Geol. 38:243-258.
Fortelius, M. and Solounias, N. 2000. Functional characterization of ungulate molars
using the abrasion-attrition wear gradient: a new method for reconstructing
paleodiets. Am. Mus. Novitates. 3301:1-36.
Jernvall, J. and M. Fortelius. 2002. Common mammals drive the evolutionary increase
of hypsodonty in the Neogene. Nature 417: 538-540.
Fortelius, M., J. T. Eronen, J. Jernvall, L. Liu, D. Pushkina, J. Rinne, A. Tesakov, I.
A. Vislobokova, Z. Zhang, and L. Zhou. 2002. Fossil Mammals Resolve
Regional Patterns of Eurasian Climate Change During 20 Million Years.
Evolutionary Ecology Research 4:1005-1016.
Liu, L., M. Fortelius and M. Pickford. 2002. New fossil Suidae from Shanwang,
Shandong, China. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 22: 152-163.
Zhang, Z., A. W. Gentry, A. Kaakinen, L. Liu, J. P. Lunkka, Z. Qiu, S. Sen, R. S.
Scott, L. Werdelin, S. Zheng, and M. Fortelius. 2002. Land mammal faunal
sequence of the late Miocene of China: New evidence from Lantian, Shaanxi
Province. Vertebrata PalAsiatica 40:165-176.
Kaiser, T.M. and Fortelius, M., 2003. Differential mesowear in occluding upper and
lower molars -- opening mesowear analysis for lower molars and premolars
in hypsodont horses. Journal of Morphology, 258, 67-83.
Jernvall, J. and M. Fortelius. 2004. Maintenance of trophic structure in fossil mammal
communities: site occupancy and taxon resilience. American Naturalist
Liu, L., D. Kostopolous, and M. Fortelius, 2004. Late Miocene Microstonyx remains
(Suidae, Mammalia) from Northern China. Geobios 37:49-64.
Jokela, T., J. T. Eronen, A. Kaakinen, L. Liu, B. Passey, Z. Zhang, and M. Fu. 2005.
Translation of Otto Zdansky’s “The Localities of the Hipparion Fauna in
Baode County in N. W. Shanxi” (1923) from the German.Paleontologia
Electronica 1(8): 3A:10p. [M. Fu = Mikael Fortelius]
Pihlström, H. M. Fortelius, S. Hemilä, R. Forsman and T. Reuter. 2005. Scaling of
mammalian ethmoid bones can predict olfactory organ size and
performance. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 272:957-962.
Evans A.R., Hunter J., Fortelius M. & Sanson G.D. 2005. The scaling of tooth
sharpness in mammals. Annales Zoologici Fennici, 42, 603-613
Liu, L., D. Kostopoulos, and M. Fortelius. 2005. The late Miocene mammal locality
of Akkasdagi, Turkey: X. Suidae. Geodiversitas 27:715-732.
Fortelius M., Armour-Chelu M., Bernor R. & Fessaha N. 2005. Systematics and
paleobiology of the Rudabánya Suidae. Palaeontographia Italica, 90:259-278
Puolamäki K, Fortelius M, Mannila H. 2006. Seriation in paleontological data using
Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods. PLoS Computational Biology 2:e6.
Fortelius, M., J. T. Eronen, L. Liu, D. Pushkina, A. Tesakov, I. A. Vislobokova, and
Z. Zhang. 2006. Late Miocene and Pliocene large land mammals and
climatic changes in Eurasia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,
Palaeoecology 238:219-227.
Fortelius M, Gionis A, Jernvall J, Mannila H. 2006. Spectral ordering and
biochronology of European fossil mammals. Paleobiology 32(2): 206-214.
Fortelius, M & Zhang, Z. 2006. An Oasis in the Desert? History of Endemism
and Climate in the Late Neogene of North China. Palaeontographica A.
Evans, A.R., G. P. Wilson, M. Fortelius and J. Jernvall. 2007. High-level similarity of
dentitions in carnivorans and rodents. Nature 445:78-81.
Articles in refereed international edited volumes and in international scientific
conference proceedings
Fortelius, M. 1988. Isometric scaling of mammalian cheek teeth is also true metabolic
scaling. In Russell, D.E.; Santoro, J.-P.; Sigogneu-Russell, D. (eds.):
Proceedings of the VIIth International Symposium on Dental Morphology,
Paris 1986. Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, Série
C, 53:459-462.
Bernor, R. L., V. Fahlbusch, P. Andrews, H. d. Bruijn, M. Fortelius, F. Rögl, F. F.
Steininger, and L. Werdelin. 1996. The evolution of Western Eurasian
Neogene mammal faunas: A chronologic, systematic, biogeographic and
paleoenvironmental synthesis. Pages 449-471 in R. L. Bernor, V. Fahlbusch,
and H.-W. Mittmann, editors. The Evolution of Western Eurasian Neogene
Mammal Faunas. Columbia University Press, New York.
Fortelius, M., L. Werdelin. P. Andrews, R. L. Bernor, A. Gentry, L. Humphrey, W.
Mittmann and S. Viranta 1996. Provinciality, diversity, turnover and
paleoecology in land mammal faunas of the later Miocene of western Eurasia.
Pp. 414-448 in R. Bernor, V. Fahlbusch & W. Mittmann (eds.), The
Evolution of Western Eurasian Neogene Mammal Faunas. Columbia
University Press.
Jernvall, J., J. P. Hunter and M. Fortelius. 2000. Trends in the evolution of molar
crown types in ungulate mammals: evidence from the northern hemisphere.
Pp. 269-281 in Development, Function and Evolution of Teeth. Edited by
Teaford, M., Smith, M. M. & Ferguson, M. W. J. Cambridge University
Fortelius, M. and A. Hokkanen. 2001. The trophic context of hominoid occurrence in
the later Miocene of western Eurasia – a primate-free view. Pp. 19-47 in
Phylogeny of the Neogene Hominoid Primates of Eurasia. Edited by L. de
Bonis, G. Koufos & P. Andrews. Cambridge University Press.
Bernor, R. L., R. S. Scott, M. Fortelius, J. Kappelman, and S. Sen. 2003. Equidae
(Perissodactyla). Pages 220-281 in M. Fortelius, J. W. Kappelman, S. Sen,
and R. L. Bernor, editors. Geology and Paleontology of the Miocene Sinap
Formation, Turkey. Columbia University Press.
Fortelius, M. 2003. Evolution of dental capability in Western Eurasian large mammal
plant eaters 22-2 million years ago: a case for environmental forcing mediated
by biotic processes. Pages 61-68 in A. Legakis, Sfenthourakis, S., Polumeni,
R., Thessalou-Legaki, M., editor. The New Panorama of Animal Evolution.
Proceedings XVIII International Congress of Zoology. Pensoft, SofiaMoscow.
Fortelius, M., K. Heissig, G. Sarac, and S. Sen. 2003. Rhinocerotidae (Perissodactyla).
Pages 282-307 in M. Fortelius, J. W. Kappelman, S. Sen, and R. L. Bernor,
editors. Geology and Paleontology of the Miocene Sinap Formation, Turkey.
Columbia University Press.
Fortelius, M., S. Nummela, and S. Sen. 2003. Orycteropodidae (Tubulidentata). Pages
194-201 in M. Fortelius, J. W. Kappelman, S. Sen, and R. L. Bernor, editors.
Geology and Paleontology of the Miocene Sinap Formation, Turkey.
Columbia University Press.
Scott, R. S., M. Fortelius, K. Huttunen, and M. Armour-Chelu. 2003. Abundance of
"Hipparion". Pages 380-397 in M. Fortelius, J. W. Kappelman, S. Sen, and
R. L. Bernor, editors. Geology and Paleontology of the Miocene Sinap
Formation, Turkey. Columbia University Press.
Fortelius, M., J. T. Eronen, L. Liu, D. Pushkina, A. Tesakov, I. A. Vislobokova, and
Z. Zhang. 2004. Continental-scale hypsodonty patterns, climatic
palaeobiogeography, and dispersal of Eurasian Neogene large mammal
herbivores. Pages 1-11 in J. W. F. Reumer and W. Wessels, editors.
Distribution and Migration of Tertiary Mammals in Eurasia. A volume in
honour of Hans de Bruijn. Deinsea, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Ukkonen, A., M. Fortelius, and H. Mannila. 2005. Finding partial orders from
unordered 0-1 data. In R. Grossman, R. Bayardo, K. P. Bennett (Eds.):
Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM SIGKDD International Conference on
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, p. 285-293.
Scientific monographs
Fortelius, M. 1985. Ungulate cheek teeth: developmental, functional and evolutionary
interrelations. Acta Zoologica Fennica 180:1-76.
Fortelius, M., J. Kappelman, S. Sen, and R. L. Bernor (eds.) 2003. Geology and
Paleontology of the Miocene Sinap Formation, Turkey. Columbia University
Press, New York. 409 pp.
Steininger, F. F., Kovar-Eder, J. and Fortelius, M. (eds.), 2004. The middle Miocene
environments and ecosystem dynamics of the Eurasian Neogene (EEDEN).
Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 249, 100pp.
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