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Sophie Wright
Mr. Kann and Mike
AP US History
21 Feb 2017
Unit 14 Notes
Chapter 25 Amsco Review (518-536)
Introduction​ (518)
● After WWI, nations mostly agreed ​Kellogg-Briand Pact 1928​ - pledge not to use
military force for violent reasons
○ Did not last - Japan threatened china, Adolf Hitler came into power promoting
nationalism and militarism, US was in the Depression
Herbert Hoover’s Foreign Policy​ (518-520)
● Herbert Hoover​ wanted ​isolationism​ - US doesn’t enter firm commitments for security
of other nations
● Japanese Aggression in Manchuria (519)
○ Japan established puppet govt. - Japanese troops marched into ​Manchuria (Sept
1931)​ & renamed territory ​Manchukuo
■ Went against​ Open Door policy​ and covenant of ​League ON
■ League​ failed to maintain peace as it simply condemned Japan and let it
walk out of the League (520)
○ Stimson Doctrine - ​Sec of State ​Henry Stimson​ declared US would not
recognize legitimacy of territory - honoring obligations of ​Nine-Power Treaty
■ League followed and issued similar declaration
● Latin America
○ Hoover ended interventionist policies - arranged troops leave Nicaragua by ​1933
& negotiated treaty with Haiti removing troops by ​1934
Franklin Roosevelt’s Policies, ​1933-1938​ ​(520-525)
● Good-Neighbor Policy -​ towards other nations in Western Hemisphere
○ b/c (1) they agreed $ diplomacy didn’t make sense
○ (2) FDR wanted Latin Am cooperation as Germ & It amping up military forces
● Pan-American Conferences
○ Pledged never to intervene in internal affairs of Latin America (LA) - Corollary of
the ​Monroe Doctrine​ (​Theodore Roosevelt)
○ FDR pledged to let arbitration settle disputes
● Cuba ​(521)
○ 1934​ - FDR got congress to nullify ​Platt Amendment ​- US only had right to keep
naval base at ​Guantanamo Bay
● Mexico
○ Lazaro Cardenas​ (President of MX) - seized oil prop. owned by US - ​1938
■ FDR - rejected corporate demands & encouraged settlement negotiations
● Economic Diplomacy
○ London Economic Conference 1933
■ FDR allowed US partici in international eco conference (LofN)
■ Proposal - stabilize currency
● FDR feared that it would hurt his plans of recovery for the GDep.
● Not supported by US
○ Recognition of the Soviet Union
■ FDR granted recognition of the communist regime that ruled Soviet Union
b/c he thought it would boost economy and trade in US
○ Philippines
■ FDR got congress to pass ​Tydings-McDuffie Act 1934
● Independence of Phil by ​1946 ​& gradual removal of US military
○ Reciprocal Trade Agreements
■ FDR favored low tariffs - increasing international trade
■ 1934 - Congress tried a plan suggested by ​Cordell Hull
● Pres power to reduce tariff up to 50% for nations that did the same
● Events Abroad: Fascism and Aggressive Militarism (522)
○ Italy -​ ​Benito Mussolini​ led Italian Fascist party ​1922 (​became ideology in
European dictatorship)
■ People put Mussolini in power as the Leader
○ Germany -​ Nazi Party arose in ​1920s​ after ​Treaty of V ​destroyed Germ
■ Leader - ​Adolf Hitler ​bullied Jews & used fascist ideology to gain support
■ Gained full control of Germ Legislature in early ​1933
○ Japan - ​eco conditions worsened
■ jap said only way to ensure access to basic materials was to invade China
and Southeast Asia
● American Isolationists
○ Nye committee 1934​ concluded that US partic in WW was to serve greed of
bankers + manufact - influenced isolationist legislation
○ Neutrality Acts ​(523)
■ The Neutrality act of 1935​ - let pres prohibit arms of shipment + forbid
US citz to travel on ships of hostile nations
■ The Neutrality act of 1936​ - forbade extension of loan + credit to hostiles
■ The Neutrality act of 1937 - ​forbade shipment of arms to opposing side
in Spainish Civil War
○ Spanish Civil War
■ Viewed as ideological struggle btw forces of fascism & republicanism
■ 1939​ general ​Francisco Franco​(fascist) established a military dictatorship
○ America first committee​ - created to travel country warning against getting
involved in Euro troubles
● Prelude to War
○ Democracies were unprepared to challenge Fascist aggressions
■ Ethiopia 1935​ - Mussolini ordered Ital troops to invade Eth - LofN could
do nothing to stop it
■ Rhineland 1936 - ​Hitler defied Treaty V by getting Germ troops to invade
■ China 1937​ - War btw Ch and Jap erupted ​1937
● US​ gunboat in China bombed by Jap, US govt accepted apology
■ Sudetenland 1938 -​ British & French agreed to let Hitler take
Sudetenland unopposed
● Munich - synonymous to appeasement (525)
○ US Response
■ FDR tested public opinion on entering war by making a speech about
“quarantining” the aggressor - public had negative responses
○ Preparedness
■ 1938​ congressed strengthened military + naval budget
From Neutrality to War, ​1939-1941​ (525-529)
● Outbreak of War in Europe
○ GB & Fr pledged to fight if Poland was invaded
○ August 1939​ - Stalin + Hitler signed non aggression pact - secretly planning to
divide Poland btw them
○ Germ invaded Poland ​- Sept 1, 1939
■ Br + Fr declared war against Germ (and later allies Italy and Jap)
■ WWII started in Europe
○ Blitzkrieg (lightning war) - air power + fast moving tanks
● Changing US Policy (526)
○ Crash and Carry - ​Belligerent could buy US arms if it used its own ships & paid
○ Selective Service Act 1940 - ​Provided registration of all american men (21-35)
and training for 1.2 mil troops in 1 year
○ Destroyers-for-bases Deal ​- Brit got 50 older US destroyers in exchange for
giving US the right to build military bases on Br island in Caribbean
● Election of 1940
○ Wendell Willkie ​ - republican nominee (527)
○ FDR ​won election b/c - (1) strong eco recovery based on defense purchases (2)
fear of war caused voters to stay w/ more experienced leader
● Arsenal of Democracy
○ Four Freedoms​ - FDR proposed lending money to Brit for purchase of US war
■ Argued US should stand by nations committed to 4 freedoms
● Speech, religion, want, fear
○ Lend-Lease Act​ - end to ​Crash and Carry​ requirement of Neutrality Act
■ Permit Brit get all US arms it needed on credit
■ Not supported by America First Committee
○ Atlantic Charter
■ FDR held secret meeting w/ Brit prime Min b/c he knew they would be
entering the war
■ Drew up document that listed peace objectives after war
● Self determination, no territorial expansion, free trade
○ Shoot-on-sight ​(528)
■ FDR ordered US Navy ships to bring British w/ lend-lease materials from
US to Iceland
■ American destroyer ​Greer attacked by Germ sub
● FDR ordered attack on all German ships in sight
● Disputes With Japan
○ US Eco actions
■ Jap joined ​axis of powers​ ​- ​FDR prohibited export of steel + scrap ion to
all countries except Britain
■ After Jap occupied French Indochina, he cut off Jap fully
○ Negotiations
■ Japan had no supply of oil which was needed to fuel naval + air forces
■ US tried to negotiate but it was unsuccessful
● Pearl Harbor
○ Jap planes flew over Pearl Harbor, Hawaii and bombed every ship in sight
■ 2,400 Americans were killed
○ Dec 8, 1941​, Congress wanted to declare war but had 1 dissenting vote (529)
■ 3 days later, Germ + Ital declared war on US
World War II: The Home Front (529-532)
● Industrial Production
○ War Production Board ​- manage war industries
○ Office of War Mobilization - ​production priorities and controlled raw materials
○ Office of Price Administration - ​Wages, Prices, and Rationing (530)
○ Unions
■ Agreed there would be no strikes until War was over
■ Smith-Connally Anti Strike Act 1943​ - passed over FDR vetoempowered govt
○ Financing War - increase in spending
■ More income tax & selling war bonds
● The War’s Impact on Society
○ African Americans
■ Many left the South & many left home to serve in armed forces
■ Discrimination continued - promoted ​Double V
● V - victory over fascism
● V - Victory for equality at home
■ Increase in # of NAACP members
■ Congress of Racial Equality 1942​ - work more militantly
■ Smith v. Allwright - ​unconstitutional to deny Af Am membership in
political parties
○ Mexican Americans - worked in defense industries (531)
■ Braceros​ ​1942​ - allowed mx farmworkers to ender US in harvest season
w/o going through formal imm process
○ Native Americans - many served in military
○ Japanese Americans
■ Lots of racism towards jap am - 100,000 were forced to leave homes on
West Coast and go to internment camps
■ Korematsu v. US 1944 - Supreme court upheld US govt internment
● 1988​ - govt declared it unjust - ones alive received financial comp.
○ Women - many served noncombat roles in military & lots entered workforce
○ Propaganda - was everywhere to maintain public morale, encourage ppl to
sacrifice & conserve resources, and increase war production
● Election of 1944 (​532​)
○ FDR​ reelected as president - died shortly after inauguration, so Truman served
World War II: The Battlefronts (532-534)
● Fighting Germany
○ Brit and US mil strategy - overcome menace of German sub in Atlantic and bomb
German cities
○ Battle of the Atlantic​ - naval war to control shipping lanes
● From North Africa to Italy (533)
○ Allies took North Africa from Germans by ​May 1943
○ Allies then occupied ​Sicily​ summer of ​1943
○ Mussolini lost then, but Hitler’s forces got him back into control
○ Germans surrendered northern Italy ​May 1945
● D day ​to victory in Europe
○ Allies tried to Liberate France - largest invasion by sea in history ​(D Day June 6,
● German Surrender and discovery of the Holocaust
○ Hitler committed suicide - ​April 30, 1945
○ Surrender of Nazi Armies - ​May 7, 1945
○ US troops went through Germ discovering concentration camps + the Nazi’s
genocide against Jew + others
● Fighting Japan
○ The Turning Point 1942
■ May 7-8, ​Battle of the Coral Sea​, US aircraft stopped jap invasion of
■ June 4-7, ​Battle of Midway​, US forces destroyed four Jap carriers and
planes w/ interception and decoding of jap messages
○ Island-hopping - Navy and airforce isolated jap islands (534)
■ Adopted by ​Admiral Chester Nimitz​ - helped allied powers
○ Battle of Leyte Gulf ​ - Oct ​1944​, Jap navy destroyed
○ Atomic Bombs
■ America developed an atomic bomb - top-secret ​Manhattan Project 1942
■ Truman gave ultimatum to jap - surrender or face “utter destruction”
● US dropped bombs ​Hiroshima & Nagasaki
○ Jap surrendered after 250,000 killed
Wartime Conferences (534-535)
● “Big Three” (US, Britain, Soviet Union) arranged conferences
● Casablanca - ​first conference w/ GB & US agreed to invade Sicily + demand
“unconditional surrender” from Axis Powers (535)
● Tehran​ - agreed that Brit & US would liberate Fr and Soviets would invade germ + join
war against Jap
● Yalta​ - agreed (1) Germ divided into occupation zones
○ (2) free elections in liberated countries
○ (3) Soviets enter war against Japan
○ (4) soviets control southern half of Sakhalin and Kurile Islands & have special
concessions in Manchuria
○ (5) new world peace organization
● FDR died after returning from Yalta Conference
● Potsdam​ - agreed (1) to issue warning to japan to surrender unconditionally
○ (2) hold war-crime trials of Nazi Leaders
The War’s Legacy (536)
● Costs
○ 300,000 lost lives & 800,000 wounded
○ Cost: $320 billion - national debt $250 billion
● The United Nations
○ League of Nations rejected
○ US, China, Soviet U, GB, proposed international organiz - ​United Nations