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Greece Practice
1. Base your answer to the question on the quotation below
and on your knowledge of social studies.
7. Which ancient civilization established the basis
of Western democracy?
A) Phoenician
B) Egyptian
... We give our obedience to those whom we put in
C) Sumerian
D) Greek
positions of authority, and we obey the laws
themselves, especially those which are for the
8. Which was a major characteristic of democracy in
protection of the oppressed, and those unwritten laws
ancient Athens?
which it is an acknowledged shame to break. ...
A) All adult male citizens were eligible to vote.
- Pericles, quoted in History of the
B) All residents were given voting rights.
C) Women were allowed to vote in major elections.
Peloponnesian War
D) Slaves were permitted to vote in major elections.
In this quotation, Pericles is praising Athenian
A) civic values
C) military strengths
B) artistic creativity
D) commercial success
2. One way in which the ancient city-state of Athens and
the Gupta Empire are similar is that both
allowed universal suffrage
developed matriarchal societies
promoted art and literature
established plantation agriculture
3. Which society practiced direct democracy?
9. Important long-term contributions of ancient Greek and
Roman civilizations are primarily found in the area of
military technology
religious doctrine
economic policy and planning
government and law
10. The ancient Athenians are credited with
A) inventing and using the wheel
B) eliminating slavery
C) establishing governments that had democratic
D) inventing the printing press
11. ". . . for the administration is in the hands of the many
and not of the few . . . an Athenian citizen does not
neglect the state because he takes care of his own
4. What effect did the geography of ancient Greece have on
household.... We alone regard a man who takes no
its early development?
interest in public affairs not as a harmless but as a
useless character...."
A) The mountainous terrain led to the creation of
independent city-states.
B) A lack of natural seaports limited communication.
C) An inland location hindered trade and colonization.
Which type of political system does this quotation
suggest that people of ancient Athens valued?
D) Abundant natural resources encouraged
A) monarchy
B) aristocracy
A) ancient Athens
C) Gupta Empire
B) dynastic China
D) early Egypt
5. Olympic games, the poems of Homer, and Hellenistic
culture are associated with which ancient civilization?
A) Egyptian
C) Roman
B) Greek
D) Phoenician
6. In a comparison of the ancient cities of Athens and
Sparta, Sparta placed more emphasis on
A) education
C) family order
B) military service
D) human rights
C) democracy
D) autocracy
12. "Let me say that our system of government does not
copy the institutions of our neighbors. It is more the
case of our being a model to others than of our
imitating anyone else. Our constitution is called a
democracy because power is in the hands, not of a
minority, but of the whole people."
Which early society is most likely described in
this quotation?
A) Spartan
C) Athenian
B) Babylonian
D) Egyptian
13. All citizens in ancient Athens had the right to attend the
Assembly, where they could meet in open discussion
and cast votes. This situation is an example of
direct democracy
parliamentary democracy
14. Why did the ancient city-states of Athens and Sparta
develop different political systems?
A) The Byzantine Empire dictated government
B) Foreign travelers introduced new philosophies.
C) The mountainous topography resulted in the
isolation of these city-states.
D) For over three centuries, civil wars raged in these
15. Which description accurately identifies Socrates, Plato,
and Aristotle?
rulers of the Roman Republic
artists of the Italian Renaissance
religious leaders of the Protestant Reformation
philosophers of ancient Greece
16. Base your answer to the following question on the map below and on your knowledge of social studies.
Based on the information provided by this map, which body of water was most likely the center of Roman
A) Red Sea
C) Atlantic Ocean
B) Black Sea
D) Mediterranean Sea