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Solutions from a global leader
Our vision is to be the world’s most dynamic science
company, creating sustainable solutions essential to
a better, safer and healthier life for people everywhere.
Combating fugitive dust emissions is just one of the
many ways we are achieving this goal.
Backed by our record in safety, excellence in engineering,
science, technology, proud history in innovation and our
Dusgon range of dust suppression agents, DuPont Dust
Suppression can deliver integrated solutions that will:
• Identify and assess your dust problem
• Design a solution to fit your situation
• Supply and install complete turnkey systems
• Provide staff training
• Provide ongoing service and maintenance
• Provide ongoing technical support
for controlling fugitive dust emission from areas such as:
• Cleared and unvegetated areas
• Stockpiles
• Haul roads
• Train wagons
• Transfer points.
A well designed dust suppression system can reduce
fugitive dust emissions, minimise the OH&S and
environmental implications and be a cost effective
solution to your dust problems.
Contact details
For more information on DuPont Dust Suppression
solutions, please contact:
Du Pont (Australia) Ltd.
Level 3, 7 Eden Park Drive, Macquarie Park, NSW, 2113
Locked Bag 154, North Ryde BC, NSW, 1670
Free call: 1 800 252 997
Phone: 02 9923 6111
Fax: 02 9923 6011
Copyright © 2008 E.I. du Pont Nemours and Company. All rights reserved.
The DuPont Oval, DuPont™ and The miracles of science™ are registered
trademarks or trademarks of DuPont or its affiliates.
DuPont Dust Suppression
Dust – more than just a nuisance
Stop your profits being blown away
When experience counts
The true economic cost of fugitive dust emissions
can be difficult to ascertain and therefore often
overlooked. This means your profits are being
blown away without you knowing it.
DuPont has a long history in handling fine and
dangerous particulate material. The company’s
origins were in making black powder (gunpowder)
and explosives. Later in its history, DuPont became
one of the world’s largest chemicals and materials
Material, Productivity and Economic Loss
Excellence in Engineering, Science and Technology
• Dust particles contribute to the contamination and
accelerated wearing of machinery and equipment,
increasing the cost of maintenance.
DuPont has numerous patents in the field of dust control and
management and our dust control technologies have been in
use in many applications since the 1960s. Some examples are:
cement powder manufacturing, road building, soil stabilization
and filter materials for bag house installations, just to name a few.
Airborne dust occurs naturally as a result of Aeolian
or wind erosion and can be increased significantly
by human activities. However, airborne dust is more
than just an aesthetic or nuisance problem. It can have
serious health and environmental consequences and
result in significant economic losses.
By their very nature, activities such as mining and construction
inevitably generate dust. It is one of the most visible, irritating
and potentially invasive problems for the industry – and is a
serious issue for mine operators, construction companies,
local communities, regulatory bodies and governments.
Fugitive dust emissions result from mining activities such as
clearing, blasting, processing, handling, storing and transporting
large quantities of dirt and ore. This can be compounded by
wind and hot, dry climates and poor dust control measures.
Many dusts contain heavy metals and other materials that
are potentially hazardous to human health and known to cause
diseases. However, the dust doesn’t have to be from hazardous
material sources to cause problems.
The control of fugitive dust emissions should be a fundamental
part of any responsible Safety, Health and Environment
management plan because of the potential health issues,
environmental implications and duty of care required of
operators by governments and the community.
• Productivity is decreased if materials have to be
processed and transported at lower speeds because
of excessive dust emissions.
• As much as 5 percent of the material can be lost due
to wind erosion during transportation and stockpiling.
• Traditional methods of spraying with water can be
costly and ineffective.
Occupational Health and Safety
• High levels of dust in the atmosphere reduce visibility
and can create hazardous working conditions for workers
and vehicle operators.
• Depending on the nature of the material involved, fine dust
particles 10 to 20 microns in size can be a dust explosion risk.
• Inhalation of dust particles of 10 microns or less in size is
known to cause serious respiratory illnesses.
• Airborne dust can be carried large distances from the
source, causing air and water contamination problems.
• Dust fallout can have detrimental effects for local flora
and fauna.
• Dust contamination in the environment can also enter
the food chain and can result in long-term implications.
World Leaders in Safety
DuPont owns and operates many manufacturing plants all over
the world and has established a global reputation for excellence
in safety management. For the past 30 years, our safety and
operational expertise has been shared with other companies
across all industries spanning the globe. In addition to the vast
pool of global resources at our disposal, we have the practical
experience and skills vital for the successful facilitation of clients
making significant and sustainable safety improvements.
Global Resources, Local Solutions
and Best Local Partners
We believe we have the best people placed all around the
world. So when it comes to finding a solution for your business,
our global expertise is right at your fingertips. We also work to
find the best possible local partners to facilitate your project,
supporting the local economy at the same time.