Download Name SOL Quiz 7.1e Absolute Value What is |7 | + |

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SOL Quiz 7.1e Absolute Value
7.1 The student will
e) identify and describe absolute value for rational numbers.
1 What is |7 | + |-3| ?
2 On the number line below, Plot the point(s) that have an absolute value of 4.
3 On a number line, what is the distance between -2 and 6?
o A |4|
o B |-2|
o C |-8|
o D |6|
4 5 What is |-¾| ?
o A
o B
o C
o D
Identify each true statement: 8 = |-8|
|5| = 5
-3 = |3|
What is the absolute value of -5.3?
o A -5.3
o B 5.3
o C 2.65
o D -2.65
-|18| = -18
2 = |2|
|-1.5| = -1.5
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