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Name: __________________________________ Class: ______________________________________
Sense of Hearing
What parts of the body give us our sense of hearing?
1. ___________________________________
2. __________________________________
What are the main functions of the ear?
1. __________________________________
2. __________________________________
Structures of the ear: The ear is divided into three parts; the outer ear, middle ear,
inner ear.
1. ________________: (pinna) Collects sound waves
2. ________________: sound waves pass through to the ear drum.
3. ________________: thin membrane that vibrates( stretched across the ear
4. ________________: three small bones which help carry the sound waves
(hammer, anvil, and stirrup)
The Inner EAR
5. ________________: coiled tube in the inner ear (snail shaped) filled with
liquid and hair like cells.
6. ________________: three small tubes in the inner ear which control your
7. ________________: carries impulses from the ear to the brain
Diagram of the ear
How does it all work?
1. ____________________ are collected in the outer ear.
2. Sound waves pass through our _________________ and cause our ear drum
to vibrate.
3. These _________________________ are sent to our inner ear by the
ossicles. (small bones in the middle ear)
4. The vibrations reach the ______________________. The fluid in the
cochlea begins to move, this motion results in the hair cells sending a signal
along the auditory nerve to the brain.
5. Our __________________ receives these impulses and interprets them as a
type of sound.
Name: __________________________________ Class: ______________________________________
Ear Problems
1. ____________________ in the middle ear are the most common ear
problems. Germs from colds in the nose or throat can spread through the
Eustachian tube in the middle and inner ear.
2. Hearing loss and deafness- This can result from injury, disease, birth defects,
and very loud noises.
a. ___________________________: is someone who is specially trained
to test and help with the problems related to hearing loss.