Download DNA, RNA, and Protein synthesis Chapter 12 review

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Name: ________________________________ Per: ______ Date: ________________________
DNA, RNA, and Protein synthesis
Chapter 12 review
This is a study guide that will help you focus your study efforts for this test. Remember that a study
guide is just one way to prepare for a test and should not be used exclusively! Some other suggestions
1. What does the name DNA stand for? __________________________________________
2. What is the shape of a DNA molecule called? _____________________________________
3. What are the names of the three main scientists that contributed to the final discovery of the
DNA structure? __________________________________________________________
4. DNA and RNA are made up of chains of subunits (or monomers) called __________________.
5. How many strands of DNA, or chromosomes, does a human cell have? ___________________
***Use the diagram below for questions below.
6. Draw a box or circle one DNA nucleotide.
7. Label the three parts of the DNA nucleotide.
8. Demonstrate your understanding of base-pairing rules by labeling the nitrogen bases with the
DNA code (letters).
9. What are three bases on one strand of DNA or mRNA called? _______________________
10. Identify the chemical bonds labeled A and B.
11. Why is it beneficial for the chemical bond between two nitrogen bases to be weak?
12. What is the main difference between the DNA of different organisms? You can also think about
this – how does one person’s DNA differ from another’s making each of us unique?
13. Chargaff’s rule states that in DNA, the amount of adenine always equals _____________ and
the amount of cytosine always equals _______________________.
14. If a DNA molecule has 40% thymine, what percent of adenine, cytosine, and guanine must the
molecule have? Remember, all should equal 100% total!
15. Complete the other half of the DNA molecule.
16. List the three main steps of DNA replication.
(honors: know the enzyme that helps at each step, which direction DNA strands are copied in,
and the name of the sections of DNA copied on the lagging strand of a replication bubble)
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
17. What are the three main differences between DNA and RNA?
18. What are the three types of RNA and their function?
Protein synthesis:
19. What does protein synthesis mean? Why is it important?
20. What are the subunits (monomers) that bind together to form proteins. __________________
(honors: know the special name of the type of bond that links these monomers to make a chain)
21. What are the two parts of protein synthesis (in order) and where do they occur?
22. What is an anticodon and why is it important to the process of protein synthesis?
Making sense of DNA & protein synthesis through pictures!
25. The image to the right shows a segment of DNA
known as a gene. What is the difference between introns
and exons? Hint: introns are also known as “junk DNA.”
Match the following terms with the letters on the diagram.
remember, this will help you piece together
the entire process.
23. _____ ribosome (rRNA)
24. _____ mRNA
25. _____ amino acid
26. _____ tRNA
27. _____ nucleus
28. _____ translation
29. _____ polypeptide chain
30. _____ codon
31. _____ anticodon
32. _____ transcription
I (3 bases attached)
Cell membrane
G (3 bases on strand)
33. Number these in order from smallest to largest.
___ polypeptide chain ___ protein ___ amino acid ___ peptide
34. What is a mutation?
35. List and briefly describe types of mutations. (see p.346 of book)
36. What is a mutagen?
Protein Synthesis Practice Problem: Use the DNA molecule below to complete the steps of protein synthesis.
37. . Transcribe, or write, the DNA code onto a new strand of mRNA.
38. This mRNA will carry this message to a ribosome. Then, tRNA’s will match up with the mRNA
strand, transferring one amino acid at a time. What are the 6 amino acids that will be bonded
39. How many amino acids make up a protein determined by a gene that is 3,000 base pairs long?
40. Imagine that the first A in the DNA molecule above was changed to a G. What is this called?
Would the same protein be made after this occurs?