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Hemorrhoid No More™ by Jessica Wright
The Secrets To Curing Your Hemorrhoids Holistically and Naturally
While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this
publication, neither the Author nor the Publisher assumes any responsibility for
errors, omissions or contrary interpretations of the subject matter herein. Any
perceived slights of specific persons, peoples or organizations are unintentional.
The Author neither makes nor attempts to make any diagnosis or cure or prevent
any disease.
This publication is an informational product based on my own experience and
research, has not been evaluated by either the FDA or the medical profession
and is not aimed to replace any advice you may receive from your medical
practitioner. The Author and Publisher assume no responsibility or liability
whatsoever on the behalf of any purchaser or reader of these materials. The
author is not a doctor, nor does she claim to be. Please consult your primary care
physician before beginning any program of nutrition, exercise, or remedy. By
consulting your primary care physician, you will have a better opportunity to
understand and address your particular symptoms and situation in the most
effective ways possible.
As always, before applying any treatment or attempting anything mentioned in
this book, or if you are in doubt, you should consult your physician and use your
best judgment. If you fail to do so, you are acting at your own risk. You, the buyer
or reader of this book, alone assume all risk for anything you may learn from this
book., Higher Ways Publishing INC, the publisher and
Jessica Wright are not liable or responsible for any increase in severity of your
hemorrhoids or for any health problem you may encounter should you give up
medical treatment.
By choosing to use the information made available on the Hemorrhoid No More
website and in this book, you agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless
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| Hemorrhoid No More | By Jessica Wright
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Table of Content
Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 9
Why Hemorrhoids Are Nothing to ........................................................................ 9
Be Ashamed Of ............................................................................................................... 9
What This Book Is About ........................................................................................ 10
How to Find the Information You Need ........................................................... 11
Why I Wrote This Book: My Story ..................................................................... 13
Chapter One: .................................................................................................................... 15
Everything You Need to Know About Hemorrhoids....................................... 15
What Are Hemorrhoids?......................................................................................... 15
Types of Hemorrhoids............................................................................................. 16
 Grade One: ......................................................................................................... 17
 Grade Two: ........................................................................................................ 17
 Grade Three: ..................................................................................................... 17
 Grade Four: ....................................................................................................... 17
The Difference Between A Fissure and a Hemorrhoid .............................. 18
Is Constipation Causing Your Hemorrhoids? ................................................ 19
Tip # 1: ....................................................................................................................... 22
Tip # 2: ....................................................................................................................... 22
Tip # 3: ....................................................................................................................... 22
What’s Causing Your Hemorrhoids ................................................................... 22
Dietary Choices, Over-Acidity and Sluggish Digestion .......................... 23
Candida Albicans Overgrowth ......................................................................... 24
Auto-Intoxification................................................................................................ 25
Being Too Fat (obesity) ...................................................................................... 26
Not Moving Enough (exercise) ........................................................................ 26
Pregnancy ................................................................................................................. 26
Holding It (postponing a bowel movement) ............................................. 26
Straining .................................................................................................................... 27
Constipation ............................................................................................................ 27
Diarrhea..................................................................................................................... 27
Diseases and Illness.............................................................................................. 27
Stress and Inadequate Sleep ............................................................................. 28
Your Family Tree (genetics) ............................................................................. 29
Chapter Two: ................................................................................................................... 30
Diagnosing and Treating Your Hemorrhoids the Conventional Way ...... 30
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Internal Hemorrhoids.............................................................................................. 31
External Hemorrhoids ............................................................................................. 32
Diagnosis and Prognosis ........................................................................................ 32
A Digital Rectal Exam ............................................................................................... 33
The Anoscope .............................................................................................................. 34
The Proctoscope ........................................................................................................ 34
A Sigmoidoscopy........................................................................................................ 34
A Colonoscopy............................................................................................................. 34
Ruling Out Other Conditions................................................................................. 35
Anorectal Abscess ..................................................................................................... 36
Fissures .......................................................................................................................... 36
Polyps ............................................................................................................................. 36
Cancer ............................................................................................................................. 37
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD’s) ........................................................... 37
Check Your Stools First! .......................................................................................... 38
Color ............................................................................................................................ 38
Form ............................................................................................................................ 39
Texture....................................................................................................................... 39
Size............................................................................................................................... 39
Proper Evacuation ................................................................................................ 40
Are You At Risk for Hemorrhoids? ..................................................................... 40
 Irregular Bowel Movements. ..................................................................... 40
 Extra pressure on the rectum. .................................................................. 41
 Poor blood flow/circulation. ..................................................................... 41
 Anal Sex. ............................................................................................................. 41
 A Poor Diet. ....................................................................................................... 41
What Can Help (Treatment Options) ................................................................ 41
Easing the Pain – Fast! ............................................................................................. 42
Help for Severe Hemorrhoids .............................................................................. 42
Sclerotherapy .......................................................................................................... 43
Infrared Coagulation ............................................................................................ 43
Banding ...................................................................................................................... 43
Cryotherpay ............................................................................................................. 43
Surgery to the Rescue .......................................................................................... 44
Medicines That Can Work ...................................................................................... 44
Chapter Three: ................................................................................................................ 47
48 Hours to Relief .......................................................................................................... 47
A Quick Fix Treatment Plan ...................................................................................... 47
Simple Recipes to Ease the Pain .......................................................................... 47
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Hemorrhoid Compress........................................................................................ 47
Cranberry/Cheese Cloth Compress ............................................................... 48
Cold-Water Baths .................................................................................................. 48
Onion and Garlic Suppository .......................................................................... 48
Geranium and Lavender Oils ............................................................................ 49
Hemorrhoid Wash................................................................................................. 49
Echinacea Treatment ........................................................................................... 49
Salves and Ointments .............................................................................................. 50
Zinc Oxide Cream .................................................................................................. 50
Comfrey Herbal Salve .......................................................................................... 50
Flowers of Sulfur Vaseline ................................................................................. 50
Veri-Gone Salve ...................................................................................................... 51
Vitamin E ................................................................................................................... 51
Ghees-Turmeric Salve ......................................................................................... 51
Salves and Treatments for Specific Symptoms ............................................. 52
To relieve burning and itching ........................................................................ 52
To ease inflammation .......................................................................................... 52
To alleviate hemorrhoid bleeding .................................................................. 53
The Crystal Remedy ................................................................................................. 54
Chapter Four: .................................................................................................................. 55
The 5-Step Holistic Plan for Getting Rid of Your Hemorrhoids ................. 55
Step One: Dietary Changes and Digestion Optimization........................... 56
Dietary Principle #1: Lowering Fat and Cholesterol ............................. 56
Dietary Principle #2: Increasing Fiber ......................................................... 57
Dietary Principle #3: Reducing Spice Content .......................................... 59
Dietary Principle #4: Reducing Dairy Consumption, Lactose and
Fructose ..................................................................................................................... 59
Dietary Principle #5: Reducing Gas-Forming Foods .............................. 61
Dietary Principle #6: Low Calories ................................................................ 62
Dietary Principle #7: Minimizing Toxic Foods and Foods That Feed
Candida (Anti Yeast Foods)............................................................................... 62
Dietary Principle #8: Consuming Lots of Cleansing Foods ................. 67
Dietary Principle #9: Maintaining Healthy Alkaline-Acid Balance .. 73
Dietary Principle #10: Optimizing Digestion by Adopting Correct
Eating Habits ........................................................................................................... 79
Enzymes .................................................................................................................... 82
The Hemorrhoid Diet........................................................................................... 83
Breakfast: The Most Important Meal of the Day ...................................... 84
Lunch and Dinner are Important Too........................................................... 85
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Step Two: Basic Supplementation For Hemorrhoids and Related G.I
Disorders ....................................................................................................................... 87
Why Do We Need Supplementary Vitamins and Minerals? ................ 87
Herbal Supplements for Treating Hemorrhoids .......................................... 97
Aloe Vera ................................................................................................................... 97
Bromelain ................................................................................................................. 98
Butcher’s Broom .................................................................................................... 98
Calendula .................................................................................................................. 98
Collinsonia Root ..................................................................................................... 99
Cranesbill .................................................................................................................. 99
Dandelion.................................................................................................................. 99
Horse Chestnut ....................................................................................................... 99
Horsetail ..................................................................................................................100
Japanese Pagoda Tree .......................................................................................100
Mint ...........................................................................................................................100
Ginger .......................................................................................................................100
Pilewort ...................................................................................................................101
Plantain ....................................................................................................................101
Psyllium ...................................................................................................................101
Witch Hazel ............................................................................................................101
Yam ............................................................................................................................102
Traditional Chinese Medicine to the Rescue................................................102
Cold Compresses .................................................................................................103
Fu Fang Jing Wash ...............................................................................................103
By Zhon Yi Qi Wan ..............................................................................................103
Horse Chestnut .....................................................................................................104
Bananas ...................................................................................................................104
Fargelin ....................................................................................................................104
Step Three: Internal Cleansing ..........................................................................106
Why Cleanse? ........................................................................................................106
Cleansing and Hemorrhoids ...........................................................................107
What Is Fasting? ...................................................................................................107
Why Should You Fast? .......................................................................................108
Types Of Fasting ..................................................................................................109
General Fasting Guidelines..............................................................................110
Three-Day Juice Cleanse ...................................................................................114
The Holy Grail Of The Hemorrhoids No More™ Juicing Plan ............115
During The Juice Cleanse .................................................................................122
Helping The Organs Of Elimination Remove Toxins ............................124
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Preventing Re-Absorption of Toxins into the Blood Stream ............127
Psyllium, Flaxseeds and Bentonite Shakes ...............................................130
Getting Rid Of Parasites – One-Week Program ......................................133
Step Four: Kill Candida and Flood Your System With Probiotics .......135
5-Steps to Building A Candida-Free Environment ................................135
Anti-Candida Supplements..............................................................................138
Replenishing And Re-Colonizing Friendly Bacteria .............................141
Step Five: Relaxation, Training, Message and Lifestyle Changes .......145
Stress Control ........................................................................................................145
Reducing Stress ....................................................................................................146
Control Your Anger.............................................................................................148
Meditation And Correct Breathing...............................................................149
Meditation Through Breathing ......................................................................152
Breathing Exercises ............................................................................................153
Meditation Through Imagination .................................................................154
Meditation Through Mantra ...........................................................................154
Stress Control Through Mind Techniques ................................................156
Sleep Optimization Plan ...................................................................................162
My Sleep Optimization Plan ............................................................................163
Exercising for Colon Health ............................................................................165
Straining and Toilet Training .........................................................................166
Tummy Massage ..................................................................................................168
Thermotherapy ....................................................................................................169
Posture .....................................................................................................................169
Appendix I: .....................................................................................................................171
Alternative Medical Treatments for Hemorrhoids........................................171
Homeopathy ..............................................................................................................171
Acupuncture ..............................................................................................................172
Yoga ...............................................................................................................................173
Inversion Therapy ...................................................................................................174
Terms to Know .............................................................................................................175
| Hemorrhoid No More | By Jessica Wright
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Why Hemorrhoids Are Nothing to
Be Ashamed Of
I stood in the pharmacy aisle, staring at the package. Dare I pick it up and
bravely head toward the counter? For just a split second I thought about stuffing
it into my jacket and walking out the door. But what would be more embarrassing
-- getting caught buying Preparation H or getting caught stealing it? I could see
the headlines now: Local health writer turns research into crime!
I had hit a new low and I knew it. The problem wasn’t money. I certainly had
enough cash on hand to make this important purchase. The problem was more
complicated than that: I was embarrassed to admit that I not only had
hemorrhoids, but I was suffering with them and needed relief -- fast!
Why are we so ashamed to admit that yes, we have hemorrhoids? Nearly half of
the population will suffer with hemorrhoids at some point of their lives, so why do
we feel the need to hide our affliction?
Hemorrhoids are more common than you might think. Sit in a roomful of
strangers and look around. Now consider this startling fact: nearly 80% of the
| Hemorrhoid No More | By Jessica Wright
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people around you have had some sort of colon rectal issue – including
hemorrhoids – at some point in their lives. Unfortunately, most of them suffer in
silence. That is a lot of people hiding a big pain in the butt – literally!
Hemorrhoids may be a subject not easily talked about, but that doesn’t mean
they are not causing a lot of unnecessary suffering. Why tolerate the pain and
discomfort of hemorrhoids when there is help available? Don’t let
embarrassment or shame keep you from finding the relief you need and deserve.
What This Book Is About
When you picked up this book you may have thought that it was about finding
relief for your hemorrhoids. Well, it isn’t! Yes, we will discuss practical ways to
find relief, but this book offers more than some temporary relief. Instead of using
a cream or lotion to ease the discomfort you feel, wouldn’t you rather put an end
to your suffering once and for all?
The Hemorrhoids Book is designed to help you figure out the cause of your
hemorrhoids so you can both prevent and cure them for good.
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How to Find the Information You Need
Organized in an easy-to-read; easy-to-follow format, The Hemorrhoids Book is
divided into five main sections, offering important information and practical help
regarding every aspect of hemorrhoid diagnosis, prevention and treatment.
In Section One you will learn everything you need to know about hemorrhoids -and a few things you probably never wanted to know! This section will explain
what hemorrhoids are (and aren’t); the differences between a hemorrhoid and a
fissure; the lessons to be learned from constipation and the main causes for your
Once you understand hemorrhoids more, section two will cover conventional
treatments and surgery by delving into the signs and symptoms of external and
internal hemorrhoids; risk factors; diagnostic procedures; medications and more.
For those who want to take care of their hemorrhoids on their own – or can not
wait for a doctor to prescribe the right relief, Section Three will offer a 48-hour
quick fix that outlines a variety of recipes for hemorrhoid care including several
fast-acting ointments and cures that can be used at home.
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Taking the quick-fix option a step further, Section Four offers an intensive 3-step
holistic approach to freeing yourself of hemorrhoids and constipation.
Step One talks about the dietary changes that can be used to optimize
digestions and keep hemorrhoids at bay.
Step Two discusses herbal and vitamin relief as well as the ways
Traditional Chinese Medicine can be used to help the body treat
hemorrhoids on its own more naturally.
Step Three explains the importance of cleansing and detoxifying the liver
in order to cure your hemorrhoids for good.
Step Four shows you exactly how to get rid of Candida infection and the
importance of flooding your system with probiotics.
In addition to these important treatment options, step five will also include
discussions on the following:
a. using stress control as a hemorrhoid preventer
b. the importance of exercise
c. getting enough sleep
d. the dangers of straining and tips of training your body to use the toilet
e. implementing tummy massage
f. Thermotherapy
g. the reasons why your posture could be causing your problem
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h. habits to avoid
Of course, no discussion on hemorrhoid treatment would be complete without
covering these important topics in Section Four:
Inversion Therapy
To ensure that you have all of the information you need to treat your
hemorrhoids, we have also included a Glossary and Links & Resources Section
in the back of the book for you to use.
Why I Wrote This Book: My Story
With so many topics to write about, why choose something as difficult and
embarrassing as hemorrhoids? Simple. I know how it feels to suffer from this
painful condition and I wanted to put my research ability and my personal
experience together to write a book that could help myself and others finally find
relief. So I set out on a journey to discover anything (and everything) that I could
related to hemorrhoids. While looking for my own relief I discovered much, much
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more. I found a real cure. No, not just something to alleviate my symptoms for
awhile, but an honest to goodness way to rid myself of hemorrhoids forever.
Now I’m going to share my newfound knowledge with you! If you are ready to
leave behind the pain, discomfort and embarrassment of hemorrhoids than turn
the page. There’s no time to lose. Relief is waiting!
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Chapter One:
Everything You Need to Know
About Hemorrhoids
If you have picked up this book, the odds are good that you either suffer from
hemorrhoids yourself, or you are intimately close to someone who does and are
ready to end the cycle of pain and suffering they can cause. Before we can
discuss the natural ways in which you can cure your hemorrhoids, it is important
to understand what they are and what causes them.
I know, I know, some of your reading this book may find a detailed chapter on the
makings of a hemorrhoid rather distasteful. But trust me when I say, the more
you understand what they are (and aren’t), the better prepared you will be to find
the hemorrhoid treatment that will work best for you.
What Are Hemorrhoids?
When you think of hemorrhoids, you may think they are some strange and
disgusting growth inside your anal cavity. That assumption would be completely
false. Not really a growth at all, hemorrhoids are simply the veins inside of the
rectum. Everyone has them. As a matter of fact, we have a lot of them!
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The hemorrhoidal plexus is the place in the rectum where this intricate weave of
veins connect together in a sort of web, keeping the blood flow constant between
that area and the rest of the body.
The veins inside of the rectal opening are called internal hemorrhoidal veins;
while the ones located outside of the rectal opening are called external
hemorrhoidal veins.
The odds are that you never even noticed that these veins
existed, until they became inflamed, causing the problem most people refer to as
The same kind of varicose veins we see protruding from the skin in our legs,
hemorrhoids are merely protruding internal or external veins that have become
irritated and inflamed due to a specific cause. When severe, they can cause
intense pain, stinging and even bleeding and must be dealt with. Even a minor
case of hemorrhoids, however, should not be ignored. They are a sign that
something in the body is not working properly and needs your attention.
Types of Hemorrhoids
Although they may feel similar, not every hemorrhoid is alike. First, there are
internal and external ones. Internal hemorrhoids are enlarged veins which
protrude (or prolapse) out of the opening of the anus.
They usually hurt and
can even bleed.
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External hemorrhoids usually do not hurt, but can cause some bleeding, itching
and even a bit of discharge. On occasion, a blood clot can develop within the
vein, which feels like a hard marble in and around the anus. This is caused a
thrombosed hemorrhoid and can be extremely painful. Depending on their
severity, a thrombosed hemorrhoid may need to be removed surgically.
Within these two hemorrhoidal groups are several classifications or grades of
severity for hemorrhoids. They include:
Grade One:
this is the least painful and problematic of all hemorrhoid
grades. Symptoms include a slight enlargement of the hemorrhoidal
veins, with the possibility of some slight bleeding.
Grade Two:
during this stage of hemorrhoidal growth, hemorrhoids
prolapse during straining, but recede on their own.
Grade Three:
a more complicated and painful type of hemorrhoid, in
grade the vein prolepses and must be manually pushed back in. Bleeding
usually occurs.
Grade Four:
the most painful of all hemorrhoids, grade four’s are so
large they are always noticeably protruding from the anus and bleed
frequently. They are also very painful.
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The Difference Between A Fissure and a
Most of us confuse fissures with hemorrhoids. After all, they both cause pain and
discomfort in the same bodily region and can result in rectal bleeding. It is
important, however, to understand that they are not the same thing.
As we have already discussed, a hemorrhoid is a varicose vein in or around the
rectum. A fissure is a small tear in the hemorrhoid (vein) or the actual intestinal
wall. This is what causes the bleeding that is experienced with fissures.
Although they are not dangerous in and of themselves, fissures can be a sign of
a more serious problem and should be looked at by your doctor.
Some common causes for fissures include:
constipation or hardened stool
poor digestion ( which causes foods and waste travelling through the
intestine to become acidic)
Crohn’s Disease
Irritable Bowe Syndrome
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Is Constipation Causing Your Hemorrhoids?
Constipation is the #1 cause of hemorrhoids, making it vitally important to learn
what causes those stools so hard to pass in order to alleviate a whole host of
Maybe you have never thought of constipation as a real problem. Let me assure
you that it is! Left untreated, constipation can lead to a variety of problems
ranging from a simple upset stomach and some bloating to rheumatoid arthritis, a
lowered immune system, colitis, diverticulitis and even appendicitis.
Every time you eat, your body produces a certain amount of waste. Left inside
the colon for too long, this waste material becomes a breeding ground for
bacteria, which can lead to illness and afflictions such as:
chronic headaches
bad breath
mouth ulcers
lower back pain
varicose veins
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Being constipated is a signal from your body that your digestive system is not
working properly. Maybe it is a temporary problem, or maybe it is chronic. Either
way it is important to listen to what your body is telling you and take action.
Most of us know the common symptoms of mild constipation (bloating, stomach
distention and basic malaise), but did you also know that constipation can cause
these other symptoms?
low appetite (or cravings for certain foods)
muscle aches and headaches
a dry mouth
low blood sugar
mood swings
And of course, hemorrhoids!
While these are the most common symptoms of irregular constipation, some
people are constipated so often that they do not even recognize its signs. To
determine if you may suffer from chronic constipation, ask yourself these
important questions:
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1. Do I often feel the urge “to go” but can’t?
2. Do I have less than 1-3 bowel movements per day?
3. Are my stools hard?
4. Are my stools of an irregular shape?
5. Is the amount of my excretion very small compared to the amount of food I
If you answered yes to one or more of the questions above, you may suffer from
chronic constipation. To obtain optimal colon health, most experts agree that
most people should have between 1-2 soft bowel movements per day. If not,
there may be a problem.
Not getting rid of the toxins sitting in your colon can wreak havoc on your health
and well-being. So be sure to take your symptoms seriously. Your well being
may depend on it.
So what causes constipation? It is almost always a patient’s diet. Without
enough fiber and roughage (you know the stuff found in fresh fruits and veggies),
the body is unable to keep things moving through the intestines fast enough to
flush the colon properly.
That said there are three things you can do right now to help move things along.
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Tip # 1:
High fiber foods help to absorb more water within the body, which
acts as a stimulant to our natural plumbing. Eating more low-starch foods,
carbohydrates and natural food products can all help to lubricate your pipes and
keep toxins and bacteria from building up in your colon.
Tip # 2:
Moist foods move more quickly through the intestines and colon than
dry foods. Eating things that are either already moist, or are designed to absorb
water in the body can help keep you regular.
Tip # 3:
Add some oil to your diet. Believe it or not, ingesting some sort of
food oil on a regular basis can help lubricate your system and keep in running
What’s Causing Your Hemorrhoids
Certainly, constipation is a big reason for many of the hemorrhoid outbreaks in
the world, but it is not the only cause for this painful condition. Here are 10 of
the most common causes of hemorrhoids and other colon-related problems:
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Dietary Choices, Over-Acidity and Sluggish Digestion
Stools become hard and difficult to pass when you don’t eat enough fiber and
roughage. This can cause hemorrhoids. Therefore, it is very important to eat a
well-balanced diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables. Drinking lots of water too is
important to keeping bowel movements regular enough to avoid hemorrhoids.
A diet high in refined carbohydrates, processed and toxic foods and low in fresh
fruits and vegetables affects biochemical processes within the cells, worsens
digestion and interferes with the natural toxic elimination process. Furthermore, it
also feeds Candida infection, which thrives on refined carbohydrates such as
sugar, white flour and white rice and can lead to Hemorrhoids since its
overgrowth causes fermentation in the colon and constipation.
Lack of nutrition is another factor. Our body needs to obtain about 40 essential
vitamins, minerals and nutrients to enable the cells in our bodies to fully function
and remain healthy. These nutrients mostly come from our diet since the body
cannot produce them by itself. When we eat more processed foods and less
foods with high nutritional value, the immune system declines. With a weakened
defense system, we make it easier for Candida to multiply and aggravate
digestive problems and hemorrhoids.
Over-acidity in the digestive system, usually due to a diet high in acidic foods, is
another major factor. A state of over-acidity causes the blood to become sludgy
and thick, creating the ideal environment for Candida overgrowth (more on the
acid-alkaline balance later), making the stomach content more acidic, which in
turn causes more damage when it contacts the lining of the intestines.
When our digestion is optimized, it helps in expulsion of yeasts and bacteria.
When our digestive system is sluggish due to several factors discussed in later
chapters, undigested food and rotten food particles that circle the blood stream
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and are stored in the digestive tract will accelerate many disease symptoms
including Candida and Hemorrhoids.
Candida Albicans Overgrowth
Hemorrhoids originate in the colon. It’s also the result of years and years of a
fungal yeast infection that builds up in the colon. When Candida albicans turn
from yeast to fungi, they depress the immune system and produce more than 79
distinct toxins that may be responsible for many of the symptoms that Candida
sufferers have including hemorrhoids. When Candida gets out of control, it
breaks through the intestinal walls and travels throughout the body. It can attach
itself to the genital areas, the mouth and the anus among many other parts of the
The following is a simple and easy-to-use home test for Candida:
First thing in the morning and on an empty stomach (no food or liquids allowed),
find a clear glass and fill it with mineral or reverse osmosis water. Next, work out
a generous amount of saliva and spit into the glass.
Leave the glass of water aside for a period of up to an hour. If you have a mild
case of Candida yeast infection, you will see strings in the form of legs that travel
down into the water. If you have a systematic advanced case of Candida yeast
infection, you will see your saliva sink to the bottom of the glass.
Bear in mind that most people fail the test. I have failed it big time when I first
applied this self-diagnosis test. Only in rare cases or after you have eliminated
your Candida will the saliva remain floating on the water.
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Our constant exposure to thousands of toxins on a daily basis through the food
that we eat, the air that we breathe, the drugs that we take and the poor quality of
our water supply all lead to toxic buildup in the blood, lymph, kidneys and colon.
This leads to short-term and long-term health conditions. Among them are
You can take thousands of herbs, supplements and over-the-counters to combat
your hemorrhoids, but without cleansing your internal system and your digestive
tract in particular, it will be like painting a rusty car, and you will never get rid of
The root of all Western afflictions is “auto-intoxification” caused by a huge
amount of undigested food and dead fecal matter trapped inside your intestinal
tract, along with a potentially sluggish digestive system. As mentioned earlier,
poor digestion is one of the main hemorrhoids contributing factors along with
other ailments.
By the time you have cleansed your internal system, your detoxification process
and your immune system will vastly improve, and your digestion will become
enhanced. You will feel more energetic and healthier, and conditions such as
hemorrhoids will become a thing of the past.
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Being Too Fat (obesity)
Here is one more reason to keep your weight in check – carrying extra pelvic and
abdominal weight can put pressure on the pelvic veins which can cause
Not Moving Enough (exercise)
Being sedentary; sitting for long periods of time at a desk -- or even standing all
day in the same basic position -- can cause your muscles to lose much of their
elasticity, which can in turn make it harder to pass stools properly.
It is not at all uncommon for a woman to experience hemorrhoids throughout
pregnancy, especially during the last trimester when the extra weight of her
uterus begins to bear down on veins in the rectum.
Holding It (postponing a bowel movement)
If you are in the habit of holding your bowel movements for any reason you may
be setting yourself up for hemorrhoids. While it is okay to hold off on a bowel
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movement once in awhile, doing so regularly can cause backed up fecal matter
to harden which can create pressure in the muscles and veins in and around the
Straining due to constipation or hardened stools can (and will) cause rectal
swelling, which can eventually lead to tears in the hemorrhoidal veins, thus
causing hemorrhoids.
As discussed, constipation (or irregular bowel movements), can cause swelling of
muscles and veins in and around the anus, that, when torn, by straining and
passing of hard stools can cause hemorrhoids.
Although diarrhea is loose and easy to pass, it is often quite acidic which can
also cause swelling of the veins in the rectum.
Diseases and Illness
There are several diseases and ailments which can cause hemorrhoids. Here
are just a few:
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colon rectal cancer
intestinal tumors
heart ailments
irritable bowel syndrome
liver disease
Stress and Inadequate Sleep
Stress invoked either by inadequate sleep, emotional issues, anxiety or pressure
in your daily routine have been scientifically proven to trigger digestive problems,
weaken the immune system and encourage Candida overgrowth (because the
body releases a hormone called cortisol, making your body defenseless against
Candida), which can contribute to Hemorrhoids.
Stress also elevates blood sugar levels that feed Candida cells and changes our
bacterial internal environment in the gut as it decreases the friendly bacteria and
allows Candida to take over, resulting in the aggravation of Hemorrhoids.
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Your Family Tree (genetics)
Some people are simply born with weak veins. Those with weak veins are more
susceptible to hemorrhoids, especially in combination with other risk factors such
as standing or sitting a lot.
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Chapter Two:
Diagnosing and Treating Your
Hemorrhoids the Conventional
You think that you have hemorrhoids, but you aren’t completely sure – and you
certainly don’t want to ask anyone you know about it! Lucky for you we have a
complete list of the signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids for you.
Keep in mind that the most common symptoms of hemorrhoids sometimes mimic
more serious afflictions like rectal cancer, abscesses, intestinal disease and liver
ailments. That is why it is very important to have your doctor verify any
suspicions you may of hemorrhoids.
So, what are the symptoms that most hemorrhoid sufferers experience? Here
are the most common:
a mucus discharge
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extreme discomfort when defecating
protrusion of soft tissue from the anus
As we already mentioned, there are two basic types of hemorrhoids: internal and
external. Let’s take a closer look at each (figuratively, that is):
Internal Hemorrhoids
Most of the time internal hemorrhoids are not painful at all. Some people do not
even know they have them until they notice blood in their stools and go to the
doctor to investigate its cause.
Caused by the swelling of the small veins inside of the anus, internal
hemorrhoids usually stay inside the rectal cavity, but may protrude if they get
large enough. This can be very painful. Once they protrude from the anus, the
muscles there may tighten, actually strangling it, which is excruciating. Since
blood flow can be inhibited, prompt medical treatment is necessary to avoid
further physical damage.
The symptoms of an internal hemorrhoid are:
bright red streaks of blood in your stools
extreme itching
a mucus-like discharge from the rectum
bulging tissues from the anus
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extreme pain (as in the case of a strangulated hemorrhoid)
External Hemorrhoids
As its name suggests, an external hemorrhoid is found outside of the anal canal.
It appears much like a hard lump that seems to pop out of the anus. This is due
to the clotting of blood within the inflamed veins.
The symptoms of an external hemorrhoid include:
severe pain in and around the anus
extreme itching
rectal swelling
the appearance of a purple or bluish lump protruding from the anus
a burning sensation
Diagnosis and Prognosis
Although extremely common, hemorrhoids should never be taken lightly. Most
resolve themselves over time; but some may be a cause for concern and need to
be dealt with by a medical expert.
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A serious hemorrhoidal outbreak may cause more than some itching and
discomfort. In some cases intestinal bleeding may occur. This usually presents
itself with maroon, black or tarry looking stools. Dizziness and even fainting may
also occur, especially with more extensive bleeding. In the most severe cases,
hemorrhoids can be an indicator of a more serious problem like colon cancer or
intestinal issues.
When in doubt about the severity of your hemorrhoids, seek help. You can see
your family doctor, a gastroenterologist or a proctologist for a complete exam and
How are hemorrhoids diagnosed? In the vast majority of cases it takes little else
than a physical exam to confirm hemorrhoids and devise a treatment plan. In
some cases, especially when other medical conditions are suspected, one or
more of the following diagnostic tests may be required.
A Digital Rectal Exam
The most common form of hemorrhoid diagnosis, the digital rectal exam is
performed in the doctor’s office using a gloved and lubricated finger to check for
rectal abnormalities or hemorrhoid growths.
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The Anoscope
When a better look is needed, the doctor may choose to bring out an anoscope
(a lighted tube that is inserted into the anus) for a more thorough look of the
rectal area. Usually done in the doctor’s office, this simple procedure may be a
bit embarrassing, but doesn’t cause much (if any) discomfort.
The Proctoscope
If a detailed look of the rectum is needed, a proctoscope may be used. This
allows the physician to see the entire rectum and what may be growing inside of
A Sigmoidoscopy
Also performed in a doctor’s office, the sigmoidoscopy involves the insertion of a
long tube into the rectum with a light and camera attached. This allows the
doctor to view the lower part of the colon.
A Colonoscopy
If a more severe issue is suspected, than the doctor may order a colonoscopy,
which is performed in a hospital setting under some type of anesthesia. This
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requires inserting a lighted tube with a camera attached into the entire colon to
view its entirety. Since the procedure can be uncomfortable, patients are put to
sleep during it.
Ruling Out Other Conditions
One of the most important reasons why you should see a doctor about your
hemorrhoids is to be able to rule out other – more serious – conditions. Until you
know for certain that the symptoms you are experiencing are indeed due to
hemorrhoids, than you can not treat your condition successfully.
A lot of the symptoms associated with hemorrhoids can disguise other ailments
including a variety of intestinal disease, anorectal problems; STD’s, a variety of
cancers and Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. In order to treat your hemorrhoids
correctly, you need to rule out these other symptom causers and get the right
Some of the diseases that can confuse patients experiencing hemorrhoid-like
symptoms include:
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Anorectal Abscess
Most commonly confused with a hemorrhoid, an anorectal abscess is caused
when fecal matter gets trapped in the glands of the sphincter muscles of the anal
canal and begins to breed bacteria. It causes pus, swelling and a distinctive
bulge in the rectum. Sound familiar? Since it is a bacterial infection that can
make you very sick if left untreated, an abscess like this must be drained by a
A tear in the anal canal, a fissure can grow worse as you strain the muscles
surrounding it. Symptoms include a burning sensation during and after a bowel
movement, swelling and bleeding. Although most small fissures tend to heal on
their own, larger ones that become infected must be fixed with surgery to prevent
a more serious condition.
Harmless growths in the intestines and rectum, polyps can cause some mucus
discharge, bleeding, pain and changes in bowel habits. It is very important to
have any polyps found removed, since they can become cancerous in the future.
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More common than many people realize, colon-rectal cancer is extremely deadly.
What makes this type of cancer so dangerous is that its early signs mimic
hemorrhoids, making most people dismiss their symptoms until they become too
severe to handle on their own. This may be one of the most important reasons to
discuss your hemorrhoids (and symptoms) with your doctor.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD’s)
Some of the most common STD’s out there have the same exact symptoms as
hemorrhoids. Take Chlamydia, for example. It causes rectal bleeding, infection,
pain and anal discharge. Anal warts too cause bleeding, itching, pain, and a
fleshy growth around the anus. Even syphilis begins with a wart or infection in
the anal canal which can be dismissed as a hemorrhoid.
So, how can you be sure that what you are experiencing is truly non-dangerous
hemorrhoids and nothing more serious?
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Check Your Stools First!
One of the best ways to determine if you have hemorrhoids or not is to check
your stools. Yes indeed, you can tell a lot about what is going on in your body
by the color, formation, texture, size and frequency of your stools.
The color of your stools can tell you a lot about what you eat, but it can also tell
you when things are going wrong somewhere in your body. One of the best
ways to track the reasons for color changes in your stools is to keep a food diary.
When some new hue comes up (or out), be sure to check first to see if you ate
something which could be causing the change. If not, consult with your doctor,
especially if you notice the following:
Yellow Stools – this could indicate improper liver function. If your liver isn’t
making enough bile, the stool will often turn yellow(ish).
Green – while many foods can turn your stool a greenish hue, it can also be a
sign of improper digestion.
Black – always report a black stool to your doctor since the most likely cause is
blood or some sort of internal bleeding.
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So what color stool should you be striving for? For optimum health, human
stools should be a milk-chocolate coloring.
The shape of your stool is very important when it comes to detecting health
problems. A perfect stool has a bit of an s-shaped squiggle at the very end,
where it has been allowed to mold to the intestinal sigmoid while waiting to be
Stool texture is a good indicator as to how well you are digesting the foods that
you eat. The healthiest stool texture resembles a wet clump of earth. Anything
softer and you are eating too many dense foods; and anything harder and more
formed suggests that you are not eating enough fibrous, water-soluble foods.
S i ze
So, how big should your stools be? Although the amount and size of your stools
should be in direct proportion to how much you eat, a person taking in app. 2000
calories a day should excrete about 2-3 ten inch logs per sitting, with a width
about the size of the circle made when you connect your thumb and index finger
together. Those eating an extremely high fiber diet may pass even larger stools!
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Proper Evacuation
In order to alleviate hemorrhoids, it is important that your body learns how to
easily evacuate its waste. If you can not pass your stool within two minutes,
there may be a problem. The entire toilet sitting should take no longer than 5-6
minutes. Otherwise, you are at risk of developing hemorrhoids.
Are You At Risk for Hemorrhoids?
As we have already discussed, there are a lot of things that can cause the veins
in your anus to become irritated and inflamed. That, of course, does not mean
that you will actually get hemorrhoids if you experience some of these causing
effects. But it may put you at risk for them. By the same token, not exhibiting
any of the following risk factors does not guarantee that you will never
experience hemorrhoids. The following list is simply a guide to show you what
may be putting you at a higher risk for getting hemorrhoids than someone else:
Irregular Bowel Movements.
Both constipation and diarrhea
can make your strain, thus increasing the chance of inflaming the
hemorrhoidal veins in and around the anus.
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Extra pressure on the rectum.
Anything that puts pressure on
the rectum such as extra weight, pregnancy, sitting or standing for long
periods of time, etc. can all be contributing factors toward hemorrhoids.
Poor blood flow/circulation.
Any condition that may decrease
blood flow in the pelvic region (heart disease, liver disease, poor
circulation), can all cause blood to back-up, thus inflaming the veins.
Anal Sex.
The forced pressure and possible rupture of small veins in
the anus from anal intercourse can cause hemorrhoids.
A Poor Diet.
Not eating enough fiber can (and will) cause your stools
to become harder than they should, thus causing more straining and
constipation, which can cause hemorrhoids.
What Can Help (Treatment Options)
One thing is for certain, there is no shortage of hemorrhoid treatment options
available today. From the most high-tech treatment option and surgery to allnatural homeopathic relief, sufferers have a wide range of options to choose from
these days.
For many, a home treatment strategy is preferred. First, they tend to be easier
(and cheaper) to use; plus they can be implemented in the privacy of your own
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home. For fast relief, many sufferers turn to homemade ointments and creams
for help, while they begin to change their lifestyle using these simple tips:
Eat more fiber (this includes adding more fresh fruits and vegetables to
your diet)
Drink more water (50-64 ounces per day)
Use a stool softener
Wear loose-fitting underwear
Get up and move around -- especially if you sit for long periods of time
behind a desk
Exercise regularly
Easing the Pain – Fast!
In the coming chapters we will give you simple recipes to make your own longlasting hemorrhoid creams and lotions. But, in the meantime, here are a few
things that can bring instant relief: Butcher’s broom, Horse Chestnut and Witch
Help for Severe Hemorrhoids
If you suffer from severe hemorrhoids, the odds are that you have already tried
the simple measures above (and a few more), and need some extra help. In
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some cases, surgery may be necessary (more on that in a moment), but in most
cases, even hard-to-treat hemorrhoids can be reduced in size by using one of the
following treatment options:
A very common therapy used to shrink the blood vessels surrounding the
hemorrhoid, schlerotherpy involves injecting the area surrounding the inflamed
blood vessels with a chemical anti-inflammatory.
Infrared Coagulation
Under this treatment, hemorrhoids are actually burned away using ultraviolet
heat waves.
Also called rubber band ligation, banding involves attaching a rubber band
around the base of the hemorrhoid, thus cutting off its blood flow, actually killing
Used much in the same way a doctor would freeze off a wart, this simple
procedure is used to actually freeze the hemorrhoid until it falls off on its own.
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Surgery to the Rescue
When you have tried the other options listed above and nothing seems to offer
permanent relief; or your hemorrhoids become too big, your doctor may
recommend a Hemorrhoidectomy. Used in only the severest hemorrhoid cases,
this surgical procedure does have a long recovery period and can be painful.
However, it is usually successful.
Stapling is another surgical option, but it is fairly new and does not usually
resolve the problem permanently.
Finally, clot removal may be recommended to repair thrombosed hemorrhoids.
During this procedure, a small incision will be made so the surgeon can remove
the clot and then stitch the incision back together.
Medicines That Can Work
Maybe you have tried one of those over-the-counter creams to no avail. Take
heart. There are plenty of medicinal options that can be used to treat your
hemorrhoids and their painful symptoms. The trick is finding the one that works
for you.
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You may not realize it, but not every hemorrhoid cream is made the same. Some
contain astringents that help to coat the anus, providing a protective barrier,
which helps to relieve itching and reduce swelling.
Suppositories can also be used to lubricate the anal cavity, making it easier to
void, thus reducing the risk of more inflammation and giving the hemorrhoid a
chance to heal.
Protectorates such as Cocoa Butter, glycerin, mineral oil and the like are said to
reduce irritation around the anus during bowel movements.
Steroidal Creams such as hydrocortisone (a good anti-inflammatory), provide
relief from pain, itching and swelling for many. Iodine too can reduce pain.
When looking for a hemorrhoid cream that will work, check for these important
Vascoconstrictors. A natural chemical that resembles epinephrine,
vasoconstrictors help to reduce the size of the blood vessels in and around the
rectum. This reduces swelling and discomfort.
Antipruritics. Working by stimulating the cold receptors in the body and
suppressing receptors in the anus, antipruritics such as menthol, juniper tar and
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camphor helps to dilate the anus to reduce pressure on the rectal veins. One
side effect to this treatment however is sometimes anal leakage.
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