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Values, Attitudes, Job
Satisfaction, and
Counterproductive Work
Chapter Six
Schwartz’s Value Theory
• Schwartz’s Value Theory
• values are motivational in that they “represent broad goals that apply across
contexts and time
• there are 10 broad values that guide behavior
Definition of Values and Motives in
Schwartz’s Theory
Relationship among Schwartz’s Values
Value Conflicts
A Values Model of
Work–Family Conflict
A Values Model of
Work–Family Conflict
• Family values involve enduring beliefs about the importance of family
and who should play key family roles (e.g., child rearing,
housekeeping, and income earning).
• Work values center on the relative importance of work and career
goals in one’s life.
A Values Model of
Work–Family Conflict
• Value similarity
• Relates to the degree of consensus
among family members about
family values.
• Value congruence
• involves the amount of value
agreement between employee
and employer.
Practical Research Insights about Work–
Family Conflict
• Work–family balance begins at home
• An employer’s family-supportive philosophy is more important than
specific programs.
• Informal flexibility in work hours and in allowing people to work at
home is essential to promoting work–family balance.
Practical Research Insights about Work–
Family Conflict
• The importance of work–family balance varies across generations.
• Take a proactive approach to managing work–family conflict.
Organizational Response to
Work–family Issues
• Organizations have implemented a variety of family-friendly
programs and services aimed at helping employees balance the
interplay between their work and personal lives.
• Experts now believe that such efforts are partially misguided
because they focus on balancing work – family issues rather than
integrating them.
The Nature of Attitudes
• Attitude
• learned predisposition to respond in a consistently favorable or unfavorable
manner with respect to a given object
The Nature of Attitudes
• Affective component
• the feelings or emotions one has about an object or situation
• Cognitive component
• the evaluation or belief one has about an object or situation
• Behavioral component
• how one intends to act or behave toward someone or something
When Attitudes and Reality Collide:
Cognitive Dissonance
• Cognitive dissonance
• psychological discomfort a person experiences when his or her attitudes or
beliefs are incompatible with his or her behavior
Cognitive Dissonance
How people reduce dissonance
1. Change your attitude or behavior, or both
2. Belittle the importance of the inconsistent behavior
3. Find consonant elements that outweigh the dissonant ones
Alexa dreads going to work each day. She hates her job and her
supervisor, but will not take time to look for a different job. She is
experiencing ___________.
A.External locus of control
B.Cognitive dissonance
C.Internal locus of control
D.Halo error
How Stable are Attitudes?
Three factors accounted for middle-age attitude stability:
(1) greater personal certainty
(2) perceived abundance of knowledge
(3) a need for strong attitudes
Determinants of Intention
• Attitude toward the behavior
• the degree to which a person has a favorable or unfavorable evaluation or
appraisal of the behavior in question.
• Subjective norm
• refers to the perceived social pressure to perform or not to perform the
Determinants of Intention
• Degree of perceived behavior control
• perceived ease or difficulty of performing the behavior and it is assumed to
reflect past experience as well as anticipated impediments and obstacles
Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behavior
Organizational Commitment
• Organizational commitment
• reflects the extent to which an individual identifies with an organization and is
committed to its goals.
A Model of Organizational Commitment
Cultivating Employee Engagement
• Employee engagement
• “the harnessing of organization members’ selves to their work roles; in
engagement, people employ and express themselves physically, cognitively,
and emotionally during role performance.”
What Contributes to Employee
Employee engagement is caused by a host of variables that can be
separated into two categories:
• Personal factors
• Contextual or
What Contributes to Employee
• Personal characteristics found or thought to influence employee
engagement include positive or optimistic personalities, proactive
personality, conscientiousness, PE fit, and being present or mindful.
What Contributes to Employee
• Contextual factors include organizational culture, job security and
feelings of psychological safety, leader behavior
Causes of Job Satisfaction
• Job satisfaction
• an affective or emotional response
toward various facets of one’s job
Causes of Job Satisfaction
• Need fulfillment
• extent to which the characteristics of a job allow an individual to fulfill his or
her needs
• Discrepancies
• satisfaction is a result of met expectations
• Value attainment
• Extent to which a job allows fulfillment of one’s work values
Causes of Job Satisfaction
• Equity: satisfaction
• is a function of how “fairly” an individual is treated at work
• Dispositional/Genetic Components
• satisfaction is partly a function of both personal traits and genetic factors
Correlates of Job Satisfaction
Correlates of Job Satisfaction
• Organizational citizenship behavior
• employee behaviors that exceed work-role requirements
Denise works at Harvest Hope Food Bank and is committed to doing all
she can to help the organization fulfill its mission. She is high in
A.Withdrawal cognition
B.Organizational commitment
C.Organizational citizenship behavior
D.Job equity
Correlates of Job Satisfaction
• Withdrawal cognitions
• Represent an individual’s
overall thoughts and
feelings about quitting
Counterproductive Work Behavior
• Counterproductive work behavior
• represent types of behavior that harm employees, the organization as a
whole, or organizational stakeholders such as customers and shareholders.
Counterproductive Work Behavior
Drug and
alcohol abuse
Surfing the
Net for
personal use
Causes and Prevention of CWBs
• Diagnosis of conduct disorder in adolescence was associated with
• Personality traits and job conditions also could make CWBs more
• Employees are less likely to engage in CWBs if they had satisfying jobs
that offered autonomy—and more likely to engage in CWBs if they
had more resource power
Causes and Prevention of CWBs
• Organizations can limit CWBs by hiring individuals who are less prone
to engage in this type of behavior
• Organizations should ensure they are motivating desired behaviors
and not CWBs
• If an employee does engage in CWBs, the organization should
respond quickly and appropriately