Download Critical Prokaryotic Precursor Metabolites Metabolite Major Function

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Metabolite Glucose‐6‐phosphate Fructose‐6‐phosphate Ribose‐5‐phosphate Erythrose‐4‐phosphate Triose phosphate 3‐phosphoglycerate Oxaloacetate Acetyl‐CoA Succinyl CoA Phosphoenolpyruvate Pyruvate Critical Prokaryotic Precursor Metabolites Major Function Source Nucleotide synthesis Glycolysis, PPP Amino acid synthesis Glycolysis, PPP Microbial cell wall structure Nucleic acid synthesis PPP Amino acid synthesis PPP Lipid (i.e., cell wall) synthesis Glycolysis Amino acid synthesis Glycolysis, PPP Amino acid synthesis TCA cycle Lipid synthesis TAC cycle Major energy intermediate TCA cycle Amino acid synthesis Glycolysis “gateway” to TCA cycle Glycolysis Amino acid synthesis Amino acid synthesis TCA cycle α‐ketogluturate ‰ Precursor metabolites ƒ Intermediate products produced in catabolic pathways o Catabolism=breakdown of larger molecules for energy ƒ Used in anabolic pathways o Anabolism= construction of macromolecules using catabolic products 
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